Chapter 303

Seeing that Wang Lei finally made a statement, Wang Minghui secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The heart that had been suspended just now was completely let go.

"Okay, Dad, if there is nothing else, I want to go back to the house and sleep for a while."

Wang Lei saw the expression on Wang Minghui's face, smiled wryly in his heart, and said to Wang Minghui.

Regarding the arranged marriage, Wang Lei resisted in his heart.However, considering his father's mood, he could only obey his father's will. Fortunately, his father did not say death in this matter, and gave himself a room for maneuver. If he didn't have any feelings for that Liu Hua, he could still find him An excuse to push down the marriage.

"Okay then, you go into the house and sleep for a while."

Wang Minghui waved his hand at Wang Lei, then turned his head to look at Wang Yangtian, and said, "Call the Liu family now and arrange a time for these two people to meet."

Wang Yangtian looked at Wang Lei who walked into the room, and sighed in his heart. In the past, the marriage between Wang Lei and Liu Hua could be regarded as a well-matched marriage, but now, Wang Lei's career is developing rapidly, and the achievements he has achieved have reached impressive levels. The point of looking up is that they are not on the same level as the Liu family now, but Wang Yangtian told himself that since the marriage between Wang Lei and Liu Hua has been settled, they must not regret the marriage just because Wang Lei is famous.The Wang family must not be allowed to fall into the situation of being pointed at by others.

"Yeah, okay, I'll call now."

After Wang Yangtian finished speaking to Wang Minghui, he directly took out his mobile phone.

A few minutes later, an agreed time was set for Wang Minghui, and a meeting was arranged tomorrow afternoon.

At the same time, Wang Lei was lying on the bed, listening to the conversation outside, feeling completely speechless.

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Lei just sat down on the chair after a brief wash. He was attacked by Wang Minghui's words like a series of cannonballs. Hearing Wang Minghui's constant praise of Liu Hua, Wang Lei was extremely helpless.

At this moment, the phone in his hand rang suddenly, which made Wang Lei feel a sense of relief.

He made a silent gesture to Wang Minghui, and hurriedly connected the phone.

"Wang Lei, let me tell you a good thing, Luo Ru cured those oysters in just one night!"

Guo Yan's excited roar came from the microphone almost the second after Wang Lei pressed the answer button.

Regarding Luo Ru's treatment of oysters, Wang Lei already had a result in his heart when watching Luo Ru's preparation of the potion yesterday. He smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go and have a look now."

After finishing speaking, Wang Lei hung up the phone.

Looking back towards Wang Minghui, he said, "Dad, you heard it now, I have to go to Hua Village quickly to deal with the matter over there..."

Listening to Wang Lei's words, Wang Minghui's face darkened instantly.

Nima, isn't this purely an attempt to avoid the topic just now?

For Wang Lei's performance, Wang Minghui was very dissatisfied in his heart. Seeing that Wang Lei was about to walk outside after leaving that sentence, Wang Minghui coughed heavily and said, "Don't forget to meet at Sanping County in the afternoon. Take you to meet the Liu family."

Wang Lei said without turning his head, "Okay, I got it."

After speaking, he had already walked out of the house.

Driving the Ferrari-F12berlinetta went straight to the pier.

When he came to Hua Village, Wang Lei smiled satisfied when he saw the oysters cured by Luo Ru overnight.

Although Luo Ru's ability is not as convenient as using the Shennong Collection, it is already quite remarkable to be able to make such a change in a sick oyster in such a short period of time.

"I didn't expect that the people you recruited are so capable."

Guo Yan was standing beside Wang Lei, laughing and laughing. During the chat with Luo Ru yesterday, she had a detailed understanding of Luo Ru's identity.

The other party has made great achievements in the seafood farming industry in Huahai City. The reason why Luo Ru chose to develop in Huacun is because he values ​​Wang Lei's personality.

I want to help Wang Lei.

"Hehe, that's a must."

Wang Lei turned his head and smiled heartily at Guo Yan.

Guo Yan caught the expression on Wang Lei's face in her eyes, glared angrily, then ignored Wang Lei's affairs, and turned her head straight to look at Luo Ru.

"Miss Luo, should we think about how to breed now?"

Following Guo Yan's words, the people standing around turned their heads to look at her.Now, with the return of the labor force in the village, the amount of seafood caught every day is several thousand figures. Now that Luo Ru has known the ability of seafood farming, it is necessary to give the seafood farming to him as soon as possible. Just get it done.

Otherwise, the current level of fishing in Yihua Village will not take long, and I am afraid that the number of seafood in the village will face a serious crisis.

Under the gaze of everyone, Luo Ru turned his head and looked towards Guo Yan.

Without any hesitation, he was very happy, and said directly: "The raw materials needed for the cultivation of marine products near the ocean here don't need to be purchased from other places, they can be caught directly from the sea. How about it, Mr. Guo , You find a few villagers and go with me to a distant place to catch some seafood larvae, and then I can buy some equipment to develop seafood farming within two days. Artificially raised seafood generally takes three You can catch it in about [-] minutes, but because you want to raise wild seafood here, the quality must be the same as that of pure natural growth. Well, it will take a relatively long time. I think it only takes half a year to put it in now. You should be able to start fishing in about [-] minutes.”

Wang Lei stood aside, listening to Luo Ru's words, and nodded slowly.

Then he took out the prepared nutrient solution from his pocket, handed it to Luo Ru, and said: "During the breeding process, you can immerse these things in seawater, which can greatly improve the growth process of seafood. Good help."

The matter of the Shenlong Collection needs to be kept secret, absolutely no one should know that Wang Lei simply told Luo Ru about the nutrient solution he prepared.

In Luo Ru's heart, although he has not been in contact with Wang Lei for a long time, he admires Wang Lei's character and ability from the bottom of his heart. He reached out to take the nutrient solution Wang Lei handed over, and looked at the transparent white liquid inside. Wang Lei nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

Then under his gaze, Wang Lei turned his head and looked towards Guo Yan, "Guo Chunna, you pick a few people from the villagers to help Ms. Luo. As for the salary, each person will give [-] yuan." Five days."

(End of this chapter)

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