Korean Entertainment Apocalypse

224, the awakened Li Sanlang

The soldiers quickly subdued the group of people who were panicking and trying to escape in all directions. They were all nerds and research freaks. Let alone resisting, they would be panting after running a few steps. One soldier like this is no problem to deal with seven or eight people. .

A group of people quickly gathered together with their heads in their arms and were watched by two soldiers with guns. The middle-aged representative nodded and bowed and explained to Wen Shenghao the identities of these people and the projects they were responsible for. The important technicians among these people have a preliminary impression.

The two continued to walk in. The middle-aged representative is the most important manager besides the main person in charge of the newly emerging Science Party in the government. He has high authority over the identification of traffic in the institute. People walked straight all the way and entered the scientific research center of the institute.

Walking in front of an alloy door, the middle-aged representative glanced at him, and then said with a sneer to Wen Shenghao: "This is our most important harvest. It is also one of the important samples that technicians have been doing research for a long time. Many people are interested in The research results of this parasitic cell were all obtained after extracting samples from her, she is..."

While speaking, the middle-aged representative activated the door opener, pushed the door open and walked in.

Inside the gate is a spacious large room with countless bright incandescent lamps on the roof. The research institute is a department that enjoys the same first-level treatment as the government agency, and several generator sets are busy day and night. Provide it with power supply.Therefore, compared with the poor civilians who have been outside for nearly 30 days and have not been able to see a light, the life here is close to luxury.What's more, the food, drinking water and even clean water of most of the political personnel and scientists who are family chaebols are of the highest standard, even higher than that of soldiers who are born and died. As for civilians, there is no need to compare. If the move to separate the people from the plutocrats and the government also caused complaints from the army and the people, Wen Shenghao had a chance.

Under the bright light, there are huge glass containers, which contain many severed human limbs, zombie heads and some internal organs, and some captured [***] zombies seem to be trapped and submerged liquid in a glass vessel.

Wen Shenghao and the soldiers were all dazzled by the sight. They were no strangers to the ones in front of them. Even the recruits who had never killed zombies here were trained after escaping from Seoul. They have all seen it before, but what they see in front of them gives them a weird feeling.Countless limbs and organs of severed arms and even [***] were immersed in containers and encapsulated. Such a scene was beyond their imagination.

However, Wen Shenghao still found a special existence. Among the countless huge vessels, the one in the center seemed to be extraordinarily huge. From a distance, it protruded from all the vessels by about the width of a palm, appearing very obvious.

"That's over there..." Wen Shenghao pointed over there and walked in the direction of the huge glass vessel.

"That's right, that's what I want to show you. The core sample of our research institute...she is..." The middle-aged man accompanied Wen Shenghao as he walked forward and guided him through the glass vessels one by one. The distance to the huge container is not far away. Following the guidance of the middle-aged man, the few people arrived there after walking only ten meters. The voice of the middle-aged man just ended here: "Sunny from Girls' Generation~"

"Sunny? Oh my god~ this is..." Everyone opened their eyes and looked at the huge glass container in disbelief. In the blue liquid inside, a girl was floating in the void as if she was peacefully sleeping. Her eyes were closed tightly, her expression There was not much pain on her face as if she was asleep, but there was a wound that looked like a bite mark on her neck.

"She..." Wen Shenghao looked at the middle-aged representative momentarily speechless.

"This was discovered when our researchers led a team of soldiers into Seoul more than ten days ago to observe the activity patterns of zombies and collect samples. At that time, the team followed the movement and came to the vicinity of s, m. The scouts found that sm had been removed from The interior was closed, and everyone went in after the report. After entering, they found that Li Xiuman was arguing with the current representative of our entertainment industry, Kim Youngmin. The reason was that Sunny, a member of Girls’ Generation, seemed to be bitten by a mutated trainee. , Jin Yingmin meant to throw her out of the company or simply lock her in a room full of infected people, while Li Xiuman hoped to tie her up first and then observe. The researcher at the time originally wanted to take Jin Yingmin They came back together, but they encountered a wave of corpses and blocked the team in SM. He followed Li Xiuman's request to check on Sunny, and unexpectedly found an amazing discovery. The parasites in Sunny's body The speed of the invasion was very slow, and there seemed to be some signs of mutation. The researcher was a research fanatic, and he became excited immediately after making such a discovery. So he ignored everyone's doubts and forcibly ordered the accompanying soldiers to rush out a bloody road to bring back This sample was collected. At that time, there were about [-] soldiers who accompanied us, but only three survived in the end."

