Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 249 Preparing for Brewing

Chapter 249 Preparing for Brewing
Feeling the mood swings from Su Xian'er, especially the shy blush on his face, this made Wang Lei's mouth dry. After all, the general manager of Su's Winery is one of the rare Deserving beauty.

"Cough cough."

Wang Lei coughed heavily to relieve his embarrassment, and then said to Su Xian'er, "Manager Su, don't you want to talk to me about the cooperation?"

Following Wang Lei's words, the general manager of Su's Distillery who was standing next to him reacted immediately, raised his head quickly, looked at Wang Lei, and said, "Mmm, yes."

"Sit down and talk."

Wang Lei couldn't help being taken aback by the rapid change of emotions on his body.

Looking at Su Xian'er with admiration, although this woman looks delicate, she is actually very strong inside, far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

"Mr. Wang, can you talk about the specific cooperation?"

Just when Wang Lei fell into astonishment, Su Xian'er's voice sounded from the side.

Wang Lei hurriedly calmed down, and said to Su Xian'er: "That's it, didn't we have a heavy rain a while ago, and the wheat that the farmers were about to harvest was greatly reduced, and the quality of the wheat was also affected. They begged me to help , So I bought all the wheat from the victims. It’s just that some severely affected wheat is no longer suitable for making food, so I want to use it to cooperate with Manager Su to see if it can be used to make wine. "

After Wang Lei's words came out, Su Xian'er's eyebrows twitched twice, a little surprised.

I'm already a little sullen in my heart. I used the broken wheat to cooperate with me. Isn't this deliberately trying to ruin my business!
Thinking that Su's Distillery is struggling now, and now that Wang Lei has proposed such an outrageous idea, Su Xian'er was furious.

However, soon after, Su Xian'er calmed down the anger in her heart. Although she had not been in contact with Wang Lei for a long time, she had already sent someone to understand Wang Lei. This person seemed ordinary, but in fact , but very smart and capable.

If he didn't have full confidence in this matter, he probably wouldn't contact him.

"In this case, let's try it out. If possible, I really want to cooperate with you, Mr. Wang."

Following Su Xian'er's words, Wang Lei's expression was shocked. He did not expect that the woman in front of him would be so happy.

When he said those words just now, Wang Lei was already aware of the problems in his words, and he should not have directly stated to Su Xianer that he wanted to use the damaged wheat to cooperate with her. After those words were finished, Wang Lei She was already ready to explain, but she never expected that Su Xian'er would say these words at this time.

"Hehe, Manager Su is really bold, without any hesitation, and without any anger."

Wang Lei smiled at Su Xian'er, and then said again: "But Manager Su, you can rest assured that I am here to help Su's Winery, and I will never do anything to harm your winery. Just now When I came here, I had already prepared some samples, and now I will take them to the factory and let your employees try brewing."

Su Xian'er listened to Wang Lei's words, and secretly rejoiced for her decision just now. Wang Lei really made enough preparations, and even brought the samples.

"Okay, let's try it out now."

Su Xian'er giggled at Wang Lei, now that the Su's winery no longer had the glory it once had, and was facing the danger of closing down, instead of continuing like this, it's better to see how capable the farmer in front of him is.

Anyway, the worst plan is not to bring the winery back to life.

"Manager Su, go to the factory and wait for me now, and now I'll take the wheat over there."

After saying this, Wang Lei turned around and walked out of the office.

Seeing Wang Lei's back, Su Xian'er suddenly felt a surge of excitement, hurriedly stepped up, followed, walked out of the office, turned to the right, and walked into the brewery room.

"Hey, Manager Su, what happened to you, you are so happy?"

When Su Xian'er just walked into the workshop, a loud voice had already entered the ears of this beautiful woman.

Looking back, I saw an old man with white hair and a childlike face, staring at him with a smile.

"Uncle Kang, now I may have found a way to bring our winery back to life."

Without any hesitation, Su Xian'er said almost subconsciously after seeing the old man, with strong excitement in her voice.

This made Kang Hong startled, and the playfulness on his face was instantly replaced by seriousness.

Having worked in Su's Winery for half his life, he has witnessed the glory and trough of this old brand winery. At this moment, when he heard that Su's Winery was able to reverse the trough, Kang Hong's eyes instantly burst into joy.

"Really, then Manager Su, please tell me quickly."

Kang Hong urgently urged Su Xian'er, "What method did you think of to bring our winery back to life?"

Following Kang Hong's words, the people standing around who were unhurriedly sorting out their work instantly turned around and looked towards Su Xian'er.

"What, Manager Su thought of turning around the distillery's plight?"

"Really, this is great!"

"Manager Su, hurry up and tell us to make everyone happy..."

Su Xian'er usually treats these employees without the slightest airs, but at this time, these employees are a little out of order.

However, this didn't affect Su Xian'er's mood. She glanced at the people in front of her one by one, then coughed heavily, and said, "A man came to contact me just now, saying that he has brewed fine wine in his hand. The source of goods..."

While speaking, Wang Lei appeared in sight with a bulging sack in one hand.

"Everyone, let me introduce to everyone. This is the nobleman of our Su's Winery."

"Wang Lei, Mr. Wang!"

In Su Xian'er's words, the employees of Su's Winery were stunned, and their eyes were fixed on the poorly dressed farmer in front of them.

"This...he will be the nobleman of our winery..."

"No way, this doesn't look like a capable person, but rather like a beggar..."

Some people began to whisper, while Kang Hong kept looking at Wang Lei.

I have learned from Su Xian'er before that after Su Xian'er was in a car accident, it was this young man who helped to advance the full 10 yuan.

Although he was dressed poorly, he was definitely not an ordinary person.

"That's right. With his wealth, it's rare to be able to maintain a simple style."

Kang Hong praised Wang Lei.

(End of this chapter)

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