Restart the world

Chapter 102 Come to the aid

Chapter 102 Come to the aid
After sleeping all night with the roe deer in his arms, Wan Li felt that his thermal clothes were full of fishy smell, but this was the only one left on his body, and he couldn't take it off even if he wanted to.

And the roe deer has closed his eyes since Wanli noticed it and never opened it again, naively thinking that playing dead Wanli can let him go like before.

"I haven't noticed after following us for so long. It seems that your IQ is not low." Wan Li stared at the roe deer pretending to be dead on the snow, and said in a deep voice, "Can you understand me?"

The roe deer was motionless.

"It's useless to pretend to be dead. I slept with me all night. You are already my roe deer. If your IQ is not high enough, I will eat you for breakfast today. I have never eaten roe deer meat."

The roe deer was motionless.

Wan Li pursed his lips, picked up the roe deer with his right hand, shook it in front of him, flexed his fingers with his left hand, his brain collapsed, 1, 2...

After playing six times, the roe deer finally opened his eyes, his eyes were full of grievances, "Oh! Oh!"

"It barks like a dog. It should be able to watch the nursing home." Wan Li got up with a smile and put it back on the snow: "Don't try to run, or I will catch up with you and eat you! Do you understand?" ?”


"IQ is higher than that wild boar, but at most it's F grade, the innate gap between species?" Wan Li murmured softly, looking at Cong Chen, who was squatting beside him and staring at the roe deer with fondness on his face: "Let's go."

The two started on the road, and behind them there was a roe deer that followed suit. It slowed down from time to time, but as long as Wan Li turned his head to stare at it, it would quickly follow with interest, and its eyes were full of innocence.

"It's so cute." Cong Chen smiled: "What are you going to do with it?"

"I didn't think about it, I'll keep it as a younger brother." Wan Li said, "I'll leave it after I leave here and see how it behaves before I decide to release it or kill it for meat."

"Not going to raise it? Then... can you give it to me?"

"Do you want to take it back to raise it?" Wan Li was stunned for a moment, "Don't look at it when it faces me weakly and let it do whatever it wants, but in fact its strength is about the same as yours, and its IQ is quite high."

Cong Cistan looked back at the silly roe deer hesitantly, and it ran up bumpily as if understanding, and rubbed Cong Cistan's calf with its head.

Cong Cistan immediately beamed with joy, bent down and hugged the roe deer, "It is willing to follow me!"

Wanli smacked his lips, as long as you are happy, this silly roe deer sees that you have a chance to escape here...

Director Liao said that the rural dirt road was five kilometers away from them, but Wan Li felt that they had to walk ten kilometers to see the dirt road covered with thick snow in the distance. Fortunately, they did not go to the ten kilometers away that Director Liao said last night. A small village, otherwise it would be dawn when we walked there...

When they got to the side of the dirt road, they saw a minivan covered with snowflakes rattling over from a distance. The driver was Dong Jiawei, and Director Liao was sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

"You actually came here in person?" Wan Li muttered in surprise, and glanced at the spirit stone in his arms, he couldn't let Chief Liao make a mistake!

Before Wan Li opened the side door, the door was opened from the inside, and a familiar voice came out: "Wan, Wan Li, long time no see."

"Old Wang?" Wan Li was taken aback, and looked into the car. In addition to the two empty seats next to Wang Bo in the second row, there were six people sitting in the back seat, four men and two women. The van was packed to the brim.

"Wali Yang, your image is really miserable, get in the car!" Director Liao said with a smile: "Why is there a slush horse here?"

"Hello, Uncle." Cong Dian greeted Chief Liao with his silly roe deer in his arms.

Wan Li straddled into the car and said, "This is a stupid roe deer with a high IQ. She wants to adopt it." Cong also got into the car, and after closing the door, the van started to drive on the dirt road again.

"High IQ?" Director Liao looked back at the roe deer. The roe deer looked at him, and immediately retreated into Cong Cistan's arms in fright. "C-rank?"

Wan Li was startled: "C-level? That's it?"

"The level of the animal is different from ours. It is a C-level among roe deer, but its horizontal strength is about the same as our F-level, so we regard it as an F-level. The wild boar that can wrestle with Liu Miao is among the wild boars. It’s probably only E-level, which is an innate difference between species.” Director Liao said: “The higher the level, the stronger the IQ. This roe deer has a higher IQ than that wild boar, right?”

"It's so divided, its IQ is indeed better than that wild boar." Wan Li nodded: "Director Liao, why did you come here in person? You also brought Lao Wang, and they..."

Wan Li looked back and saw that the four men and two women looked familiar, especially a pretty girl, "Hey, Lao Wang, is she the one you borrowed from..."

"Yes, it's her."

Director Liao said: "The eight of you are all C-level students of Bincheng Martial Arts University. This time, you will go to the mountain to search and rescue, and you will carry out the mission in pairs."

Wan Li was taken aback, and looked back at the six people behind him. Some smiled kindly, some looked at him curiously, and a little brother gave him a cool look before looking out the window.

"Director Liao, do you know that student named Zheng Wei?"

"I know his father, an old bastard. Oh, this matter has something to do with you. Didn't the battle four months ago penetrate the first and second floors of Binke Mall? The damaged jewelry and watches on the first floor have a Most of them belong to his father."

Wan Li was taken aback: "Are you looking for compensation?"

"Hmm." Director Liao snorted.

"It's worth the compensation, there's nothing wrong with it."

"What do you know, this old bastard so everyone actually told me that he didn't have insurance and wanted us to pay the full amount, and he will cry when a robber comes and robs him someday!"

"Then you just hope that the robbers don't have the strength above F-level, or you have to be responsible for catching them."

Director Liao: "...Damn it!"

Cong Cistan hugged the silly roe deer, not daring to interrupt.

Wan Li glanced at her, then turned his head and said to Wang Bo with a smile, "Old Wang, let me introduce you, her name is Cong Cistan!"

Wang Bo scratched his head: "Cong, Cong Congzhong..."

Cong Cistan:? ?


The snow gradually stopped.The van drove for more than two hours around the small rural dirt road around Xiling, Xiema Village, and finally arrived at Xiema Village.

As soon as we arrived at the entrance of the village, there was another team of people walking towards us in the distance. It was the survey team.

Zhong Yumi saw them running over immediately, and shouted at the same time: "Director Liao, why are you here? And Wan Liyang, why are you at the foot of the mountain?"

"Where's Liu Miao?" Chief Liao asked.

Zhong Yumi looked at Wan Li: "Deputy Director Liu chased wild boars with Wan Li Yang yesterday and they didn't come back after leaving. I still want to ask!"

Wan Li was stunned, did the wild boar really have an adventure?

Director Liao frowned: "He didn't go back?"

Zhong Yumi nodded: "There were beasts attacking the camp last night. Fortunately, the deputy director general was there. She told us to go back to the village this morning, and she stayed in the mountains to find Deputy Director Liu and Wan Liyang!"

Director Liao pondered for a moment: "Two by two, follow me up the mountain to perform search and rescue! Wan Liyang, go to the bus and change into a spare set of clothes, and go up the mountain with Wang Bo!"


Wan Li hesitated for a moment: "Cong Cun, try calling your three classmates? Second uncle has already brought them out of the mountain."

He then took out his mobile phone and found his second uncle to call, and both parties replied synchronously: The number you dialed cannot be connected temporarily.

"Second uncle didn't come down from the mountain either..."

(End of this chapter)

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