Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 318 Wang Lei's Amazing Decision

Chapter 318 Wang Lei's Amazing Decision

Following Guo Yan's words, all the villagers of Hua Village standing around became quiet.

The scene was completely unknown for a while.

It was in stark contrast to the noisy scene just now.

Standing under the eaves, Wang Lei glanced at the people in front of him one by one. Feeling the oppressive atmosphere, he couldn't hold his breath anymore.

"Everyone, if you have any objections, you can raise them."

A villager in Huacun who was closest to Wang Lei sighed and looked towards Wang Lei.

"Mr. Wang, letting the big guy build a house is indeed a good thing to benefit the big guy, but you know my family conditions, there is no way to come up with that money..."

When Wang Lei heard the words, he looked back and saw that the person speaking to him was Liu Feng, a villager in Hua Village.

The family conditions are poor. Although under my leadership, the living conditions have undergone some changes, but at present, it is only limited to solving the problem of food and clothing.

Wang Lei's eyes stayed on Liu Feng for a while, then he turned to look at the other villagers around him, "You also mean that?"

In Wang Lei's words, the villagers of Hua Village lowered their heads wherever they looked.

Don't dare to look at him.

"Hey, how can you do this? I finally came up with a way to get you out of poverty. Tourism development is very profitable. Now you can get a lot of returns after investing."

Gao Tingting felt the change in the atmosphere of the crowd around her, and her heart was filled with anger.

What a bunch of ignorant villagers.

His vision was too short-sighted.

Just knowing to guard the short-term interests, can't we take a long-term view!

It was hard to get Wang Lei to pay attention to him. If the development of the scenic spot cannot be carried out, how can he let Wang Lei willingly take him in.

However, at this moment, Wang Lei's cough interrupted Gao Tingting's resentment towards the villagers of Hua Village.

"Everyone, the things you worry about are actually easy to solve. Those who have the ability to build a house on their own can build it by themselves. If the ability is not enough, I can help you invest. You don't need to repay the advanced money."

Gao Tingting was stunned by Wang Lei's words.

His face was in an uproar.

Almost in the second after Wang Lei finished speaking, the jewel in the palm of the president of Gao's Real Estate suddenly turned his head and fixed his eyes on the farmer.

"You're crazy, don't you think you're burning too much money?"

Guo Yan was equally astonished.

His eyes were fixed on Wang Lei, and he really wanted to know what the guy standing beside him was thinking.

Helping to advance money to the villagers to repair their houses, and he still doesn't need to pay back in the end, his move is really crazy.

How dare ordinary people have such an idea!

Under everyone's gaze, Wang Lei smiled heartily.

He waved his hand to the people around him, signaling to be quiet.

"Everyone, I said that there is no need to repay, but I didn't say that I was helping for free. After the house is repaired, the income generated will be distributed according to the proportion of my advance payment. For example, if I advance half of the expenses, the income generated by the house in the future will be paid. Give me half. Of course, the ownership of this house still belongs to the big guy."

In a word, stir up a layer of waves.


"There is such a good thing..."

"Mr. Wang, aren't you lying to us?"

Wang Lei shook his head and smiled, and said, "It's absolutely true. Now, do you have any objections to the repair and construction of the house?"

(End of this chapter)

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