Zhanshan is King of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 101 Development of the Shanzhai

Chapter 101 Development of the Shanzhai

It's time to vote~~! !

Yangliu's brothel is expected to open on June 184, 6, and its address is in Yingling County. Therefore, there are a lot of male players in nearby counties who have nothing to do in the past few days and went to Yingling to investigate the situation, which indirectly caused Yingling County Taxes have skyrocketed.

Although Li Feng received the opening invitation from Yangliu, he didn't have time, because that day was when the Yuedan Review started. In what he said to Yangliu, "Boss, I have millions of resources per second. It will take at least half a day to visit the mausoleum, so I don’t think I will go.”

Yang Liu used other people's money to work for others, so Yang Liu wasn't too surprised by Li Feng's attitude, and didn't say much, but said that he would settle Li Feng's accounts for this month on July 7st.

Ever since Situ Qingyun said to go to Sili a few months ago, Li Feng hadn't seen this girl who knew martial arts go online, and Li Feng didn't think there was any problem at first, but when more than a month passed, she still hasn't seen her. Li Feng knew that this girl either didn't want to play or didn't have time to play, but Li Feng guessed that she just didn't have time to play, because she didn't leave him a message saying that she didn't play, but Li Feng was still looking forward to taking her. Small and cheap. (Wait for me to think about it carefully, let her play or not, in fact, it is very easy to let her go, just don't play games.)
Li Feng was sitting in the main tent, but he was looking forward to the fact that Kong Rong's army on the opposite side would come over to make him have some fun. It's just that he was hiding in the fortress and had no intention of going out to fight. This made Li Feng wonder if Kong Rong, an NPC, was afraid of being beaten by him.

Just when Li Feng was idle and wanted to sleep, a leader of the alliance scrambled and scrambled quickly adjusted his clothes under Guan Hai's cold gaze, and then said to Li Feng: "Mufeng Qushuai, An expedition map was found in Yingqiu County."

"What? Expedition map?" Li Feng's eyes lit up, he stood up hastily, asked a yellow scarf guard standing beside him to get a chair for the leader, and then asked as if confirming.

"Well, it was discovered by a leveling team of our alliance when they were leveling in the wild." The leader nodded and said excitedly.

"Okay, thank you, you are from Yingqiu County, so, let me talk to your county magistrate, let him allocate a place for your alliance to be the main base." Li Feng is now like the boss of Beihai County. The posture, instructing these player lords is also quite casual, but he is based on the policy of clear rewards and punishments. Since someone told him such important news, it is not a bad idea to reward him with a piece of fiefdom. After conquering 11 counties in Beihai except Duchang County, all the main alliance bases of all player alliances were completely destroyed by Li Feng's iron and blood methods. This result caused all player alliances in Beihai County to collapse in an instant , All the alliance bases painstakingly managed by the various alliances in Beihai County are all scrapped. Although this approach will cause some turmoil in the short term, it fundamentally solves and prevents the formation of gangs among player villages and individuals, because after the base is destroyed, the various alliances Basically, it exists in name only, and at the same time, it will reduce the interdependence of the villages of each alliance, and then it will increase the order of each alliance to the villages, and finally each village will become independent. When this situation comes, then all The alliance will fall apart, and there will be no so-called coalition of forces and interests, which will allow Li Feng to have little worries in Beihai County.

"Thank you so much, brother Feng. If we get our alliance in the future, we will definitely die!" After hearing Li Feng's words, the alliance leader was so excited that he didn't know what to do, so he said to Li Feng.

After seeing off the alliance leader, Li Feng walked back and forth in the tent, and then said to Li Shan and Guan Hai who were waiting at the side: "Guan Hai, come with me to have a look, Li Shan, you and Wang San , Wang Si, and Xue Lan guard the camp well, if Tai Shici and the others come out to kick the camp, they will pull out the camp and retreat three miles."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Li Shan was a little puzzled by Li Feng's order, but it was not easy to disobey, and besides, Guan Hai also responded to Li Feng, so he had no choice but to do as Li Feng said.

