Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 317 Gathering Villagers

Chapter 317 Gathering Villagers
Following Wang Lei's words, Guo Yan was taken aback.

"Why call the villagers?"

His expression was full of doubts.

Wang Lei listened to the beautiful village chief's words, his body flickered, and he was speechless.

All the words I just said were in vain.

What the hell are you pretending to understand for me here!
He rolled his eyes at him and said, "Of course it's about tourism... Ahem, it's about modifying the appearance of the village."

"This is the pre-condition and necessary condition for tourism development. Do you think there is no need to gather the villagers?"

Guo Yan reacted, and let out a wry smile.

He nodded hurriedly at Wang Lei, and then walked towards the village committee.

"Let's go, let's go too."

Wang Lei turned his head and rushed to Gao Tingting to inform him, and he took the lead.

"Who is it? When I came here, I thought I was a burden and couldn't help you in your career. Now that I've proposed such a good idea to you, you can't even say thank you."

Gao Tingting stood where she was, staring at Wang Lei, and hummed dissatisfiedly.

Wang Lei paused, turned around and smiled wryly, "I'm sorry, I was just too happy just now, I forgot about you, thank you Miss Gao for giving me such a good idea."

"That's about the same. Okay, let's go." Gao Tingting listened to Wang Lei's words, and it was very helpful.

There was a magnetic moaning sound from his mouth, and then he walked towards Wang Lei.

The two walked side by side, looking from a distance, like a couple of gods and gods.

A few minutes later, the village committee's loudspeaker sounded: "All villagers gather at the village committee."

The sound is repeated three times.

"What happened, why did Village Chief Guo call us all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, go and have a look..."

"Just go, hurry up!"

After hearing the announcement from the loudspeaker, the villagers of Huacun put down their work and gathered at the village committee.

Although Luo Ru was not a villager of Hua Village, he heard the excitement and joy in Guo Yan's voice, and followed the villagers of Hua Village towards the village committee with doubts.

When entering the ruined village committee, there are already a large number of villagers gathered here.

As far as the eye could see, it was pitch-black.

They whispered to each other, very curious about Guo Yan's hasty gathering of the crowd.

Standing under the eaves, Wang Lei saw that the crowd was almost there, so he rushed to the front and waved his hands to signal silence.

"Everyone, I actually asked Village Chief Guo to summon the big guys temporarily. There is only one purpose, and the whole village repairs and builds houses."

Plain words, but like a stone thrown into the lake.

Let the calm lake suddenly appear waves.

The villagers of Hua Village all showed astonishment, and their eyes were fixed on Wang Lei.

"Mr. Wang, you are right, why did it suddenly remind us to build a house?"

Wang Lei smiled heartily and said, "More than [-]% of the houses in your village are in disrepair. The big guy lives in this kind of dilapidated house, and can sleep soundly every day? The big guy thinks there is no need to repair the house?"

Guo Yan stood beside Wang Lei and handed over all the matters of the meeting to Wang Lei for comprehensive handling.

Seeing that Wang Lei didn't mean to get to the point at all, his face darkened immediately, he took the topic from Wang Lei's mouth, and said to the surrounding villagers: "It's like this, Mr. Wang intends to develop our place into a tourist attraction, and the matter of this house must be settled. Xiu, I have already agreed."

 Class [-] of "The Most Powerful Farmer" has been completed, and I have been on all channels, free of charge, and I recommend it for myself, I hope you like it.


(End of this chapter)

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