Chapter 304 Go Back
Following Wang Lei's words, Luo Ru let out an exclamation.

A salary of 150 yuan a day, this kind of treatment is not available even in the big cities outside.

And in this poor and remote mountain village, the villagers here can get such a high salary from Wang Lei in one day by relying on their own help, which made Luo Ru feel unbelievable.

However, the reactions of the surrounding Huacun villagers were completely different from Luo Ru's.

Not only did these people not look excited, on the contrary, they all backed away subconsciously, wanting to avoid this matter, not wanting to earn a salary of 150 yuan a day from Wang Lei.

Sensing the change in the surrounding atmosphere, Luo Ru was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned around to look at the villagers of Hua village standing around.

"What's the matter with you? You can't find this kind of salary outside, don't you feel tempted at all?"

Luo Ru asked those people standing beside him.

After her words came out, the evasive movements of the villagers in Hua village became more obvious.

Seeing the reactions of these people, Wang Lei was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted from the attitudes of these people, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a wry smile.

"Everyone, I think you have misunderstood what I just said. I asked Village Chief Guo to select a few of you to help Ms. Luo. This does not mean that you need to stay with Ms. Luo all day and cannot do seafood. Every morning, you can also get up early to participate in fishing, and after the end, you can go to Miss Luo to help."

After Wang Lei finished speaking, the villagers who had escaped just now became excited, wanting to get this opportunity to make money from Wang Lei.

Standing by the side, Luo Ru saw the changes in the expressions on these people's faces. He frowned tightly, and turned his head to look at Wang Lei under the gaze of everyone.

"Could it be that fishing here makes more money every day?"

Luo Ru asked suspiciously at Wang Lei.

Having just arrived in Huacun, Luo Ru has no idea about the situation here.

"Hehe, that's for sure. Now under the leadership of Mr. Wang, we only need to go to the seaside to catch seafood for two or three hours every morning, and we can earn thousands of dollars in income."

"Miss Luo, you can't imagine that our seemingly poor place is actually a big treasure. Making money here is easier than outside, and you can earn more."

"All of this is thanks to Mr. Wang. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to get this kind of treatment here."


Listening to the excited voices of the surrounding Hua Village villagers, Luo Ru's face constantly changed, with surprise, panic, and shock, until finally his whole body became numb.

"I've earned too much from this..."

Luo Ru opened her mouth, and finally no longer cared about her image at all.

He spat out dirty words, expressing his inner shock.

This made Wang Lei stagger instantly.

Swallowing with difficulty, he turned his head to stare at Luo Ru. No matter what, Wang Lei never expected that this elegant and beautiful beauty would say such words that were completely out of proportion to her status.

"What do you look at? If you look again, be careful that I will gouge out your eyeballs."

Sensing the emotional fluctuations coming from Wang Lei, Luo Ru looked back, just in time to capture the expression on Wang Lei's face vividly in his eyes.

This made Luo Ru's face turn red in an instant, and he felt his face was hot. He didn't expect that he would be so disrespectful and glared at Wang Lei just now, making a threatening gesture.

"By the way, you haven't said my salary yet. Now I'm planning to stay in Huacun to develop. How much salary do you plan to give me every month? If it's lower than my previous standard, then I won't stay. here."

Luo Ru said to Wang Lei.

With a smile on his face, he fixed his eyes on Wang Lei, wanting to see how this person would react after learning of his request.

After listening to Luo Ru's words, Wang Lei smiled lightly, and then said out loud, "The basic salary is 3000. As for the commission, it depends on the sales of the seafood you raise. In this respect, I will give you 30%." Commission, what do you think?"

Luo Ru's expression froze for a moment.

Now Wang Lei needs between 3000 and [-] catties of seafood every day. Judging from Wang Lei's current development speed, Wang Lei will need more seafood every day when seafood farming has a large scale in the future.

Give yourself a commission of 100 yuan out of 30 yuan and Wang Lei's demand at that time, and your salary will be tens of thousands or more.This was simply unthinkable before.

'"'Hehe, even if you have a little conscience, you know how to give me such a high salary, but you also have your own ideas, don't you? In this way, you can let me stay in Huacun completely, and raise seafood for you wholeheartedly. "

Hearing Luo Ru's words, Wang Lei raised the corners of his mouth slightly, straightened up a slight arc, and smiled heartily at Luo Ru: "It goes without saying, the quality of the seafood you cultivate is good, the quantity Enough is enough, you deserve it in return."

"So if you settle down and develop the Huacun Village and do a good job in seafood farming, then your monthly salary will naturally increase. On the contrary, you may only receive a basic salary of 3000 yuan. , and I might even fire you."

Hearing Wang Lei's words, Luo Ru glared angrily.

"Don't worry, if I can't grow high-quality seafood, then I won't stay with you for development."

Seeing the expression on Luo Ru's face, Wang Lei laughed heartily.

After a while, he said: "Okay, you can stay here now, I have to go back quickly..."

Thinking of the blind date meeting arranged for him by his family, Wang Lei was speechless, but out of consideration for his father's mood, he could only accept this arrangement against his true thoughts.

Luo Ru stood by and watched, Wang Lei was taken aback by the wry smile on his face while speaking.Knowing that Wang Lei has something to deal with now, and it should be very difficult.

Without further questioning, Luo Ru nodded at Wang Lei and said, "Okay, since you have something to deal with, then you should hurry up and get busy with your business."

Under the watchful eyes of this beauty, Wang Lei turned his head and said a few simple words to Guo Yan, then turned around and walked towards the motorboat parked by the sea.

"Cunchang Guo, let's not be idle, you quickly pick a few people for me so I can start to act."

(End of this chapter)

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