Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 331 The house is completed

Chapter 331 The house is completed
A few minutes later, Guo Yan explained the news brought by Wang Lei to the villagers of Hua Village in detail.

The crowd cheered.

In the early morning of the third day, the sky was still bright, and on the vast sea in front of Huacun, there was a medium-sized ship slowly approaching from a distance.

Huacun officially repaired and built houses, and the dilapidated houses that had been lived in for more than ten or twenty years can finally look brand new.

Today is a grand festival for the entire Huacun.

Guo Yan led the villagers to wait for a long time at the beach early in the morning.

"Wang Lei, here we come." Guo Yan laughed at the young man standing at the bow of the medium-sized ship docked in the deep waters on the shore.

"Mr. Guo, let me introduce you. This is Manager Sun of Hong'an Construction Institute."

Wang Lei helped Sun Lili off the boat and smiled heartily at Guo Yan.

"It will be hard for Manager Sun in the future." Guo Yan hurriedly smiled at Sun Lili.

"Where is there anything, it is my honor to be able to work here with you."

Ever since he learned that Wang Lei was driving a million-dollar supercar, the general manager of Hongan Construction had a sense of happiness being hit by a pie.

Although it has been three days since Wang Lei approached him to discuss cooperation, in the heart of the general manager of Hongan Construction, it seems that what happened just a second ago, every time he thinks about it, the corners of his mouth can't help but smile.

"Okay, don't say polite words, let's do the work first, and let Manager Sun direct the people to unload the things on the boat."

Wang Lei stood by, seeing the two women in front of him being polite to each other, he hastily interrupted.

Then he turned his head and looked towards Guo Yan, "Mr. Guo, how did you handle the matter I told you the day before yesterday?"

Guo Yanzheng nodded emphatically, "Everything has been done. Villagers whose houses need to be demolished immediately will stay at the homes of other villagers. After the houses are repaired, they will live in the other way. The whole village will be divided into three waves."

Listening to Guo Yan's words, Sun Lili nodded slowly.

"It couldn't be better, then I'll be busy first, and the two of you will call me directly if you have something to do."

After saying this, he quickly gave instructions to the construction workers he brought.

"Don't be dumbfounded, hurry up and help." Guo Yan turned her head and told the villagers who were watching the excitement around her.

Soon the scene was busy.

Three months later, a road paved with gravel replaced the muddy dirt road in Huacun. Brand new houses stood on both sides of the road.

"Manager Sun, you have worked hard during this time."

At the celebration banquet, Wang Lei raised his wine glass towards Sun Lili.

"Hey, look at what you said, it's my good fortune to cooperate with a straightforward person like Mr. Wang, it's hard work." Sun Lili touched the wine glass in Wang Lei's hand, "Actually, I should thank you, if it weren't for you Giving me this project at my most embarrassing time, Wang On Construction will not come back to life."

"Haha, come, I'll do it first as a respect." Wang Lei put the wine glass to his mouth and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Mr. Wang has been busy outside during this time, must have contacted the entertainment facilities?"

Wang Lei put down his wine glass and shook his head, "Where is it? You don't need money to buy entertainment facilities. I've been busy making money outside during this time. Hey, Manager Sun, you have a lot of contacts and have experience in selling entertainment facilities." Do you know anyone who recommends it?"

(End of this chapter)

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