Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 299 Mysterious Identity

Chapter 299 Mysterious Identity
Following Wang Lei's words, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.The Sanlian Gang is very powerful, with nearly [-] members. The boss of such a big power is popular no matter where he goes. However, this farmer actually said that the boss of the Sanlian Gang is his younger brother.

Judging by his appearance, he is not just talking nonsense.


"I didn't expect this person to control the Sanlian Gang at such a young age..."

Hearing the exclamation of the people around him, Wang Lei smiled faintly, turned his head to look at the three gangsters kneeling in front of him, and said, "So, you three had better listen to me and do what you say." Things, otherwise, the end will be very miserable, you know, falling into the hands of the Sanlian gang is even more miserable than falling into the hands of relevant departments."

Wang Lei's words were flat, but on the side of the three gangsters, he couldn't help but tremble.

Every time Wang Lei said a word, the three gangsters swallowed hard.Because what Wang Lei said was all the truth.

"Yeah, we have all Grandpa's instructions in mind."

"In the future we will be human with our tails between our legs."

"Grandpa, thank you Grandpa for giving us a chance to reform ourselves..."

The surrounding people gloated after hearing the three gangsters express their views.There was a lot of applause.

At the same time, it also praised Wang Lei.The three gangsters were extremely arrogant just now, and this farmer not only forgave them, but also gave them a chance to be human again, which is really rare.

Under everyone's gaze, Wang Lei waved his hands at the three gangsters and said, "Okay, get out of here, don't affect my mood here."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at the beggar woman.

"Are you all right?"

Wang Lei asked aloud at the other party, and at the same time, kept looking at the beggar woman.

Although the other party's clothes are a bit tattered, but I have to say that as long as she washes her up and changes into her clothes quickly, she will definitely be a beauty.

"'s okay..."

The beggar woman is still immersed in Wang Lei's performance just now. After hearing Wang Lei's words of concern, she nodded dully.

Seeing this woman's performance, Wang Lei slowly smiled.

Said: "It's good that it's okay. You take the money and buy yourself beautiful clothes. If you have any difficulties, you can come to Huacun to find me, and I can provide you with a job."

While speaking, Wang Lei already took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills from his wallet and stuffed them into the hands of the beggar woman.

"what line of business are you in?"

Seeing that she couldn't refuse, the beggar woman reached out to take the money, and then opened her mouth to ask Wang Lei.

Wang Lei shrugged lightly, and said, "What else can a farmer do, just farm the land, and catch some seafood for sale."

Beggar woman: "It seems that your business is doing quite well."

Wang Lei followed the gaze of the beggar woman towards the Ferrari-F12berlinetta parked next to him, smiled slightly, and said, "Miss misunderstood, this car was given by someone else."

It's okay not to say this, but when Wang Lei said it like this, the people around him immediately exclaimed again.

If everyone was horrified just now when they learned that the boss of the Sanlian Gang was the farmer's younger brother, then now, when they heard that this Ferrari-F12berlinetta was given to the farmer by someone else, the horror in the hearts of the people around them would be like hell.

You know, this is a brand new Ferrari-F12berlinetta super sports car, worth more than 600 million.

If this farmer didn't have extraordinary abilities, who would be so generous and give away a luxury sports car worth nearly [-] million yuan?
Feeling the emotional fluctuations from the surroundings, Wang Lei was taken aback.The meaning just now was just to explain to the beggar woman in front of me, and there was no other meaning, but what Wang Lei didn't expect was that when he said those words, he made himself pretend to be good in front of everyone force.

"Ahem, this young lady is fine, I'm leaving now."

Wang Lei threw these words at the beggar woman, turned around straight away, and walked towards the talent market in front.

It wasn't until Wang Lei's back disappeared into the talent market that the beggar woman had a hard time reacting.

"Are all the farmers in our country so rich?"

The beggar woman muttered to herself twice, but she still couldn't hide the horror in her heart.

"Oh, what happened just now scared me to death. I thought you would suffer at the hands of those three bastards."

At this moment, the beautiful woman who was hiding in the corner to take pictures just now walked up to the beggar woman and said with lingering fear.

After hearing this, the beggar woman regained her senses in an instant, looked up at the beautiful woman in front of her, snorted heavily, and said, "It's not all good things you did, in order to let you take a video , Miss Ben almost lost her body!"

"You don't want me to help you like this again in the future."

The beautiful woman was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly, and said, "Oh, Luo Ru, look at what you said, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, besides, I also wanted to help you just now Okay, just let that guy take the first step, so you didn't see me come forward in time."

Luo Ru glared at the beautiful woman in front of her angrily, and said with a snort, "You're just poor, that's fine, hurry up and pack up your things, let's go to the talent market to have a look."

After Luo Ru said these words, the beauty was stunned for a moment, and stared at Luo Ru with a strange expression.

After a while, he opened his mouth with difficulty and said, "Miss Luo, are you stupid? It's really embarrassing to come to this kind of occasion in your capacity."

" are not overly frightened, you want to change jobs..."

Luo Ru glared at the beautiful woman, and snorted, "Bah, bah, what are you guessing, I came here to see what that gentleman is doing."

"Don't you have any curiosity at all?"

The beauty standing next to Luo Ru suddenly realized, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hey, that's okay. I really thought you wanted to change jobs just now. I almost scared me to death."

"Okay, let's go..."

Having said that, the beautiful woman paused, looked back at Luo Ru, then sighed, and said, "I think it's better to take you to wash up first, now the video shooting can't be done. If you continue to dress like this, people in the industry will be shocked when they see it."

Luo Ru looked down at his clothes, smiled wryly, and muttered, "It's not for helping you, I ruined myself into such a bear, you can deal with the video for me, if the industry The people in here recognized me, be careful that I will never end with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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