Restart the world

Chapter 101 Silly Roe Deer

Chapter 101 Silly Roe Deer

The vast snow covered everything, and in Wanli's eyes, every scenery around him was exactly the same, and it was impossible to find the camp.It was the coldest season in Bincheng at the end of January, even Wanli was unwilling to spend the night in the ice and snow.

If you can't find the way, go down the mountain.

You don't have to worry about the direction when going down the mountain, just go downhill.The slope was very slippery in the snow, Cong Cistan lost his foot and fell backwards. He hurriedly grabbed Wanli's sleeve, only to hear a thud and a plop.

The sleeve was torn off and she fell again.

"You are stronger than a wolf. The wolf tore my clothes for a long time without tearing them apart. Once you tore them, they would be ruined." Wan Li looked at his broken sleeve and stretched out his right hand to her.

Cong Cistan's face was terrified, he felt that he had not done as much ugliness in his life as he did today, scolded Zheng Wei a hundred times in his heart, stretched out his hand to pull Wan Li up, frowned slightly, fell his butt twice, it hurt.

"It hurts from the fall? Doesn't Bincheng University of Technology practice hard qigong?" Wan Li laughed.

Cong Cistan shook his head: "Elective, I didn't choose."

"Then can you still go? I'll carry you on my back?"

"...I'm sorry to trouble you."

Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, and he asked casually, are you really going to let yourself recite it, are you so impolite?

The road down the mountain was very peaceful, perhaps because the snow was too heavy for the animals to hide, and they were not attacked again.

Wanli, who carried Cong Cistan on his back to the foot of the mountain, was surprised to find that the girl on his back had fallen asleep. Could it be that she was a superpower or aptitude awakener, and did her back make her feel the warmth of her father?
He took out his mobile phone, and the attack of the wolves caused several cracks on the screen of the mobile phone. I don't know if the tempered film is broken or the screen is broken, but it can still be used normally.There were two bars of signal at the foot of the mountain. He immediately called Liu Miao's mobile phone, but there was no signal, and he called Hei Danyan's mobile phone, but there was no signal.Dial Director Liao's mobile phone, and after seven or eight rings, he finally got through.

"Wali Yang, what's the matter? Aren't you on the mountain?" Director Liao's voice was vague.

"Something happened, I went down the mountain, and... well, can you locate me and send a car to pick me up?"

"Urgent? Don't you look at what time it is, the colleagues in the technical department have already left work, and I'm sleeping with my wife and daughter in my arms!"

"Yo, do you still have a wife and daughter?" Wan Li smiled: "How old is your daughter?"

"It's strange that I have a wife at 32? You don't care how old my daughter is! It seems that you are not in a hurry. Tell me about the situation on the mountain. Is there any problem when it snows? Is Hei Danyan with the survey team?"

"Maybe she's gone. I didn't get a signal when I called her cell phone." Wan Li sighed: "The situation here is more complicated, let me tell you. We found the place where the spirit stone was found, and I dug a hole, and then..."


"This is probably the case, do you understand? Director Liao? Director Liao! Are you listening?"


"So I don't know where I am now. There is a beautiful girl sleeping on my back, and there is a spirit stone in my arms."

"Beautiful girl? Lingshi?!"

"...Did you listen?"

"Yes, wait until I get someone to check your location. Alas, Lao Xu, it's not that I, the chief, don't know how to be considerate of his subordinates, and let you work in the middle of the night..." Chief Liao hung up the phone muttering.

Wanli took a look at the mobile phone, there is still 50.00% of the battery power left, so there is no need to worry about running out of power in a short time.Cong Cistan on his back tilted his body slightly because he was holding the phone with one hand, so he automatically adjusted to a comfortable position, resting his chin on Wanli's right shoulder, and continued to sleep, but she didn't respond to the phone shaking her eyes.

Wan Li didn't call her, turned his head to look at the surrounding environment, and waited for Director Liao to call, feeling that the sense of direction is really a mysterious thing.A moment later, the phone rang, and Wanlisiao answered it.

