Chapter 300 For You
"Okay, okay, let me deal with it. I will definitely not recognize you, a talented and beautiful mother."

Luo Ru's complexion darkened instantly when he heard his best friend's words.

He stared fiercely, then walked towards the Rujia Hotel not far away.

At the same time, in the talent market, Wang Lei's arrival has already caused quite a stir.

After all, many of the people standing here were attracted by the movement outside just now.

I saw the performance of the shabby-dressed man in front of him, but driving an expensive sports car, when he faced those three gangsters.

"Sir, are you looking to recruit staff?"

A headhunter strode up to Wang Lei and asked politely.

Wang Lei nodded and said, "I want to find a talent in seafood farming."

The headhunter was overjoyed, and hurriedly said to Wang Lei: "Coincidentally, I happen to have the talent you need."

While speaking, he dragged a middle-aged man standing beside him to him.

He continued to Wang Lei: "Sir, his ability will definitely satisfy you. He has more than ten years of experience in seafood farming."

Wang Lei looked up at the middle-aged man in front of him, and shook his head secretly.

The middle-aged man's brows gave off a sneaky feeling.

What the hell is a seafood farming talent? It's not too bad to say that they specialize in stealing chickens and dogs!
Because a person's temperament is inseparable from the work he has been doing all year round.

"Hehe, forget it, I'll look for it again."

Wang Lei politely declined to the headhunter.

"Sir, even though you drive an expensive sports car, you can't humiliate people like this. I, Du Hong, am a well-known figure in BH City. Isn't it a little too much for you to humiliate me like this!"

Just when Wang Lei was about to turn around, the middle-aged man suddenly opened his mouth and said to Wang Lei.

"Big fellow judgement, this person simply glanced at me, and then directly denied my professional ability, isn't that a bit too much!"

"What's wrong with being rich, then you can't humiliate others at will!"

After Du Hong's words came out, Wang Lei instantly fell into the target of public criticism.

"Young man, this is your fault. You haven't seen his professional ability yet, so how can you make a judgment?"

"Fortunately, I had a good impression of you just now. I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"If the person in distress just now was a man, wouldn't you be able to help..."


Du Hong listened to the scolding of Wang Lei from the people around him, and slowly smiled on the corner of his mouth, which was completely caused by his hatred of the rich.

Although I can't afford to drive expensive sports cars, it's cool to be able to humiliate you, a person who can afford expensive sports cars.

Sensing the emotional fluctuations coming from Du Hong, Wang Lei looked back, just in time to catch the smile on Du Hong's mouth.

This made Wang Lei's face turn cold instantly.

Damn, did I say something to humiliate you just now?I'm being polite to you, but you're even making trouble for me!
"Everyone, first of all, I want to make a statement. I didn't do anything to humiliate Du Ming just now. Secondly, since Du Ming's words have reached this point, I don't mind saying more. It's from my heart, everyone. You can tell what kind of person he is just by looking at the look on Du Ming's eyebrows."

"Just now Du Ming said that he is a famous person in BH City. Then I would like to ask, BH City has a headhunting company that specializes in providing services for elite talents. As Mr. Du, why did he go to Huahai? Is it too far-fetched to do so if there is no special reason?"

After Wang Lei said these words, there was a burst of applause suddenly.

Looking back, I saw a woman with a S figure and an exquisite face coming in from outside with her waist swaying.

"This gentleman is right. Du Ming, please explain to everyone. Why did you go from BH City to Huahai City to find a job? If I remember correctly, there are many breeding companies in BH City, and there are even more farming companies there. It is suitable for the development of breeding talents like you."

After the beauty's words came out, Du Ming's complexion instantly became cloudy.

His eyes were firmly locked on the other party.

His lips parted again and again, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

"Hehe, since Mr. Du is unwilling to explain, let me explain. Mr. Du is indeed a talent in seafood farming, but everyone who has hired him knows that Du Ming's hands and feet are not clean! Isn't it Du? gentlemen?"

Du Ming: "Luo Ru, you have nothing to do here, you'd better stay somewhere cool."

Luo Ru covered her mouth and giggled, "Oh, Mr. Du is starting to get angry after being exposed by me in public."

The eyes of the people standing around kept wandering between Luo Ru and Du Ming.

After a while, someone in the crowd yelled angrily: "Get out! Unprofessional scum like you are not welcome here!"

"Yes, get out!"

"Get out now!"

"Damn, things with unclean hands and feet, no matter how strong your professional ability is, it's a shame!"

Wang Lei looked at Du Ming's expression as if he had eaten a mouthful of cockroaches, shook his head, turned his head and said to the headhunter beside him, "Be careful in the future, you can't look at people's appearances, it's a good thing you didn't introduce him, otherwise If not, this scumbag will have to destroy your signboard."

The headhunter nodded with lingering fear, "This gentleman has really good eyesight. He can tell that Du Ming's hands and feet are not clean at a glance."

Wang Lei smiled faintly, without answering the question, and directly shifted his gaze to the beauty named Luo Ru.

"Excuse me, miss, do we know each other? Why do I have an intuition that you came here this time just for me?"

After Wang Lei uttered these words, the faces of the people who had been yelling at Du Ming just now turned dark, and they all turned their heads to look at Wang Lei.

"Damn it, can you be more shameless!"

"Just flirting with a girl in front of a big guy?"

"You really know how to put gold on your face. When you see someone beautiful, you say that they are here to look for you. You are so narcissistic. Does your family know..."

"I think this beautiful lady is here specially for me..."

Amidst the low-pitched discussions among the crowd, Luo Ru giggled at Wang Lei.

"It's only been a few minutes since we separated, you don't know me so soon?"

Luo Ru's words stunned everyone present.


His face was shocked.

"This... She really came here for this person..."

"Nimma, why don't I have such good fortune!"

"What kind of luck did this kid have in his previous life? A top beauty like Luo Ru will come for him."

"Hehe, by the way, this person doesn't seem to know Luo Ru..."

(End of this chapter)

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