Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 314 Engage in tourism development in Huacun?

Chapter 314 Engage in tourism development in Huacun?
In Wang Lei's actions, Gao Tingting realized that she had lost her composure.

Pretty face blushed instantly.

I was terrified in my heart.

On weekdays, I have always been extremely dignified, but since I met Wang Lei, I seem to have changed myself, and I have been losing my composure again and again.

This made Gao Tingting feel incredible.

"Miss Gao, let me introduce you. This is Guo Yan, the head of Huacun Village. From now on..." Wang Lei saw the actions of the young lady who had reacted from the distraction in front of him, and knew what he said just now. For Gao Tingting, it was completely useless. Now, Wang Lei intends to introduce Guo Yan to Gao Tingting again.

However, before Wang Lei could finish speaking, Gao Tingting reached out to interrupt Wang Lei's words.

"what do you mean?"

Seeing Gao Tingting's actions, Wang Lei frowned and asked in a concentrated voice.

Guo Yan also had doubts on her face. If it weren't for the astonishment and excitement on Gao Tingting's face now, Guo Yan would have doubted whether there was something wrong with the woman in front of her.

Under the watchful eyes of these two people, Gao Tingting coughed heavily, her voice couldn't hide her excitement, and said to Wang Lei: "You said that your current career focus is all here, so why didn't I see how much money there is here?" scene?'

Following Gao Tingting's words, Guo Yan's face darkened instantly.

He glared at the beautiful woman in front of him, "What are you talking about, everyone in our village is busy at the beach, so you can't see it."

In the words, he was full of displeasure towards Gao Tingting.

Gao Tingting waved her hands and smiled, fixed her eyes on Guo Yan, and said, "Mr. Guo, you misunderstood what I just said. Although your Huacun is busy, it is only limited to fishing. If I read correctly, those in the distance People are already doing seafood farming, right?"

Hearing Gao Tingting's words, Guo Yan's face flashed with pride, and she said, "That's right, this is an expert hired by Wang Lei from outside. He is helping our Huacun to raise seafood. In the future, Huacun will change poverty."

As soon as the beautiful village chief spoke up to this point, Gao Tingting laughed before her voice fell.

Full of speechless.

Looking back at Wang Lei, "Do you think seafood farming in Huacun is the longest way to make money?"

Just now, when Gao Tingting shifted the topic to seafood farming, Wang Lei was reflecting on what the other party said.

At this time, seeing Gao Tingting staring at her, her words were full of other flavors.

Wang Lei pondered slowly.

"Hua Village faces the ocean and has rich seafood resources. Now I ask Luo Ru to lead the villagers of Hua Village to engage in seafood farming, so as to realize the sustainable development of Hua Village..."

Three years ago, Wang Lei's rapid rise in Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. to become the pillar of a listed company had a lot to do with his insight.

During the explanation to Gao Tingting, Wang Lei kept looking around Huacun. After a while, his voice came to an abrupt end as if someone had cut it with scissors.

His gaze was fixed on Gao Tingting, full of astonishment.

"Do you mean you want me to engage in tourism development here?"

Following Wang Lei's words, Gao Tingting gradually smiled.

Covering her red lips with her right hand, she giggled.

Nodding to Wang Lei, he said, "What do you think of the environment in Yihua Village for tourism development?"

 Recommend "The Strongest Peasant" Class [-] has been completed, free of charge, omni-channel, recognized by editors and readers.


(End of this chapter)

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