"Wali Yang, you are now in the southwest of Xiling, Xiema Village, about [-] kilometers away from Xiema Village in a straight line. How the hell did you run so far?!" Director Liao roared.

"Thirty kilometers, is the bus that takes us to Xiema Village still there?"

"I'm talking about the straight-line distance. If you go five kilometers south, there is a small dirt road in the countryside. But it's snowing, and the bus can't take the dirt road around the mountain. I'll let other cars pick you up and arrive tomorrow morning."

Wan Li was startled: "Tomorrow morning? Director Liao, can't we call a helicopter or something? I'm going to carry this girl with Class F on my back. I'm afraid I'll get sick from the cold all night."

"Helicopter? I've never been in a helicopter before! Don't you say she's a beautiful girl? Give her the clothes, this is a good chance to earn your impression points..."

"Can you be more serious." Wan Li sighed: "Also, when you let the car come, you'd better bring a few more people, the animals on the mountain are a bit too active because of the spirit stone, and this girl has three classmates in the mountain , I don’t know if Second Uncle found them. It seems that they are all children from rich families. If they are in danger, it will be very troublesome..."

"There are three more?" Director Liao's voice became serious and serious: "Children from rich families, do you know their identities?"

"The girl on my back is called Cong Wei, and the other is Zheng Wei, who sells jewelry at home..."

"Selling jewelry? Surnamed Zheng? Damn it! It's that old bastard's son!" Director Liao interrupted with a low growl.

Wanli was taken aback, acquaintance?

"I see. Wan Liyang, at 07:30 tomorrow morning, wait for the bus on the side of the road." Director Liao hung up the phone.

07:30?Wan Li sighed again, turned his head to search for the leeward place, walked to a big tree at the foot of the mountain with Cong Cistan on his back, and let her down.

When his butt touched the cold snow, Cong Cistan immediately opened his eyes bewilderedly, "Are we going down the mountain?"

"Going down the mountain, the car that will pick us up will arrive at 07:30 tomorrow morning, so you can continue to sleep."

"Then...sleep?" Cong Tan looked around in a daze, "in the wild? On the snow?"

"You still want to sleep on my back for one night? That's fine, rent out the back, [-] a night."

Cong was stunned for a moment, then fully awake, blushing and muttering: "I'm not..."

"Okay, go to sleep, I'm sleepy too." Wan Li took off the tattered down jacket and handed it to her, "You said you would pay me [-] yuan for this dress, and it's yours. How about the pants? ?”

"...No more. Aren't you cold?"

"If it's broken like that, it won't be able to block much wind, so don't worry about me." Wan Li walked to the other side of the big tree and lay down leaning against the tree, closing his eyes.

Cong Cistan glanced at him, zipped up his down jacket to the top, and covered Wanli's down jacket over his body, feeling the warmth in the icy and snowy world, and murmured: "Thank you."

"You're welcome..." Wan Li also felt a little chill, but it was within the range he could bear, and gradually fell asleep.

In his sleep, he felt a warm body slipping into his arms, and there seemed to be a hand groping for something on his chest, and the instinct towards warmth made him put his arms around that body.

The owner of that body resisted a little, but with his C-level strength, he couldn't get away at all.He couldn't help rubbing his hands on the body twice, it was soft, and it was very comfortable to sleep with his arms around him.


The next morning.


Cong Cistan's scream woke Wan Li up from his sleep. He suddenly realized that he seemed to be hugging something, his heart skipped a beat, and his first thought was: Who took the initiative?

"You, what's in your arms?!"

Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to find Cong Tan standing beside him with a surprised face.

He froze for a moment, looked into his arms with a wooden face, and a pair of big eyes were looking at him innocently.The four eyes met, and the eyes blinked and closed.

"...Silly roe deer, don't pretend to be dead! What the hell are you trying to steal spirit stones?!"

(End of this chapter)

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