Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 333 Enemy Encounter

Chapter 333 Enemy Encounter
In the early morning of the next day, after Wang Lei packed up from home, he drove the Ferrari-F12berlinetta towards the ocean assault store introduced by Sun Lili.

At the same time, in the ocean assault store, a young woman in a mink coat was instructing the staff to introduce various types of motorboats.

Facing the staff of the Ocean Assurance Store, the young woman was completely arrogant and empress-like.

"Don't introduce these rubbish things to me. Recommend me the motorboat with the best performance in your store, and take good care of this girl. Your benefits are indispensable."

Following the young woman's words, the customers who were picking items in the Ocean Charge store all turned their heads.

His face was full of disgust.

"Pretentious, isn't it just renting a motorboat, and pretending to be a rich man, if you are really rich, you can buy one, there is no need to make things difficult for a salesman..."

"Hey, there are everyone these days. Look at this woman, she is wearing a mink coat at a young age, she has no temperament at all, she is a nouveau riche..."

"Hush, keep your voice down, I just saw her get off a luxury car..."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the voice immediately became quieter.

Not only did the young woman not pay attention to the comments of the people around her, but her attitude became more and more arrogant.

Mu Mu glanced coldly at those people, and let out a disdainful sound from his mouth.

"A group of poor people."

"Okay, don't waste my time here, introduce me quickly..."

In the introduction by the staff of the ocean assault store, the young woman finally set her sights on a heavy motor boat with approval on her face.

Half an hour later, Wang Lei walked into this ocean assault store from the outside.

The water facilities in the store are complete and all-inclusive.

Just glanced at the store, and then showed a satisfied smile.

The shop Sun Lili recommended to herself is very good.

"Waiter, tell me about the motorboat in your shop."

Wang Lei waved to the staff not far away.

However, before the other party turned around, the young woman who was standing next to him and paying was the first to turn around, with sullen eyes in her eyes.

"Blind, I didn't see that she was greeting me..."

The young woman cursed and cursed, but when she fixed her eyes on Wang Lei, her voice stopped abruptly.

"It's you!"

The young woman let out a surprise.

Meeting Liu Hua in this kind of place was completely beyond Wang Lei's expectations.

The moment Liu Hua turned around, Wang Lei was stunned, and a chill came to his heart instantly.

When they first met, Liu Hua's performance made Wang Lei still clearly in his eyes.

Hearing the astonishment and coldness in Liu Hua's voice, Wang Lei showed contempt in his eyes.

Ignoring Liu Hua, she turned her head and said to the female staff beside her, "Tell me about the motorboat in your shop."

Seeing that Wang Lei didn't pay attention to her intentions, Liu Hua's anger welled up in her heart instantly.

"Fuck, you don't even look at your own virtues. You can afford a motorboat if you pretend to be an elephant with green onions in the nose of a pig."

"Who told you to go to him, come here!"

The last words were said by Liu Hua to the staff of the Ocean Charge shop.

However, after Liu Hua's words came out, the other staff around couldn't stand it anymore...

(End of this chapter)

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