Restart the world

Chapter 103 Decoy

Chapter 103 Decoy
Taking off the worn-out down jacket and trousers, Wan Li changed into a set of simple clothes.Thick khaki army coat, taupe coarse trousers, and Wanli's wheat-colored skin, at first glance, he looks like an old farmer with his face turned to the loess and his back to the sky.

As for why the spare clothes are of this style, Wan Li has ten thousand things to complain about in his heart, but at this moment, only Wang Bo is left with him, and he can't even complain about it.After learning that Liu Miao hadn't returned all night, Director Liao became more anxious. After Wanli said that he could find the location of the wild boar jumping off the cliff, he took six ordinary C-level students up the mountain first.

After setting up Cong Cistan and telling her to watch the roe deer and change clothes, Wan Li set foot on the mountain road up Xiling of Xiema Village with Wang Bo again.

"Old Wang, how is your sense of direction?"

"I, I should be fine. When I was young, I often went to work in the mountains, no, I won't get lost."

"That's good." Wan Li looked up at the mountain to see a pure white world, "Looking for someone, where can I find it?"

"You, you decide."

Wan Li carefully recalled the location of the wild boar jumping off the cliff last night. Although he couldn't remember where that point was, at least he could remember that the place was still some distance away from the highest peak. The altitude was about 800 meters, and the bottom of the cliff was deep and bottomless. There must be a height of 500 meters...

"Eight hundred minus five hundred equals three hundred, and then go up a short distance, and then walk around the mountain!"

"it is good."

After walking some distance up, Wan Li was surprised to find that there was a place he could recognize——the place where Lingshi was first discovered!
"Just go around here, let's go..." Wan Li took off his shoes and threw it: "Go over there!"

The road around the mountain in the middle of the mountain is very difficult to walk. In addition to the obstacles of snow, there are also various bushes and deep ditches and shallow pits blocking the road.

After Wan Li lost his sense of direction again, he looked around and suddenly shouted, "Is there anyone?! Is there anyone who needs rescue?!"

"Wanli, can I shout? What, what should I do if I invite wild beasts?"

"We are together, there is nothing in this mountain that can threaten us. In such a big mountain, it is hopeless to find someone just by eyes."

Wang Bo scratched his head: "Is there, is there, is there anyone who needs to be rescued?!"

"You pull it down, you have your own echo?" Wan Li smiled: "Listen to me."

"There is...uh!"

hum... hum...

Wan Li blinked, turned his head with a wooden face: "Old Wang, can a wasp sting you?"

"I don't know, but I, I don't want to try."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's run."

The two C-levels ran like runners in this mountain forest, with a group of wasps always falling far behind them.Wanli didn't know what kind of grudges they had, the swarm of wasps were chasing them all the time, could it be that he disturbed their sleep?
Just when he was about to make a move, Wang Bo seemed to have lost his footing, fell obliquely and slid down the hillside.He slid a passage through the snow, revealing a thick layer of ice underneath!
Wan Li was stunned for a moment, touched the ice with his right hand that Wang Bo had missed, and looked down: "...a brook? A brook frozen into ice!"

The sound of the hornet behind him was getting closer, Wan Li gritted his teeth, adjusted his posture, and walked down the icy road that Wang Bo slid down, taking the slide!

The smaller the friction area, the smaller the resistance. Wang Bo slid down lying down, and there were snow obstacles, but Wan Li was sitting and caught up with him in ten seconds.

With the cold wind blowing on his face, Wan Li thought it was quite amusing: "Old Wang, I'm going to kick you after I catch up with you!"

"Wanli, down below!"

Wan Li was startled, and looked down into the distance, startled in his heart.A pack of wolves that was three times larger than yesterday was looking at the two who had slid down, and there were shadows of other animals swaying in the forest in the distance.

"Brake, Old Wang!" Wan Li used the handbrake with claws, thinking in his heart, so many animals gathered here?Could it be that there really is the essence of Lingshi?

Wang Bo followed suit, and the speed of the two slowed down slightly, but they couldn't stop for a while.

"There are more than 70 wolves, Lao Wang and I are dealing with come there are three big ones, are they cows or wolves!" As they approached, Wan Li's expression changed slightly after he could see more clearly.

At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the grass beside the ice road, and pulled Wang Bo into the grass. Wan Li was taken aback, and was also pulled in!
He struggled for a while, then relaxed and whispered: "Teacher?"

In the grass, Liu Miao made a silent gesture to them, and then poked her head out of the grass. Seeing that the wolves in the distance no longer paid attention to this side, she retracted her head again: "Why is Wang Bo here?"


"Director Liao is also here, bringing seven C-level students from Martial Arts University to search and rescue in the mountains. Of the four students brought by my second uncle yesterday, I have only taken one out." Wan Li quickly explained.

"There are two more in there."

Wan Li was taken aback, and looked into the distance following Liu Miao's hand gestures.On a big tree, a pair of teenagers and girls were embracing each other, leaning against the trunk and shivering. Not far below them was a pack of wolves.

"How long have they been there? No wonder you didn't return to the camp last night, waiting for the opportunity to rescue them?"

Liu Miao nodded: "They were already there when I arrived yesterday. It was snowing all night, and these two children were almost at their limit. I was waiting for the deputy director general, but I didn't expect to wait for you first."

"You, you can't do it yourself?" Wang Bo said, "The biggest wolf in the pack..."

"Wolf King, probably the B-level who is close to our humans, is probably the strongest in this mountain. And those two big heads are both C-level." Liu Miao murmured: "The trouble is not them, the more troublesome thing is there."

Liu Miao pointed in another direction.There is a huge pothole there, and the eyes of the wolves are also gathering in that pothole.

"It's full of snakes, hundreds of them."

Wan Li's face changed, and the sound of this thing made people feel numb all over. "Snake Cave?"

"I'm afraid not. The boar fell near here, but I couldn't find it."

"...Is that hole made by it? Inside that hole..." Wan Li whispered, a bold guess came to his mind, and he immediately made up the picture in his brain.

Most of the beasts in the entire mountain forest gathered here last night, fighting over the possible existence of the essence of the spirit stone, but suddenly a big fat pig fell from the sky and smashed the essence of the spirit stone into the depths of the ground.The snakes are so beautiful, they occupy a favorable position.The wolves were caught blind, unable to defeat the snakes in the pit, so they could only stare at the side and wait.

"Pfft haha..."

"What are you laughing at?" Liu Miao yelled, "Don't wait for the deputy director general. The three of us can barely do it. Wan Liyang, you go and lure away some wolves, and Wang Bo, you drag the rest of the wolves. Save a child. If other animals and snakes attack, let me deal with it!"

Wan Li glanced at the pair of boys and girls on the tree in the distance, and there was indeed a downward trend.

"Be a bait to lure some wolves away. I should be able to lure them away without taking a bath." Wan Li observed the nearby terrain: "Old Wang, class teacher, you can move later. I will take the wolves to run around twice to warm up, and I will kill them from exhaustion." I can come back and help!"

(End of this chapter)

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