Chapter 251 Brewing
After Su Xian'er entered the room, she was also attracted by the wheat treated by Wang Lei, but she didn't expect that the wheat would be so good after being treated by Wang Lei.

They were all approved by Kang Hong.

You must know that Convoy has rich experience in wine making, which cannot be compared with Su Xianer.

"Mr. Wang, how did you do this?"

At this time, Su Xian'er suppressed the excitement and horror in her heart, turned her eyes away from Kang Hong, turned her gaze to Wang Lei, and asked aloud.

Following his words, Kang Hong hurriedly turned his head and looked towards Wang Lei.

Kang Hong's greatest hobby is brewing wine. If he can get Wang Lei's magical formula for improving wheat, it will have a great effect on improving his wine making skills.

Under the watchful eyes of these two people, Wang Lei paused for a moment, and then said aloud: "It's inconvenient to reveal this to the two of you, it's a secret."

The simple words made Kang Hong startled for a moment, and then he coughed heavily.

I couldn't hide my disappointment in my heart, laughed at myself twice, and said, "Yes, how could such a miraculous formula be announced..."

"Mr. Wang, have you finished processing the wheat? If possible, I will use it for brewing now."

Sensing the urgency coming from Kang Hong, Wang Lei opened his mouth to smile, nodded, and said, "Take it, it's been dealt with now."

Kang Hong hurriedly greeted the people standing outside, and carried the wheat away.

"Hehe, Mr. Wang, don't take offense. Master Kang has always been obsessed with wine making."

Now Wang Lei is the nobleman of Su's Winery. At this time, Kang Hong was so rude in front of him, which made Su Xian'er see it, and hurriedly turned around to explain to Wang Lei.

Feeling the nervous atmosphere coming from Su Xian'er, Wang Lei couldn't help smiling, and said, "Manager Su, in your eyes, don't I look like that kind of person with a small belly?"

The simple words immediately made Su Xian'er laugh awkwardly.

At the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Wang Lei is not angry.

"Okay, now let's go too."

Wang Lei ignored what happened just now, and after saying this to Su Xian'er, he turned around and walked towards the factory that Kang Hong entered just now.

After entering the factory building, beside a brewing equipment, Kang Hong has already led people to move cautiously.

That action gave Wang Lei the feeling that Kang Hong was afraid that he would spoil the wheat he provided.

This made Wang Lei smile wryly in his heart. It is admirable to be so obsessed with wine making.

During the brewing process of Convoy, with the passage of time, an intoxicating aroma of wine gradually permeated the factory building.


Su Xian'er swallowed with difficulty. She has been in contact with wine since she was a child. She grew up in a winery. Even in the most glorious time of Su's winery, she had never brewed such fragrant wine.

Just the smell emanating from the brewing process is already intoxicating.

"Mr. Wang, what method did you use to prepare these wheat?"

Although Kang Hong had already asked Wang Lei this question before, but now, Su Xian'er was surprised and asked Wang Lei aloud.

At the same time, I very much hope that Wang Lei can reveal the mystery inside to himself.

It is possible to adjust severely damaged wheat to such an extent, so if it is good or high-quality wheat?Wouldn't it be possible to brew wines of better quality?
Thinking of this, Su Xian'er's mouth became dry for a while, and Wang Lei finally saw the hope of bringing the winery back to life.

"Hehe, I won't tell Manager Su about this recipe, but I will supply the nutrient solution for wheat to you without reservation, and I will provide as much as you need."

The matter of the Shennong Collection must not be disclosed to the outside world, otherwise, once this kind of thing beyond the scope of scientific explanation is known to outsiders, it will definitely cause an uproar in the society.

Although she didn't get the answer she wanted from Wang Lei, but Wang Lei's words made Su Xian'er burst into laughter.

Nodding at Wang Lei again and again.

"Really, that would be wonderful!"

While speaking, he already controlled the excitement in his heart, and tiptoed to kiss Wang Lei on the cheek.


Feeling the sudden love affair, Wang Lei froze in place.

His eyebrows twitched rapidly, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Hehe, Manager Su doesn't have to be like this..."

Wang Lei said to Su Xian'er.

At the same time, the other people standing around saw Su Xian'er's actions just now, and they were all shocked. The general manager of Su's winery usually keeps himself clean and has never had physical contact with the opposite sex, but Now, it was such a woman who actually took the initiative to kiss Wang Lei.

For a while, everyone was very envious of Wang Lei's experience.

I can't wait to kneel on the ground to express my admiration.

Feeling the fiery atmosphere coming from her side, Su Xian'er reacted from the act of actively kissing Wang Lei just now, and realized that she was a little too reckless just now under the excitement.

To do such an outrageous thing in front of everyone.

His face turned red, and he lowered his head tightly, not daring to look up at the farmer in front of him.

"Okay, you all go to your own work."

Wang Lei turned his head and said to those people standing around.

"No, now the winery is finally able to brew the best wine, I have to witness this moment with my own eyes!"

"Yes, yes, I want to stay here and be a witness..."

"Me too!"

"The business in the winery is not busy now, I can stay here..."

Seeing that the emotions of the people around him were high, and they were all full of yearning for the fine wine that was being brewed, Wang Lei could only shrug his shoulders without saying anything.

As Kang Hong's actions continued to unfold, the smell of wine in the factory building became stronger and stronger. The few people standing on the brewing stand were already staggering in the smell of wine, completely smoked. drunk.

On Kang Hong's side, the whole person was completely immersed in joy, "I never thought that I could brew such fine wine in my whole life."

Kang Hong desperately wanted to lift the lid and taste the fine wine inside, but thinking that the time had not yet come, he could only suppress the impatience in his heart. Every minute was extremely difficult for him, as if a century that long.

In Kang Hong's eyes, he didn't know how long the time had passed. When he saw the pointer on the watch falling on the hour, Kang Hong became excited instantly, and almost subconsciously shouted: "Okay! Now you can open the cover!"

(End of this chapter)

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