"Well, then Shuai Qu will take away one hundred yellow turban guards and five hundred yellow turban warriors, and leave the rest to you." Li Feng looked at Li Shan's expression of wanting to say something but didn't dare to say it, and knew what was going on in his heart. What was he thinking, but he didn't answer, because he couldn't discuss the history of the Three Kingdoms with Li Shan, could he?Then it's no wonder Li Shan doesn't treat him as a psychopath!
Huang Shao took the [-] high-ranking bandits in official military equipment that Li Feng had given him and headed towards Donglai at high speed, while the low-ranking general who Li Feng sent him [-] yellow-turban volunteers took the cannon fodder and followed Huang Not far behind them, Shao and the others were moving at the fastest speed in the same direction as them.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Qingzhou had a total of six counties, namely Qi County, Jinan, Le'an, Beihai, Chengyang, Donglai and other six counties, and these six counties had 62 counties under their jurisdiction.

Li Feng has only controlled half of Beihai County so far. After all, there are too many player villages in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Li Feng himself feels that his current situation is a bit like Chairman Jiang of the Republic of China. The cities ignore the countryside, but Li Feng only controls nearby places such as system county towns, and many remote mountainous areas and player villages far from the county towns. Even if he wants to control and turn those villages into colonial villages, he does not have so many troops to disperse .

Now that the system has canceled the upper limit of recruiting troops every day, those villages with barracks that have not been persecuted by Li Feng may have recruited how many troops, but Li Feng is not worried at all, the main reason is, No matter how many soldiers those villages recruited, they had to be directly linked to their food production. As far as the grain production of the traditional construction stream villages was concerned, recruiting [-] to [-] troops would be enough.

As a cottage king, Li Feng has always been thinking about the development of his own cottage.In fact, everyone should think about their positions, and there is no need to compare anything, even if they are compared, they cannot be compared.

What Li Feng is doing is a cottage, not a group of sheep-like village chiefs who have no protection ability. He will not be accepted by the nobles in the world. In the eyes of those NPC giants in big cities, rebels are just a bunch of people. A mud-legged person who doesn't know anything, so Li Feng complied with that sentence, it is easy to conquer the world, but it is difficult to conquer the world.In reality, throughout the ages, countless peasant uprisings have been established regimes, but they were overthrown within a few days, all because they only know how to fight, but not "defend", and lack the necessary management talents.

However, the Shanzhai led by Li Feng faced exactly the problems mentioned above. From his time in Beihai, it can be seen that he successfully used the bandit army to take down the eleven county towns stationed by the Han army, but no one knew how to manage them. !All this is because his cottage lacks the necessary administrative talents, looking for players?God!Li Feng didn't have the time or thought to listen to those guys' reports every day like a meeting. Of course, there are exceptions for special places like Yangliu who are also intelligence chiefs.He also wants to find Li Feng, but he has management skills, which one is not from a wealthy family?Who would care to come to your small cottage?Besides, many people have not come out of the mountain now, so Li Feng can't find it at all now. In the end, after thinking about it, he can only think that these eleven buildings are "cumbersome" in his eyes, but fat in the eyes of other players. The meat system county is replaced by real RMB. When selling the city, Li Feng really doesn’t sell it to ordinary people. The people he sells are players who have joined the Yellow Turban camp. In this way, one, to prevent them from being stabbed in the back. Qu Shuai, who belongs to the upper echelons of the Yellow Turban Taiping Road, if he was killed by someone in his own way, it would be strange if Zhang Jiao didn't come to avenge him in person. Second, Li Feng is not afraid at all that they dare to touch him. The Taiping Dao cannot spare him, and the Eastern Han Dynasty cannot spare him either. You must know that the Eastern Han Dynasty was very strict with the rebels.

Now Li Feng just wants to build his stronghold well, make the defense of his stronghold into a monster, so that no one can attack, and then improve his reputation, increase his dominance over more NPC strongholds and gain the right to garrison troops. Must use force to deter all colonial villages and other Yellow Turban players.

(End of this chapter)

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