Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 323 Fighting the rich?I am rich!

Chapter 323 Fighting the rich?I am rich!

"What the hell? Eighty households!"

Wang Lei's words were like a sledgehammer hitting the heart, causing Director Gao's expression to change instantly.

He exclaimed in surprise.

Turning around suddenly, he carefully looked at the farmer beside him.

"Grass, you don't think it's too windy to flash your tongue. There are still eighty households. If you can repair and build three households, you are already awesome."

After a while, Gao Yong sneered.

However, Wang Lei ignored Director Gao.

His eyes were fixed on Sun Lili from the beginning to the end, seeing the change in Sun Lili's expression in his words, this made Wang Lei slowly smile.

"Manager Sun, repair and build [-] houses, this number should be more than Lanxin Breeding Factory, right?"

After that director Gao laughed, he saw that the farmer in front of him never paid attention to his intentions. This feeling of being directly ignored made Gao Yong feel like a clown.

Anger was boiling in his heart, but just as he was about to taunt Wang Lei again, Wang Lei suddenly turned around and walked outside.

This move caught Gao Yong's eyes, and he was instantly stunned.

"Let go of asking Sun Lili to repair and build [-] houses, and turn around and leave. What does that mean?"

Gao Yong muttered to himself.

"Damn it, did he come here on purpose to disrupt the situation?" This kind of thought popped up in Gao Yong's mind instantly. Fold back again.

However, there was a small woven bag in his hand.

"Manager Sun, this is the deposit for repairing the house." While speaking, Wang Lei had already placed the woven bag in front of Sun Lili, and at the same time reached out to hold the zipper.

When the woven bag was opened, stacks of brand new hundred-yuan bills appeared in everyone's sight.


Gao Yong only felt his body stagger uncontrollably twice, and he sucked in a breath of cold air.

Storing hundred-yuan bills in a woven bag is the style of a local tyrant!
In an instant, Wang Lei's place became the focus of everyone's attention, and everyone rushed over.

"I really misjudged, this little guy is dressed in ordinary clothes, but he is so bold in his shots!"

"This is a real local tyrant!"

"Rich people..."

Wang Lei listened to the exclamation of the people around him, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider. It was cool to be stared at with adoring eyes!

"Director Gao, you asked me to prove my strength. Now that I have proved it, can you get out?"

Wang Lei turned his head and sneered at Gao Yong.

Oh shit!How dare you let me go, you bastard?
A surge of anger rose in Gao Yong's heart.

As the director of the finance office of Lanxin Breeding Factory, although his position is not big, but because of his special position, the word "scroll" is usually said to others by himself, but now this word falls on himself, which makes Gao Yong There was a fire in my heart.

But soon after, panic emerged in Gao Yong's eyes.

The farmer in front of him was dressed in shabby clothes, but he was able to easily withdraw so much cash. Even though he had been in charge of finances for many years, he had never seen such a large amount of cash.

This farmer is not simple, and he cannot afford to offend him.

Gao Yong fixed his eyes on Wang Lei, let out a hum from his nostrils, and then turned and left without looking back.

"Fuck, you want to compete with Lao Tzu for riches, and you don't take a piss to reflect on your own virtue. If you meet someone in the future, you will see your dog's eyes open. Maybe a beggar is richer than a beggar."

Wang Lei looked at the back of Director Gao leaving, and spat coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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