Chapter 316 Agree!

"The natural conditions of Huacun can be described as unique and innate. As long as a simple plan is made, a lot can be achieved."

Wang Lei glanced at the scenery around Huacun, turned his head and said to Guo Yan.

"Be specific."

Guo Yan stood beside her, urging her.

Gao Tingting remained silent, her eyes fixed on Wang Lei. After her own guidance, the farmer realized that tourism development in Huacun could make a difference. Gao Tingting wanted to see Wang Lei's real ability at this time. What kind of movement can be made.

Feeling the gazes from the two beauties around him, Wang Lei slowly smiled.

"You should hurry up and say it, what's the point!"

At this time, Guo Yan's curiosity has been completely aroused by Wang Lei, and she has more expectations for the tourism development of Huacun.

However, Wang Lei's slow reluctance to speak aroused the unusual dissatisfaction of the beautiful village chief.

He pinched his waist with both hands, and stared at Wang Lei bitterly.

There is a desperate trend.

"It's very simple, modify the appearance of the village and buy some motorboats."

To put it simply, Guo Yan was instantly stunned and stunned.

After a while, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, he grinned, and said to Wang Lei, " the way you came up with for tourism development?"

"Are you kidding me!"

Wang Lei gave him a blank look, and said, "I really want Huacun to become a tourist attraction overnight, with countless tourists, but it's realistic!"

These words made Guo Yan startled.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Wang Lei's voice again: "Tourism development is an extremely long process, let alone in Huacun. The poverty here is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. To attract tourists, it can only be a step." Step by step, develop slowly."

"First change the appearance of the village, only in this way can we gain popularity."

"Then how do you plan to develop it in the future?" Gao Tingting stood beside her, listening to Wang Lei's words, and nodded slowly.

He is very satisfied with the development plan he has made for Huacun.

Although Huacun is suitable for tourism development, in terms of its current situation, it can only take one step at a time.

First modify the appearance of the village, and then gradually attract popular resources.

"Of course it is a way to use money to make money. Start small and gradually expand the tourism business." Wang Lei replied to Gao Tingting.

"Beautiful! I didn't expect you to be so economically savvy!" After listening to Wang Lei's analysis of Huacun's development, Gao Tingting clapped her hands and praised.

"Mr. Guo, do you still have any objections?"

Wang Lei smiled heartily at Gao Tingting, didn't pay much attention to it, turned around to look at Guo Yan, and asked directly.

Guo Yan's eyes lingered on the man and woman beside him.

Regarding Gao Tingting, although she knew nothing about her other than knowing that she was going to live in her own house, judging from the way she was dressed and the aura she exuded, she must have come from a wealthy family.

Vision is certainly broader than their own.

If Guo Yan was suspicious of Gao Tingting's plan for Huacun, then Wang Lei's attitude was to completely dispel the last trace of doubt in the village head Guo's mind.

After all, it is entirely thanks to Wang Lei that Huacun is able to be in this situation today.

"Since you two think it's feasible to develop tourism in the village, of course I don't have any objections, I agree!"

Without any hesitation, Guo Yan smiled at Wang Lei.

"Then what are you still doing in a daze, quickly call the big guys together."

(End of this chapter)

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