Zhanshan is King of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 103 Exiting the Mission and Playing with Donglai

Chapter 103 Exiting the Mission and Playing with Donglai
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The entire grassland can be said to be boundless, and the place between Li Feng and Wu Dejun can only be said to be a small corner. On the battlefield, Ai Feiyang held a simple knife and was covered in blood. Wei Yan beside him was also panting slightly. , Ai Feiyang watched the seemingly endless crowd of players rushing towards him, and for the first time felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He has killed more than 1700 players at this time, and Wei Yan's vigor has bottomed out, unable to use the most powerful range skills. Although super generals are unmatched by players at this stage, their vigor is limited. When a general's vigor is used up, all moves will be stopped, and the problem can only be solved by a single slash.

And it is precisely because of the rapid depletion of vigor that there is a player profession that has caused the major alliances, groups, and warlords to fight each other: vigor pharmacist!Of course, this is something to say later, let's hold it for now.

Let's say that in the dungeon venue of Yuedan Review at this time, hundreds of millions of players have restored the bloodthirsty nature of human beings, and they are fighting together. Basically, tens of thousands of players are eliminated every second.

Li Feng has lost his strength here, and Thunder Wanjun has also turned off. Now he is just relying on Guan Hai to slash the players one by one, but Guan Hai's health has also begun to decline. It only took more than 20 minutes to drop. More than 4, of which the most long-range bows and arrows were shot.

This made Li Feng a little uneasy. Seeing that he had killed more than 1400 people, he was really a little unwilling.

In fact, all players with historical generals of level three or above in this venue are having a hard time. Although Wu Dejun's Pang De does not belong to him, he is now under his command, which has nothing to do with subduing him. It's the same, it's just that the system didn't notify. Ai Feiyang and Wei Yan are also killing non-stop, and those players with third-level generals are making the final support.

About an hour later, when Li Feng saw Guan Hai's health value was 15 from the attribute panel, he knew that he might not be able to withdraw today. Did he know that Guan Hai's health value must not be too low, if If there are too few, when he leaves this venue, if any accident occurs in Duchang County, it will definitely cause some unnecessary losses. According to Li Feng's estimate, Tai Shici's single-body big move is worth more than 10 damage , as long as Guan Hai is not killed, basically there is hope of survival, and now the biggest reliance on Pingyuan Shanzhai is Guan Hai.

Li Feng looked at his score of 2447, ranked No.3, and felt very unhappy, but there was no other way, so he had to click the exit button, and then he was dizzy again, and returned directly from that place When he set off, he was the front-line commander in Duchang, and then he asked Guan Hai to rest first, but he sat and waited for the final result.

Huang County, Dongnae County

Tai Shici's mother had a peaceful face, and she looked at Beihai County with some thoughts and anxiety in her expression.

Suddenly, there was a lot of noise from all over Huangxian County, the screams and cries of NPC children rang out together, and the screams of women also rang out. Tai Shici's mother stood up slowly and walked to the courtyard of her house At the door, I want to see what happened on the street.

I saw hundreds of guys with the appearance of officers and soldiers burning, killing and looting in the spacious streets. They were worse than robbers. Countless male NPCs were killed and female NPCs were dragged into the house. The fat NPC county magistrate just stood aside and looked at these officers and soldiers with a face full of horror, without any intention of obstructing them. After seeing this scene, Tai Shici's mother almost didn't faint from anger. She didn't expect that, on weekdays, The big Han officer she had a good impression of showed such a pair of scum-like fangs that were not as good as animals.

At this time, there was a commotion outside the county again. Then, Tai Shici's mother saw that the officers and soldiers suddenly panicked, as if they were afraid of something, they straightened their clothes and took weapons. Carrying a few NPC county citizens as shields.

Afterwards, under the watchful eyes of a loving mother, a group of Yellow Turban Army who resisted the yellow banner and wore yellow scarves on their heads rushed into the county town in a disciplined manner, killing those officers and soldiers who harmed the common people, killing them back at the same time. They all shouted slogans: "Kill the scum, clean up the dog officials, and protect the people!"

The loving mother saw that these yellow scarf soldiers were not at all like the legendary ones who burned, killed and looted. They were yellow and skinny, unorganized and undisciplined troops. On the contrary, they were the officers and soldiers. I heard that they lost repeatedly on the battlefield. Just because this is about to move to the master.

Unknowingly, because of the scene in front of her where officials robbed and rescued by bandits, Tai Shici's mother's view of the Yellow Turban Tao changed slightly.

Huang Shao looked at the thousands of high-ranking troops massacring the righteous people of the Yellow Turbans, and there was nothing wrong with his expression. Although both sides were from Pingyuan Mountain, there was a difference between the upper and lower sides. Now is the time to reflect the value of the righteous people of the Yellow Turbans, so In Huang Shao and He Man's view, the death of these cannon fodder can bring benefits to the cottage, so their death is more important than Mount Tai, not lighter than a feather.

That's right, those who acted as officers and soldiers were those thousands of yellow scarves righteous people. When they were on the road, they were the officers and soldiers' uniforms worn by those high-level troops. This was to avoid trouble during the march. After the exchange, He Man took more than a dozen yellow scarf guards assigned by Li Feng to protect Huang Shao alone at night, entered the county government office, and arrested the magistrate, so there were those pretending to be yellow scarves Such an unbearable thing happened under the instruction and supervision of this county magistrate.

Huang Shao hid in a dark corner and watched the battle that was coming to an end, then whispered a few words to He Man, and then led twenty yellow scarf guards to the house where Tai Shici's mother lived, while He Man himself Walking towards the battlefield, he commanded the army to try to end the battle quickly. As for the low-level general, he led these yellow turban righteous people into the city, and after secretly arranging them, he ran to He Man's side, so those yellow turban righteous people were just Acting on previous orders.

Huang Shao and his men deliberately stopped at the door of Tai Shici's house, which was already closed, and then said loudly: "Fathers and folks, the Taiping Road suppression army has caused you a little trouble. Today's great victory has wiped out more than 5000 disturbing government troops. , although I and other Taiping Taoists are not afraid of the officers and soldiers, but after a certain army leaves, the dog officials will definitely blame you, so this general suggests that you move out of this place quickly, otherwise you may be in danger of your life!"

"My lord, take us away, we can endure hardship!" An NPC county resident said immediately after hearing Huang Shao's speech.

"That's right! Everyone in our county hopes that your army can provide military protection. Those officers and soldiers just now are simply too terrifying! I can't imagine what it will be like to do it again!" Another villager said with lingering fear.

For a while, many villagers were chattering loudly, and finally, the opposite door opened with a creak, and a man with black and white hair and a somewhat desolate expression appeared in front of Huang Shao. Huang Shao was pleasantly surprised by the first sentence he spoke. abnormal.

"Can your army take us to Duchang County, Beihai?" Tai Shici's mother looked at Huang Shao, staring at Huang Shao without blinking, trying to verify the authenticity of Huang Shao's words, but Huang Shao What is it for?If he doesn't even have this bit of shame, then he is not a Yellow Turban thief. In fact, the loving mother did not say it for herself, but for other county residents. Thousands of people have been killed in the county, so the government and army will definitely slaughter the county, so the loving mother resolutely abandons righteousness to save the lives of these NPCs who have been with him for many years, because she can't just watch tens of thousands of ordinary people in the county County residents were killed.

(End of this chapter)

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