Zhanshan is King of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 102 Brawl, fishing in troubled waters

Chapter 102 Brawl, fishing in troubled waters

This is the first month's review task, I plan to write it quickly, because many things are still waiting for the protagonist.Vote!

Li Feng only remembered on the way to the adventure map that there are two days until the month's review, and he still doesn't know what the rules are. He thinks that the leveling and treasure adventure map won't fly anyway, so He planned to go there later when he had enough time, so he took Guan Hai back to the front line of Duchang.

"Ding! Player Mufeng, please pay attention, the large-scale competitive event is about to start, and the rules of the game are stated below..."

"In the troubled times of the Yellow Turban, everything is kept simple, and the activities are as follows."

"1. Each player can only bring one NPC into the arena..."

"2. Every time a player is killed, 1 point is accumulated. Killing the accompanying NPC does not add points, and the person who is killed is directly out of the game..."

"3. It is limited to one day. When the time is up, the scoring will end. Xu Zijiang will personally comment on the top three with the highest points."

"Confirm that you entered the venue correctly..."

Li Feng directly drew a circle on the upper and lower part of the prompt, and then filled in Guan Hai at the NPC.

"Enter the venue 3.2.1..."

Li Feng only felt dizzy in his head, and after that, he appeared on an endless prairie wilderness. He turned his head quickly, just in time to see Guan Hai looking around with blank eyes. On this prairie, there is no one It was a living creature, and the silence was terrifying, and what made Li Feng feel insecure the most was that the height of this grassland was only as high as the calf!That is to say, this grass cannot hide people.

Li Feng's heart rose instantly, suddenly he thought of something, quickly opened the package, put on a set of very ordinary Tier [-] counselor clothes, and then he hid the black gossip Taoist robe, this kind of unknown place, the more pretentious The faster he died, his clothes were too flamboyant and pretentious. They were purely a standard moving target. Li Feng knew the situation better, so he quickly changed them.

He had just finished changing his clothes, and before he had time to talk to Guan Hai in a hurry, he was instantly shocked by the scenery in front of him in the blink of an eye. It's just that people are close to each other, people are crowded, and countless white lights representing new players are still flashing.

There was a lot of noise, and in the end, I didn't know who it was. Suddenly, the player next to me brandished a butcher knife. Suddenly, the entire grassland, which was already chaotic, instantly became a slaughterhouse for human beings. Countless players brandished swords at each other.

I saw a player holding a sledgehammer, his eyes were red, looking at the players around him who were fighting with each other, he suddenly let out a roar, and then he carried the sledgehammer towards the surrounding wheels, and suddenly a large group of players were still PKing each other All the players emitted white light and flew out of the grassland, and a large space suddenly appeared around him, but then, around the player, countless player archers flew towards him, shooting him into a hedgehog and flying out of the field.

Li Feng has been carefully avoiding this crazy guy with his tail between his legs. Guan Hai is also protecting him at all times. The two of them pass by groups of players PK, but no one wants to mess with them, because those players are all Only caring about their opponents, no one wants to provoke an irrelevant person.

Li Feng looked at the crowd of players in front of him and calculated carefully. He checked the points on the killing leaderboard. No.1: Wu Dejun 561 points, No.2 Ai Feiyang 533 points, No.3 Sunny Night 511 After seeing this, he gradually began to worry about it.

First of all, Li Feng walked to a place with the largest number of people and the worst melee, and then whispered a few words to Guan Hai.

Many players around him are unaware that the real danger is coming...

Li Feng stretched his hands upwards, and in a posture for casting spells, he ordered Guan Hai: "It's now, use the saber!"

Guan Hai didn't hesitate anymore, and directly yelled "Hero Possession!" Then, eight golden sword qi flew out.

"Thunder is everywhere!" Li Feng also shouted in a low voice, looking at the crowded melee area 100 meters ahead.

Immediately, a black cloud appeared out of thin air on half of the grassland, and countless purple sky thunders roared down, directly blasting into the group of players.

The players around Li Feng all turned into white light without even understanding what was going on, and Li Feng's points instantly rose to 157 points.

At this time, the players farther around also came to their senses. They were all afraid at first, but when they saw Guan Hai slaughtering many low-level players like chickens, they all spontaneously united and began to carry out scattered operations. counterattack.

Seeing this scene, Li Feng had no idea what to do. After all, this task...it is impossible to get a good ranking without causing public outrage.

He looked at the melee player rushing towards him, and threw out another Thunderbolt Wanjun. Now that he had that gem, he didn't have to continue to expend energy to maintain the spell.

One of the attributes of the Moyu Skull is that the duration of the spell is extended by 5 seconds. That is to say, when Li Feng casts a spell, no matter how many seconds he persists, it will be extended by 5 seconds. Therefore, he only needs to consume the spell consumed by casting the spell now. , Then when the spell is used for one second, he stops the energy supply of the spell, and then the spell he casts will be extended for another five seconds. He is now relying on this state to save more energy to cast more thunderbolts.

On the grassland on Li Feng's side, players who had never entered the field kept flying in, but Li Feng and Guan Hai killed more players.

On the other side of the battlefield, Wu Dejun was wearing ordinary light armor. He hid himself among the fleeing crowd, watching an NPC general with white skin and heavy armor holding a long knife follow behind and start killing.

As a player who joined Ma Teng's forces in the early days, Wu Dejun has entered the core of Ma Teng's forces through various tasks to help Ma Teng's army. The so-called core naturally has unique advantages. It was Pound that Ma Teng sent to protect him, that's why those players feared that general like a tiger and wolf, and made Wu Dejun, a guy hiding in the chaotic crowd, very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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