Chapter 332
After Wang Lei's words came out, the people sitting around the wine table turned their heads to look at Sun Lili.

During the three months of repairing and building houses for Hua Village, during the time they had been in contact with Sun Lili, everyone had already seen Sun Lili's connections.

all kinds.

It's no wonder that a woman needs all kinds of backers to work hard in society alone.

Under everyone's gaze, Sun Lili put down her wine glass, pondered for a while, and then replied to Wang Lei: "I know a company that sells motorboats."

"Based on the current scale of Huacun, water entertainment projects in the early stage are essential. You can go to the Ocean Charge store to have a look, where the various water facilities are relatively complete and the quality is guaranteed."

"Success, then I'll go and have a look tomorrow." Wang Lei smiled heartily after hearing Sun Lili's words.

On Sun Lili's side, there was also a bright smile on her face.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, have you thought about the future direction of Hua Village?"

Wang Lei had already thought about this question in his mind.

When Sun Lili's voice just fell, Wang Lei nodded, "I've thought about it. Although Huacun has unique tourism resources, it's just started now. It's unrealistic to reach the sky in one step. There is only one step." It’s only a step away. I plan to attract tourists here in the form of farmhouse entertainment, and then expand it further after it has accumulated a certain popularity. Gradually expand to large scenic spots.”

The people sitting around listened to Wang Lei's development plan for Huacun and nodded slowly.

There was approval in his eyes.

"Not bad, you still have some economic sense." Gao Tingting laughed eccentrically beside her.

Ever since he was spotted by Wang Lei while taking a shower three months ago, Wang Lei has never set foot in Huacun, let alone in front of him.

Although that incident has gradually faded away in Gao Tingting's heart, it was precisely because of that incident that the attitude of the daughter of the president of Gao's real estate towards Wang Lei gradually changed.

Hearing the tone coming from beside him, Wang Lei rolled his eyes angrily.

"Nonsense, my development philosophy deserves your compliments. You must know that Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. was able to develop from a small workshop to a listed company, and it was all due to me..."

At this point in the voice, Wang Lei's voice slowly paused.

Until the end, it was insignificant.

Although he was framed by Chen Aihua in Chen's jewellery, causing him to be in a coma for three years, this reversal gave Wang Lei a new chance in life.

Let yourself have the Shennong Collection, and cooperate with your own economic acumen to make your achievements today even more brilliant than before.

After Gao Tingting heard Wang Lei's ridicule, she wanted to speak out, but feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from Wang Lei, the daughter of the president of Gao Real Estate was startled.

He swallowed the words that had come to his lips abruptly.

"Okay, don't mention the unhappy things before. Now you help our Huacun to change its appearance. This is a gratifying and congratulatory thing. Don't spoil the mood of the big guys."

Guo Yan has been in contact with Wang Lei much longer than Gao Tingting, and she has heard about what happened to the young man beside her, so she hastily spoke out to adjust the atmosphere at the drinking table.

"Haha, you're right. It's all in the past. There's no need to dig it up again. Come on, let's raise our glasses together to celebrate Huacun's new beginning!"

Wang Lei smiled heartily and raised his wine glass high.

(End of this chapter)

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