Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 324 Cooperation reached and construction date confirmed

Chapter 324 Cooperation reached and construction date confirmed


Gao Yong stopped suddenly when he heard the words coming from behind him, and turned his head to look at Wang Lei, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

However, when Director Gao sensed the powerful aura emanating from Wang Lei, he immediately froze like a deflated ball.

Not daring to show any sullenness, he hurriedly turned around and walked out of the building as if fleeing for his life.

"This boy is so powerful, he actually scared Gao Yong away..."

"Although I'm not very familiar with Gao Yong, I know a little about his behavior. This seems to be the first time I've been scared away by someone."

"It's just that he was too arrogant just now, and now he has lost his face. It's entirely his own fault."

The people gathered in the building were discussing a lot, and they didn't have any good feelings for Gao Yong, a man who bullied women.

And on Sun Lili's side, at this time, she also slowly reacted to the discussion among the people.

I just turned down the business of the Lanxin Breeding Factory. I thought it would be very difficult to get another 10,000+ business. I didn't expect that the ordinary-dressed boy in front of me would suddenly provide me with a business worth millions!

And directly took out the advance payment.

It's been a few years since I've been in the field of architecture, and it's never been done before.

Sun Lili felt like being hit by a pie falling from the sky, and she was extremely excited.

"Mr. Wang, sit here, and we will discuss building a house."

At this time, Sun Lili looked at Wang Lei with flattering eyes.

Feeling the admiration and attention from the eyes of everyone around him, Wang Lei felt refreshed.

It's good to have money!

The corners of the mouth slowly rose, forming a signature smile.

"Okay, let's talk about it in detail." Wang Lei smiled heartily at Sun Lili, and then straightly pulled the wooden chair from the side and sat down.

Half an hour later, the discussion was over.

"Mr. Wang, your eyesight is really extraordinary, and you can think of a way to develop tourism in Huacun." Sun Lili was immersed in Wang Lei's description of the future of Huacun, and just when Wang Lei's words fell, she sighed With a sound, he sincerely extended his thumb to Wang Lei.

"Hehe, Manager Sun is really absurd. I only realized the prospect of Huacun's tourism industry after being instructed by others."

Facing Sun Lili's praise, Wang Lei smiled lightly, without any look of pride.

For Wang Lei's performance, Sun Lili saw everything in her eyes and admired his character very much.

In today's world, it is very rare for Wang Lei to achieve such impressive results at his age, and there are even fewer people who can be as proud as he is.

"Mr. Wang, the repair of [-] houses is not a small project. You give me three days to prepare. After three days, I will lead the construction team into the village."

Sun Lili quickly shifted her thoughts to work and gave Wang Lei a clear construction reply.

"Success, I will greet Manager Sun in Hua Village three days later."

After saying this, Wang Lei got up directly and walked outside the building.

Before Wang Lei walked out of the Hong'an Construction Office, a burst of noise came from behind.

"Manager Sun, congratulations, you were facing a serious financial problem just now, and now you're getting better in the blink of an eye."

"Manager Sun is really lucky..."

"With this million-dollar project, Hongan Construction will never have the problem of lack of funds in the future..."

Sun Lili listened to the congratulations from the people around her, and smiled frequently on her face.

"This Mr. Wang is simply the God of Wealth sent to me by heaven..."

(End of this chapter)

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