"Md, why don't you take human life seriously?" A soldier couldn't help cursing after hearing this.

The middle-aged representative glanced at him, and said helplessly: "I mean, only the three soldiers with Sunny came back in the end, and even the researcher himself died. This is not because he doesn't care about human lives, but because he has made a breakthrough. Opportunity, even if you sacrifice your life, you must seize it, because it is likely to save many people."

The scene fell silent for a while, Wen Shenghao looked at the sunny in the container for a long time before asking: "What is her condition now? Alive? Or is she in a vegetable state?"

"She has her own consciousness, but for the sake of research, we have been trapping her in this liquid mixed with nutrient solution and anesthesia medicine. Because you know, some blood and bone marrow will be drawn during the research. Or the behavior of skin samples, if she is always awake, our scientists will not be able to work." The middle-aged representative looked at Wen Shenghao shrugged his shoulders and said with an expression that you understand.

"But she's human. How could she do such a cruel thing without her knowing?" Wen Shenghao raised his eyebrows and said with frost on his face.

"This... I think you should be clear that a new law was urgently passed after the explosion of the new government axe, temporarily depriving those suspected of being infected of any rights, and the whole process is under the supervision of the government axe. Do you still need me to say what deprivation of rights means? ? You should understand, the subtext is that she is no longer a person at all."

"Hmph~ Really? It seems that it is really necessary to overthrow this new policy. Let's start from here." Wen Shenghao sneered, and Jiang Minjing suddenly appeared in his mind. At the beginning, her " "Death" left an indelible scar in Moon Seung Ho's heart, now looking at the sunny Lee Soon Kyu in front of him, he seems to have finally found a sacred sense of forgiveness.As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and raised his gun and fired the bullets in the chamber.

The glass used in the glassware is not ordinary fragile glass, but it has not reached the level of bulletproof. Three bullets were shot on it, and Wen Shenghao also deliberately avoided Lee Soon Kyu's body, for fear of hurting her.But his worries were unnecessary, the three bullets were firmly embedded in the thick glass wall, and then the huge glass vessel began to gradually appear clusters of white cracks that appeared when it shattered together, and then the cracks were visible to the naked eye. spread.

"Back~!" Wen Shenghao raised his hand, and then pulled the frightened middle-aged representative back a few steps, just out of the range where the glassware might be injured by broken glass.

"You, you...you're crazy~!!! This is no good for you." The middle-aged representative finally changed his face.It's just that before I finished my words, the glass vessel in front of me finally shattered. The instant that countless liquids flowed out from the gap, the glass fragments were detached, which eventually caused the entire vessel to collapse.

The water dragged Li Shungui's body out and landed on the floor. She rolled twice on the liquid-soaked floor as if unconscious, and then lay down on the ground motionless.

Everyone was looking at her lying on the ground, and the room was extremely quiet for a moment, just when even Wen Shenghao couldn't help but want to check to see if she was still alive.A violent cough finally came out of the girl's throat.

Li Shungui, who was wet all over, coughed loudly, spit out all the water in her throat while coughing, and then she lay half on the ground and began to retch heavily.

"What's wrong with her?" Seeing Li Shungui's distressed look, Wen Shenghao glared at the middle-aged representative and asked.

"No, don't worry. She has been soaking in the nutrient solution and has no appetite at all, and her abdominal cavity is full of water. It's normal now." The middle-aged representative looked at the gun in Wen Shenghao's hand and explained.

"Ahem~ I...where am I?" Li Shungui finally stood up reluctantly and looked weakly at the group of people in front of him.The girl's clothes had been soaked in water, and now that she was free again, the clothes on her body were clinging to her body, revealing her exquisite curves. She was originally a representative of a short body when she was a girl, but she was also a representative of a stalwart chest Before the accident, Li Sanlang was dubbed by fans as the tallest woman when she was lying down. The curve of the chest was because of the tight fit of the clothes. The throats of several recruits felt dry for a while.

"Sunnyxi~ I'm Wen Shenghao, the counselor of the new army, are you okay?" Wen Shenghao stepped forward and asked with a friendly smile, then turned his head and said to a recruit: "Go and find someone here to get Miss Sunny Clean clothes."

"Why am I here?" Li Shungui shook his head, flicked the liquid from his ears, and then looked around again and asked.

"The reason you are here is..." Wen Shenghao was about to introduce the situation, but suddenly a soldier rushed in from outside the door.

"Sir~ It's not good~!!" (To be continued.)

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