Chapter 106
A swarm of wild bees chased after him, while Wan Li ran wildly in front of him.

Director Liao beside him seemed to be much more comfortable. According to his words: "If it wasn't for waiting for you, I would be chased all over the mountain by wild bees?"

Although it is true.

"You run fast and carry me behind your back."

"It doesn't matter, you won't be tired anyway. I'll jog for a while to recover my strength. I was very tired from killing pigs just now."

"I'm running at full speed, you recover your strength?"

"Ah, my speed is now B+, do you know how fast B+ is?" Director Liao's face was full of color.

"I don't know, although my endurance is also B+, but the machine can only measure B+."

Director Liao: "..."

"Turn around, run along the path where the beast chased me."

Director Liao was shaken two steps away, and then speeded up to catch up: "What's there? Why did you attract so many wild beasts to chase and kill you?"

"The class teacher and Lao Wang are there, and there are two of our search and rescue targets. I lured away only a small half of the wild beasts. They... don't know why... They gathered there..." As the two ran, Wan Li looked at Liao. The chief explained the complex situation in that valley.

"The situation sounds urgent." Chief Liao murmured, "You can follow this trail, right? You run slowly, I'll... hmm?"

Director Liao turned his head: "The wild bee stopped chasing?"

Wan Li was startled, and looked back, the black bunch of wild bees that made one's scalp tingle was indeed gone.

"Stop chasing, we'll be there soon. If the wild bees are still chasing you, it will be troublesome." Wan Li said, "It was uphill when we came here, but now it's downhill. Be careful where you step!"

"Take care of yourself!" Director Liao accelerated suddenly, then sat on the ground in a slippery manner, and slid down, "Why the hell is there a layer of ice, Wally sheep, have you already Know!"

"I told you to slow down, here is a stream that is frozen into ice." Wan Li smiled and slid down the icy road that Director Liao slid.

Director Liao didn't get up after slipping and slipping on the ice to recover his strength in order to deal with the next battle.After sliding for a certain distance, the two of them could see the situation in the valley clearly.

Wan Li was surprised to find that besides Liu Miao and Wang Bo, there were three men and one woman below, C-level students of Martial Arts University.

With four more reinforcements, the situation below is far more urgent than Wan Li expected.It's not that the enemy is stronger than expected, but that our own side is lagging behind unexpectedly...

"Damn it, these C-level dolls are simply incomparable to you!" Director Liao growled, slapped the ice with both hands and jumped up, one of them jumped out of the ice, taking a stride of almost ten meters. A few seconds later, he rushed to the battlefield hundreds of meters away, and punched the wolf king flying towards Wang Bo!

Wan Li pursed his lips. The four C-level wolves did not perform very well. Facing a pack of F-level wolves, Wang Bo, who was dealing with the wolf king, had to help.

"We can't blame them either. After all, I only learned dodge for a semester, and I'm not so talented... Uh!" Wan Li's face suddenly changed.

There was a tingling pain in his buttocks, and he realized that he was accidentally caught by the ice surface that Director Liao had just shattered!
"You go down as soon as you go down, you have to take a picture of the ice to show yourself!" Wan Li struggled to get up, looking towards the bottom of the valley.

The wolf king was pressed and beaten by Director Liao, and the wolves who lost the wolf king were shot to death one after another by Wang Bo and other five people. The most troublesome thing was Liu Miao, who was surrounded by a bunch of colorful snakes, and looked dizzy.

Obviously, in the face of human beings, the wolves and the snakes choose to temporarily reconcile and fight against foreign enemies together!
Speeding down thousands of miles while observing which side needs him more, he glanced at the big tree in the distance from the corner of his eye, and suddenly realized that the pair of students who needed to be saved were the ones who needed him the most...

The two of them had been on the tree for nearly an hour, and they were about to fall. Seeing people coming to rescue them, they couldn't let go of their breath to add to the chaos, but the breath would always dissipate. Time.

Shocked, he immediately leaped forward, lay down on the ground and caught them with his back just before the pair of boys and girls hit the ground...

The two people who fell from a height of seven or eight meters almost smashed him out of old blood. He felt that the four months of hard qigong practice he had recuperated had all been made up for at once.

"Farmer... Uncle, thank you."

Wan Li was taken aback, did this girl have hallucinations?Where is the farmer uncle?

"Brother, we are saved...Brother? Brother! What's wrong with you, don't scare me..."

"...don't push me. Let me rest."

"Don't rest on my back." Wan Li turned over and unloaded the two of them on the snow, pushed them to lie side by side, and then took off the coat to cover them, "Let's make do with it first."

"Uncle farmer, your voice is so young..." the girl narrowed her eyes and said.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, looked at his coat, turned around with a dark face, and rushed, the sheep joined the pack of wolves!
This sheep is not an ordinary sheep, he is a sheep that has already been killed by wolves, basically one hit at a time, Wang Bo killed five people for a long time before killing less than ten sheep, and less than half a minute after Wanli arrived. Just let him solve all of them!

"Wan, Wanli, you are the best."

Wang Bo sent out a compliment at the right time, and Wan Li accepted it with a smile on his face. By the way, he enjoyed the admiration or disbelief from the four C-levels in the ordinary class.

Not convinced?Wan Li was startled, turned his head and glanced, delusional, how could someone be unconvinced?

A shrill howl came from the mouth of the wolf king the size of a yellow ox.It was beaten badly by Director Liao, and seeing the entire army of wolves wiped out, it didn't run away after screaming.

"Wolf cub, who are you fighting for?!" Director Liao yelled, and punched the wolf king flying, "Wali Yang Wang Bo, you two go to help Liu Miao! Those four dragging legs, go and guard the two trees. Come down!"

The four laggards were full of embarrassment, but they didn't dare to refute, and ran over bumpily.

"Wan, Wanli, let's help the class teacher!"

Wan Li blinked, he was not afraid of wolves, but this colorful snake really made him a little unbearable, he was so sick...

He fixed his eyes on the five-meter-long python, which was the largest among the snakes and could cause Liu Miao some trouble, and rushed towards it. He groped for a piece of wood along the way, and jumped up to throw the python away. The wood snapped at the sound, and at the same time he raised his voice and shouted: "Leave this one to me!"

He barely touched the ground, passing lightly among the snakes, taking only one python with him. "Boa constrictors and poisonous snakes are mixed together, you can't lose the python!"

Wang Bo, on the other hand, was much more honest, rushing to fight back to back with Liu Miao and the snakes. C-level, he has stronger physical strength than Liu Miao. Except for a few snakes that need to be guarded against, the rest are crushed to death by bending over.He was born in the countryside and often saw snakes, so he was not afraid of them at all.

Wan Li hopped his feet to dodge the entanglement of the giant python in front of him, pondered for a moment, and shouted: "Seven inches when you hit a snake, which inch is seven inches?"

"Neck, neck!"

"The neck is just the neck, so I have to call it differently, Qicun... how do you hit it?" Wan Li looked at the half-broken wooden stick in his hand, "Strangle it to death?"

 The pace is slow again, alas.The next chapter is accelerated.Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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