Chapter 302 Marriage?

Wang Lei looked at the actions of the villagers in Huacun, smiled wryly, turned his head and smiled at Luo Ru and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Luo, I made you laugh."

Luo Ru waved his hand at Wang Lei and said, "No, it's normal for them to question me. After all, I am indeed a little young, but this is not a bad thing. I can prove my strength to you."

During the conversation between Wang Lei and Luo Ru, soon someone brought some sick seafood to Luo Ru.

"this one?"

Luo Ru stared briefly at the seafood, then turned around and asked doubtfully at the villagers of Hua Village.

In Luo Ru's eyes, these seafoods are still far from being truly sick.

"That's right, as long as you can heal these scallops, it will show your strength."

The villagers of Huacun said to Luo Ru.

Luo Ru sighed, and said, "Forget it, I'll go to the sea to catch some sick seafood myself."

After finishing speaking, the villagers of Hua village who were left stunned in place walked straight to the sea area ahead.

Half an hour later, Luo Ru carefully selected three sick oysters.

Although Wang Lei is not proficient in this aspect, but with the support of the power of Shennong Baodian, he can still feel the weak vitality from the three oysters.

This is really sick seafood
With a sigh of emotion, Wang Lei realized that the villagers of Hua Village were really too naive in front of experts.

"The sea water here is of good quality and has not been polluted in any way. Now I can only pick out these few passable seafood."

"In order to prove my strength, I will stay here for the next three days and accept your supervision throughout the whole process, so as to save you from accusing me of doing something secretly."

Guo Yan listened to Luo Ru's words, and she had a good impression of her in her heart. Although she didn't know her ability yet, her quality was very good.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you can sleep with me, anyway, my room is big enough."

"After three days, it depends on your ability."

Luo Ru didn't have any nonsense, and asked Guo Yan to collect materials on the spot, and after finding out what he needed, he started to act.

Now Wang Lei has nothing to do, and Luo Ru watched the whole process of preparing the potion.

Although the villagers of Huacun couldn't understand it, Wang Lei already had a full understanding of Luo Ru's ability.

Relying on the power of Shennong's Collection, it can be clearly captured that the potion concocted by Luo Ru contains a wealth of vitality.

Luo Ru said that it would be cured in three days, but Wang Lei knew that the potion concocted by Luo Ru could cure those seafood within one day.

However, Wang Lei did not speak out what was in his heart, but chose to conceal it.

It turns out that the people in Hua Village are full of doubts about Luo Ru's ability, so Luo Ru must prove it through reality. As for her ability, Wang Lei has not paid much attention to it. Recruiting breeding experts, in a sense, is really covering up one's own ability.

In the future, if something unbelievable happens to the seafood raised, it can be inferred that it is caused by Luo Ru's strength.

In this way, the matter of Shennong Baodian will not be leaked out.

"Miss Luo, it's getting late now, I'll go back first and come back tomorrow."

After Wang Lei threw these words at Luo Ru, he turned around and walked towards the motorboat parked on the shore.

After returning to the pier, Wang Lei received a call from Zhou Mei announcing the good news. The seafood dishes have been launched for a day and a half, and the benefits he has obtained have exceeded the previous three or four days.

This made Wang Lei feel happy as well.

With the support of seafood, my future business will become stronger and stronger, and I can provide farmers with more opportunities to make money.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Lei drove his sports car back to his home.

However, the moment he entered the house, Wang Lei felt an unusual atmosphere.

The elders in the family were all sitting together, and the next second they saw Wang Lei, they all stood up from their chairs.

The actions of these people made Wang Lei suddenly suspicious, and his brows slowly frowned.

He asked, "Did something happen at home?"

Wang Yangtian saw Wang Minghui sitting on the chair next to him, without saying a word, he secretly gestured to Wang Minghui.

"You are his father, and you should be the one to talk about this matter."

Wang Minghui sighed secretly, turned his head and said to Wang Yangtian: "The children have grown up now, and this happened many years ago, how can you let me speak now..."

Wang Yangtian was stunned, and snorted, "What do you mean by that? The ancestors of our Wang family have all kept their promises for generations. We can't let Wang Lei develop now. Let's pretend that that incident never happened. If you let outsiders know, they will definitely poke the back of our Wang family in the back."

The conversation between the two men was light.

But it was still clearly caught in Wang Lei's ears.

Looking at the two elders in front of him, he smiled and said, "Dad, just tell me if you have anything to do."

Wang Yangtian hastily pushed Wang Minghui, but seeing that Wang Minghui still had no intention of speaking, Wang Yangtian immediately gave Wang Minghui a hard look.


With a murmur in his mouth, he turned his head and looked at Wang Lei.

"The thing is like this. When you were young, your family arranged a marriage for you. It's just that you were seriously injured and unconscious three years ago, and this marriage has been put on hold. Now that you have recovered, it is time to consider it." one time……

When Wang Yangtian said this, Wang Lei frowned instantly.


I rely on it, no way...

I haven't thought about it yet!


Wang Lei opened his mouth to Wang Yangtian, not knowing what to say, looking back at Wang Minghui's reaction, Wang Lei knew that his marriage really existed.

It's just, a little too fucked up!

"Hey, since your second master has already said what he said, there is no need for me to hide it from you now. When I was working outside many years ago, I met a friend who had a good relationship with each other, so I will tell you Liu Hua has made an appointment, and now it's time for you to start a family and start a business, so I should tell you about it."

Wang Minghui said to Wang Lei.

"This morning, your uncle called me and wanted you to meet Liu Hua in two days..."

Wang Lei looked at the begging in Wang Minghui's eyes, although he was very dissatisfied, but in order to make his father happy, he could only nod his head and said, "Well, I will listen to you, but this is related to my lifelong happiness. Whether to marry or not will depend on whether I call that Liu Hua at the end."

(End of this chapter)

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