Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 322 Cooperation Scale

Chapter 322 Cooperation Scale
"If you don't cooperate with me, do you want to cooperate with this farmer?"

After a moment of silence, Gao Yong let out a sneer.

However, before Sun Lili expressed her attitude, Wang Lei spat coldly: "Fuck, don't keep talking about farmers in front of me, what happened to farmers, if it wasn't for farmers, you would have starved to death long ago !"

With these words, the teasing Gao Yong's face instantly turned livid.

I wanted to take this opportunity to find myself a step down, but I never expected that Wang Lei's words would be so sharp.

In a word, it hits the nail on the head.There is no sloppiness, so that I can't refute.

"Don't think that you are so great because you have a little money in your hands. Let me tell you, you are really not as good as a farmer like you."

"Not even qualified to lick farmers' toes!"

Wang Lei's words were sonorous and forceful, hitting the heart of Director Gao hard, and his face slapped.

As the director of the finance office of Lanxin Breeding Factory, although his position is not high, he has always been flattered and flattered because of his position.

He Zeng Xiang was being slapped in the face and ridiculed now.

Finally, Wang Lei's words made Gao Yong laugh instead of angry.

He sized up Wang Lei, and teased, "It's good to have a bare mouth. If you have the ability, show your strength. Since you talk about the peasants so awesome, I really want to see how good you are." What a portion."

At this time, the strength Gao Yong mentioned naturally refers to the cooperation with Sun Lili.

Following Gao Yong's words, Sun Lili subconsciously turned her head to look at Wang Lei.

Just now I just knew that Wang Lei needs to repair and build a house, but he has never asked in detail about the specific figures.

"Can he build a small villa? If it's this size, then he can make some money..."

Sun Lili was raving in her heart.

"Why, you heard that I asked you to show your strength to prove yourself, now you are a bear? Didn't you listen to it just now!"

Seeing Wang Lei standing in front of him without any movement, Gao Yong couldn't help teasing again.

"Hehe, Manager Sun, this is the partner you selected. Have you seen it? Because of him, you lost a business worth 10,000+."

Gao Yong looked away from Wang Lei, and sneered at Sun Lili, "If you change your mind now, as long as you serve me well, then I may be able to ignore the past and hand over the construction of the company's dormitory to you."

While Gao Yong was speaking, he sized up Sun Lili's plump figure, his eyes full of greed.

"Now that I hold your shortcomings firmly in my hands, I won't believe that you will not give in!" Gao Yong sneered in his heart.

"Hehe, Manager Sun should have seen through this Director Gao's personality by now. It shouldn't be too much to describe him as a 'wolf in human skin', right?"

At this moment, Wang Lei's sneer sounded beside him.

Sun Lili stood beside her and nodded slowly.

I totally agree with Wang Lei's words.

At the same time, there is also a fear in my heart. Fortunately, Wang Lei appeared. Otherwise, once I cooperate with Lanxin Breeding Factory, Gao Yong, a wolf in human skin, will definitely touch him. There is nowhere to find it.

Wang Lei saw the expression on Sun Lili's face, smiled heartily, and continued: "Manager Sun, I just wanted to sit down with you and have a good talk about cooperation. Since Director Gao wants to know my strength now, then I Let me tell you directly here, I need Manager Sun to repair and build [-] houses for me."

(End of this chapter)

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