Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 250 Extreme Wheat

Chapter 250 Extreme Wheat
Convoy has a pivotal position in Su's winery and is also a senior winemaker.

As his soft words spread to the ears of the surrounding people, the staff of Su's Distillery who were secretly laughing at Wang Lei just now were stunned.

Can't help but look back towards Kang Hong.

"I heard you right, Master Kang is actually praising this person..."

"It seems that we all misjudged. Although this farmer is dressed in shabby clothes, he is definitely not an ordinary person. Otherwise, he will never be able to fall into the eyes of Master Kang..."

Wang Lei listened to the whispers of the people in front of him, and turned his head to smile at the old man with the white hair and youthful face standing beside Su Xian'er.

Kang Hong saw Wang Lei's actions in his eyes, and his eyes were more appreciative.Being able to face the ridicule of the crowd and still maintain this calm, this mentality is not something anyone can possess.

"Mr. Wang, what you are mentioning are the materials that you plan to use for experiment brewing?"

Kang Hong said directly to Wang Lei without any greetings.

"Yes, it is the sample used for the test."

While speaking, Wang Lei had already put the bag on the ground and made a dull sound.


Kang Hong sucked in a breath of cold air. Just by the sound he made, he could tell that the sample Wang Lei brought was not light. "Mr. Wang is really strong."

Kang Hong sincerely praised Wang Lei. He was able to lift a weight of more than one hundred catties with one hand. Few people could match this arm strength.

"Okay, you guys quickly take these wheat over to ferment."

At this moment, Su Xian'er, who had been standing by the side without speaking, spoke out.

After her words came out, Kang Hong came back to his senses immediately, and hurriedly walked towards Wang Lei, unfastened the mouth of the bag, and was about to see how this poorly dressed but courageous young man could do it. What kind of raw materials can be provided to make Su Xian'er think that it can bring Su's winery back to life.

When Kang Hong untied the rope of the bag and saw the wheat inside, he froze in place for an instant.


Almost at the same time, Kang Hong's face became embarrassed and embarrassing.

"Mr. Wang, did you take the wrong sample?"

Kang Hong swallowed hard, then turned his head and asked Wang Lei.

Su Xian'er saw the expression on Kang Hong's face, smiled wryly, and explained: "Master Kang, don't worry, the wheat you saw was brought here by Mr. Wang to make wine."

After hearing Su Xianer's words, Kang Hong turned his head and looked at Su Xianer almost subconsciously. If Su Xianer was not the general manager, Kang Hong would have already scolded Su Xianer aloud.

But now, the veteran who has witnessed the ups and downs of Su's Distillery still has an uncontrollable sullen look in his eyes, and without any hesitation, he has already said to Su Xian'er: "Nonsense, these barley are all It has been severely affected, and there is no way to brew alcohol..."

In Kang Hong's words, Su Su Xian'er had already walked in front of him, looking towards the sack with her head.

Just taking a look, the general manager of Su's Winery was completely stunned.

When I was in the office earlier, I learned from Wang Lei that the wheat he brought this time was affected by the heavy rain, and the quality could not be compared with the wheat grown under normal circumstances, but I did not expect that the quality of the wheat brought by Wang Lei It turned out to be horrible.

Even at a certain distance, the disgusting musty smell kept rushing into the nose.

Not to mention the appearance.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry. I haven't dealt with these wheats yet. After I finish dealing with them, it won't be too late for you two to make a judgment."

Seeing the expressions on the faces of Kang Hong and Su Xian'er, Wang Lei laughed lightly.

"Little brother, I'm not talking about you, these wheats are completely unsuitable for wine making."

Kang Hong said to Wang Lei.

However, on Wang Lei's side, he ignored Kang Hong, picked up the bag again, and walked towards the next hut.

"Is he really capable?"

Kang Hong saw Wang Lei's actions in his eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he almost subconsciously turned his head to look at Su Xian'er who was standing beside him.

At this time, Su Xian'er was also very puzzled by Wang Lei's actions.

"Let's wait and see."

After a moment of silence, Su Xian'er could only say this to Kang Hong.

Now Su Xian'er feels that her outlook on life has changed a lot. Although the business of Su's winery is very bad now, it is not enough to affect her mood. But now, with Wang Lei coming to find her, her mood It's already like a roller coaster, with ups and downs I don't know how many times.

If it was replaced by someone with a poor heart capacity, I am afraid that he would have died in Wang Lei's actions.


Kang Hong could only sigh, and stood there looking at the door that had been closed by Wang Lei, without making any further movements.

"Okay, let's wait and see. Anyway, the distillery looks like this now..."

Hearing Kang Hong's words, Su Xian'er's complexion suddenly darkened, and her mood instantly became depressed.

Su's winery was run by three generations of his ancestors with hard work. Is it really going to be ruined in his own hands?

Wang Lei, Wang Lei, I hope you don't let me down...

Half an hour later, Wang Lei opened the door of the hut, looked at Su Xian'er and Kang Hong who were still standing there without moving at all, suddenly laughed out loud, and said, "You two, you can come in now to see It's over."

Su Xian'er's eyebrows twitched hastily, "You're done with it so soon?"

There was strong doubt in the voice.

To run a winery business, you have to deal with raw materials every day, and the processing of raw materials happens all the time. Even those wheats that are in good condition take at least two or three hours to process. But now, Wang Lei only It took half an hour to process...

"Hehe, there's no need to question Manager Su, I have a special formula."

Wang Lei saw the astonishment on Su Xian'er's face and smiled heartily.

At the same time, the road has been given way.

Su Xian'er and Kang Hong hurried towards the house one after the other.

Before the two of them walked into the room, an intoxicating smell had already passed into their noses.

"This... the taste of extreme fermentation!"

Kang Hong screamed out almost subconsciously.

He quickened his pace and rushed into the house.

When he saw the appearance of the wheat in the container, this very experienced brewer could no longer control his inner excitement. He reached into the wheat with his right hand, grabbed a handful, put it on the tip of his nose and pressed it hard. Take a sniff.

"That's right, only the best quality wheat can be fermented to this level!"

"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, please forgive my doubts just now, the wheat you provided is truly the best!"

(End of this chapter)

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