"Is Xiujing not resting?" Liu Zaishi stared at Zheng Xiujing curiously and asked with concern.

"Well, yes. I... I'm a little bit of a bed... Hehe." Zheng Xiujing smiled perfunctorily and said awkwardly.

"It's okay, let's get used to it as soon as possible. Newcomers will always feel a little uncomfortable, and when I first arrived here..." Liu Zaishi's nagging habit of a good old man immediately relapsed, and he began to talk blah blah.

But under the dining table, Jiang Jun took Zheng Xiujing's hand and squeezed it, and at the same time said in his heart: "Your sister knows about our affairs."

"What?!" Zheng Xiujing jumped up in fright, only to realize that everyone was looking at her, her face flushed, then blackened immediately, she sat back again with her lips pouted, and held Jiang Jun's hand, thinking silently: "What the hell is going on?" What's going on? How did Ernie know?"

"She's you O'Neill, she can sense your unnaturalness." Jiang Jun said helplessly through his thoughts.

Oh Soo-jin couldn't help being a little ashamed, and squeezed Jiang Jun's palm hard: "It's not all about you~! How should I see O'Neill~"

Jiang Jun glanced at her: "It's all up to you, we didn't do anything anyway..."

"You said you didn't do anything~! Everyone will do it for you~" Zheng Xiujing gave him a shy look, and couldn't help snorting.

"Ahem~" As if aware of something wrong here, Liu Zaishi cleared his throat, but in his heart he was secretly scolding his brother for provoking peach blossoms again: "Let's eat and eat. Mr. Jiang still has something to say after eating."

At the same time, in the suburbs of Seoul, the smoke of gunpowder is still rising, and it has not cleared overnight.There is not a single building to be seen here anymore, even the once extremely tall commercial office buildings with dozens of floors can now only see the ruins of a person's height.Moreover, on the ruined walls, almost all places were instantly crystallized under the high temperature, from which we can also see the terrifying power of the explosion at night.

There are no zombies, no apostles, no people, not even a bird, the vast area is silent now, and the only thing left is the whimpering wind, telling its own misery like a ghost.

All wiped out, the h country team that attacked Seoul for the second time was completely wiped out.This was a more complete failure than last time, because after the last attack was raided by the apostles and alien zombies, the h** team was finally defeated one by one because of the chaos and the previous aggressiveness and dispersion.But this time, the group army obviously learned the lesson from last time, and dispatched motorcycle troops to reconnaissance in advance, and then the large troops gathered in one place and advanced slowly with artillery fire.This was originally the most perfect plan. Even an apostle like Run can only run away when encountering such a situation. Because the assembled troops are supported by heavy firepower, no matter how strong she is, she is just a human being. Under the cover of firepower, she couldn't rush to the front of the army, let alone use any sound waves.

However, what the military didn't expect was that the other party had to assemble their own troops to make it easier to do it.

A dozen or so pseudo-angels defeated the motorcycle troop first, and then followed the clues to rush towards the large troop of H***.They are all fanatics, thinking that after dying for the Lord, they will go to the kingdom of heaven, which makes their actions unscrupulous.Plus Eternal Science's nuclear-powered weapons.Turning on the acceleration device, a dozen of them rushed towards the assembled army like sharp arrows. When countless artillery fire fell, they first activated the protection system against the artillery attack, which is the upgraded version of the system that Bai Mao resisted Jiang Minjing's sniper attack. Then continue to charge, but the army's artillery fire is too fierce, even the perfect protection can only resist for about ten seconds, but this is enough.Ten seconds may be a snap of the fingers for humans, but for them who are charging, these ten seconds are enough for them to rush to the ideal position.then just~


More than a dozen groups of dazzling lights gathered together, and then steamed out a huge mushroom cloud.All the soldiers blocked their eyes in despair and were instantly vaporized by the high temperature of death.No one can escape such a catastrophe. Jin Quanlie, who was in charge of the central army, completely disappeared into the air without even giving an order, leaving no trace.

"Let's go~ let's go~!"

Wen Shenghao stood quietly by the passage of the temporary government ax camp, watching the people who came and went busily carrying supplies, with a mocking sneer on his lips.

After the explosion, the frightened scientists and chaebols began to encourage the government to evacuate here.Since the quasi-angel took the initiative to attack, the place where the explosion exploded was not far from the temporary government ax station. The shock wave after the explosion even shattered a lot of glass. The scorching sensation made the people in the base feel as if they were in a tropical summer. .In this case, the first thing the chaebols and scientists thought of when they came up was radiation.Out of concern for their lives, they instinctively chose to evacuate.

The two consecutive nuclear explosions frightened everyone. They no longer dared to take back Seoul. The pursuit of maximizing personal interests and personal safety made them not think of ways to appease the people, but spread the word Emotion of terror.

