Chapter 301 Doubt
Wang Lei listened to the discussion of the people around him, and smiled wryly, I really don't know her.

"Hehe, sir, you really forget things. Just now, sir helped me drive away those three gangsters. I remember it clearly."

Luo Ru caught the expression on Wang Lei's face and giggled.

Those simple words stunned the people around, and they turned their attention to Luo Ru.

"What? She is the beggar outside?"

"No way, the gap is too big..."

"Yeah, no matter what, I can't associate her with a beggar..."

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, Wang Lei looked at Luo Ru carefully, and after a while, he was relieved. Although Luo Ru's current image had undergone a drastic change from just now, her aura had not changed.

"Hehe, I never expected that Ms. Luo would have such a hobby..."

After Wang Lei's words came out, Luo Ru's complexion darkened in an instant, and he turned his head and gave his best friend a hard look, and then explained to Wang Lei: "Mr. So doing that kind of thing is actually shooting a video for my girlfriend."

The beauty who came in with Luo Ru stood beside her and nodded.

Wang Lei came to his senses and nodded.

At this moment, Luo Ru turned to Wang Lei and asked, "I heard just now, sir, that you want to recruit talents in seafood farming?"

Hearing Luo Ru's words, Wang Lei regained his energy in an instant, nodded to Luo Ru, and said, "The remarks made by Miss Luo and Du Ming just now, I think Miss Luo knows the talents in the field of seafood farming, I don't know Can you recommend me?"

Now that Huacun wants to realize the development of the seafood factory, it must develop the seafood farming as soon as possible.

The beautiful woman standing next to her listened to Wang Lei's words, her eyes froze for a moment, then she covered her mouth with her right hand and giggled.

Wang Lei was extremely surprised by the sudden action of the other party, and turned to look at the beautiful woman.

"Hey, what this gentleman said just now is really funny. Talents in farming seafood are far away in the sky and right in front of you. Luo Ru is an expert in this field in BH City. Now Luo Ru has no job. I think You can just recruit her under your command."

Wang Lei's eyebrows twitched rapidly, and his eyes were fixed on Luo Ru.

I secretly rejoiced in my heart, I was really lucky.

"Really, Miss Luo, I welcome you to work with us."

Wang Lei hurriedly said to Luo Ru.

Although he didn't know Luo Ru's ability in seafood farming, but from the other party's temperament, Wang Lei knew that Luo Ru must be a great talent in seafood farming.

Luo Ru was full of affection for Wang Lei, without any hesitation at the moment, he said directly: "Okay, I don't have a job now, since you want me to work with you, of course I am very happy."

The beauty standing next to Luo Ru listened to Luo Ru's words, and instantly became stunned.

Luo Ru, who exists in BH City like the proud girl of heaven, has been wooed by many breeding companies. I just said it casually just now, intending to tease Wang Lei, but I never thought that Luo Ru would actually agree. .

"You have to think about it carefully. Your worth is not affordable by ordinary people. If he pays you too low a salary, you will suffer a lot."

The beautiful woman moved her lips to Luo Ru's ear and whispered dissuasion.

Luo Ru listened to his girlfriend's words, turned around and smiled, with a bright smile on his face.

"I believe in Mr. Wang's character. He can stand up when passers-by are in danger. This quality has already explained everything. I believe that Mr. Wang will definitely not treat me badly."

Luo Ru's words were not whispered like her best friend, but said outrightly, to everyone present.

Wang Lei smiled lightly and explained: "Miss Luo, don't worry about the salary. As long as I have seen your talent, I will definitely give you a corresponding salary."

Luo Ru covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "In that case, what are you waiting for, Mr. Wang, just take me to Hua Village."

Wang Lei saw that Luo Ru was so happy, and he didn't have any advantages at the moment, so he made a gesture of invitation to Luo Ru.

Under everyone's gaze, Luo Ru followed Wang Lei and walked outside.

An hour later, Luo Ru stood on the land of Huacun.

Guo Yan kept looking at Luo Ru, "This girl is about the same age as me. She is really talented in farming? Don't they say that it takes many years of experience to be able to do it? Why don't I trust this person at all?" Woolen cloth."

Guo Yan muttered to herself.

As the village head of Huacun, one must consider the villagers here. It takes a long time to raise seafood. If it turns out that Luo Ru is not as good as she said, then in the end, Huacun must be let This piece of sea is caught in the plight of no seafood fishing?

In Guo Yan's heart, this kind of thing must never happen.

Amidst Guo Yan's murmurs, the surrounding atmosphere also slowly changed, and everyone looked at Luo Ru suspiciously.

This made Luo Ru very dissatisfied.

My talent in seafood farming has been recognized by the industry. It is a great humiliation to be so suspicious now. If my colleagues outside know about it, I will laugh my ass off.

"Since you don't believe in my strength, then I will prove it to you."

Luo Ru said directly.

Seeing that the other party knew the suspicion in her heart, Guo Yan nodded happily and said, "That's good. As long as you can prove your ability, we will definitely support you."

"Miss Luo, although these words are a bit harsh, they are also true. If you can prove your ability, we will definitely support you as we support Mr. Wang."

"Hmm, that's right."

"Now, Ms. Luo, please prove it through actual actions..."

Amidst the voices of the villagers in Hua Village, Wang Lei nodded secretly. In this way, he could offer Luo Ru a corresponding salary.

"Now let me raise seafood for you, time is not allowed, after all, the growth process of seafood is very slow, I think so, you pick some sick seafood, I will cure them within three days, how about it? "

Luo Ru spoke to the people standing around.

"Okay, no problem, let's go find it now."

After someone said this to Luo Ru, he turned around and walked towards the sea ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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