Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 315 How to do it?

Chapter 315 How to do it?
After Gao Tingting's words came out, Wang Lei hadn't responded to the rich young lady, and the head of Hua Village who was standing next to him covered his mouth in astonishment.

He stared at Gao Tingting with disbelief.

The astonishment in the eyes and the shock are self-evident.

"Engage in tourism development?"

Horrified, the beautiful village chief repeated Gao Tingting's words, "Crazy, really crazy, how is this possible..."

As a native resident of Huacun and the head of Huacun, Guo Yan knows the actual situation here better than anyone else.

Half a month ago, this place was still extremely poor. Since Wang Lei convinced himself to engage in seafood fishing here, in the past half a month, under Wang Lei's leadership, the villagers have found some ways to make money, and their wallets are bigger than before.

However, to engage in tourism development, this is simply a fantasy for the entire Huacun.


"Hua Village has a pleasant scenery and excellent climate. The front is facing the sea, surrounded by mountains and forests on three sides. The environment here is indeed suitable for tourism development."

Wang Lei's words brought Guo Yan's thoughts back to reality.

Turning around suddenly, he looked at Wang Lei, and saw that the farmer was looking at the environment of Huacun, with frequent smiles on his lips.

"If this is the case, then Mr. Wang has never thought about engaging in tourism development here?"

When Gao Tingting saw Wang Lei pass her a little bit of advice, she saw the Qian scene in Huacun clearly, and she admired the farmer's keen insight and analytical ability in her heart.

"Tourism development is indeed a way to make money. Considering Huacun's unique natural conditions, as long as tourism is developed, there will be endless opportunities to make money in the future."

Without hesitation, Wang Lei spoke truthfully.

"Miss Gao, I didn't expect that it would really help me to have you live here."

Gao Tingting knew that Wang Lei was praising herself, but her face gradually darkened.

"Why do I feel that there is a strong taste in your words, which is hurting me. My ability still needs you to say it."

Gao Tingting gave Wang Lei an angry look.

At the same time, on Guo Yan's side, she had already slowly reacted to the shock brought by Wang Lei, swallowed with difficulty, and stared directly at Wang Lei.

Looking up and down, I wonder if the farmer is crazy.

To engage in tourism development based on the current conditions of Huacun?
"Wang Lei, you have to think clearly..."

In desperation, Guo Yan hurriedly spoke to Wang Lei, but before the beautiful village head could finish speaking, Wang Lei stopped her with his hand.

With a hearty smile, he said, "Mr. Guo, engaging in tourism development in your village is indeed a way to make money and a long-term way. There is a way to make money even if you don't have money. Using the method of 'raising money with money' can also bring money to China. The village will be turned into a tourist attraction to attract tourists.”

In Wang Lei's words, Gao Tingting's eyes showed appreciation frequently.

Nodding again and again.

"Yes, what you said is very reasonable and courageous."

"Then...then how do you plan to develop tourism here?" Guo Yan saw Wang Lei's words with an unquestionable tone, and knew that the other party was determined to develop tourism in Huacun, so she no longer objected.

After a moment of silence, he raised his head, fixed his eyes on Wang Lei again, and asked in a concentrated voice, "Then how do you want to develop tourism in our village?"

(End of this chapter)

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