Children were crying, women with disheveled hair and trembling hands and feet were picking up the scattered things on the ground, and middle-aged men were sneakily stealing and robbing other people's life-supporting property.The order that was finally re-established was shattered again after the explosion.

"The child's father~ woo woo~" A woman cried and pulled the child, leading a small box, and walked quickly in the direction where the chaebol retreated first.

"Mom, mom~ Where's daddy?" The child innocently raised his head and looked at the woman and asked.

"**Dad... I can't come back. It's all Jin Quanyeol who killed that day. Why do you want to take the initiative? There is no way to win. You will die if you die, and you will implicate others~~!!" The woman turned her head to look at the explosion in resentment After the direction of vicious expletives.

"Yeah, yeah, that old guy is going to kill people even if he dies~ bastard, I respected him so much before it was a waste~!" A man passing by in a hurry scolded in agreement.



"Dead deserves it~!"

"It's easy for him to die like this, pity my little brother~ woo woo woo~"

When all the emotions are stagnant, people urgently need a way and a target to vent, and this target is Jin Quanyeol, who was originally destined to be the scapegoat.

"Teacher, although I already knew that there would be such a result, why is my heart still filled with anger?" Wen Shenghao threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, turned around and walked into the square behind the base without looking at the crowd in front of him. .

This is a place close to Seoul. It used to be crowded with people, but now few people come because of the explosion.In the square, more than thirty figures stood quietly, silent like sculptures.

"Are there 33 people? Very good~ I thought there would be only about [-] people left." Wen Shenghao smiled and came to attention in front of everyone: "New H Rebel Army~Assemble here~!"

"Loyalty~!!!" The 33 people saluted vigorously.

"Heh~ Aren't you afraid of radiation? Stand here and wait for me." Wen Shenghao smiled and asked them to take a break.

"Sir~! Soldiers take obedience as their bounden duty. Compared with radiation, we have to face more dangerous things. This is nothing." A soldier replied with a salute.

"Very good, do you know why I called you the Rebel Army?" Wen Shenghao continued to ask.

"Because the new government has been corrupted to the point of hopelessness. In order to save the tens of millions of people in danger in the big h country, we must overthrow such a corrupt government and establish a new order that truly serves the country and the people Really give up your life to drive out the conspirators and monsters." Another soldier took a step forward and replied in salute.

"Okay~ very good~ For the sake of General Kim Jeon-yeol who wronged Xue, for the sake of those iron-blooded soldiers who lost their lives because of a few politicians and chaebols and nerds who didn't know anything but pointed fingers, we must have the awareness of shame. We must have the determination to die .” Wen Shenghao glanced at the crowd and said excitedly.


"Okay~! Now is the time for chaos, the target, the temporary scientific research institute. Take control of the scientific research personnel, and let's see what the hell they are doing~!" Wen Shenghao waved his hand, and the whole team began to sneak silently stand up.

Due to the hasty evacuation, everyone's route is basically predictable, which helps them to avoid the crowd and approach the research institute quietly, but the research institute is the last one in a hurry because of the instruments and experimental subjects. They were about to evacuate, and there were only eight guards here, who were no match for more than 30 soldiers at all. After Wen Shenghao killed two of them, the rest of the frightened guards surrendered their guns.

"Boom~!" Kicking open the gate of the research institute, Wen Shenghao left ten people to guard the gate, and then led others to rush in.

"What are you doing? What are you going to do?" A slightly fat middle-aged man saw him rushing in with a team and came up angrily and asked.

"You are?" Wen Shenghao glanced at him and asked with a familiar face.

"I'm a representative of the Scientology School, and you're Moon Seung-ho. Let me tell you, Jin Quanyeol is dead, and you can't escape being involved in his department, so...uh~"

The neck of the middle-aged man was caught violently by Wen Shenghao: "Since it is a representative, it is not of much value." Wen Shenghao sneered and threw the middle-aged man who could hardly breathe to the ground, and then pulled The gun was fired.

"Forgive me~ forgive me~ I know the inside story here, let me go, let me go." The middle-aged man trembled from the sound of the bolt being pulled, and kowtowed profusely on the ground.

"Oh? That depends on your performance, Mr. Representative, I hope you won't disappoint me, right?" Wen Shenghao said with a mocking smile.

"It must be, you came at the right time, the core treasure has not been taken away." The middle-aged man got up and rubbed his hands to please him.

"Treasure? What? A high-tech weapon?" Wen Shenghao raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"No, it's an individual, to be precise, it's a precious experimental sample. Come on, I'll take you to see it and you'll know. Haha~ Although he's a public figure, it's a top-secret sample with us. Please~" The middle-aged man said with a smile, and then pointed to a door as an invitation gesture. (To be continued.)

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