Restart the world

Chapter 107 Spirit Stone Essence

Chapter 107 Spirit Stone Essence
The giant python's icy body wrapped itself round and round, and its foul-smelling mouth bit fiercely at Wanli's neck.

Wan Li turned his head away and pinched its neck with both hands.The boa constrictor has a neck below its head, so Wanli doesn't care, he can pinch wherever he can, as long as he doesn't let it bite him.One person and one snake have the same strength, but they have to fight for their endurance.

On the other side, no matter how hard the wolf king tried, he couldn't overcome the difference in level, and finally died tragically under the fist of Director Liao.But before it died, Director Liao finally scratched the skin on his leg, causing Director Liao to curse at the other beasts in the surrounding woods who mistakenly thought there was an opportunity to take advantage of it. .

Wan Li was still pinching the python's neck.

Liu Miao and Wang Bo gradually cleaned up more than half of the poisonous snakes, and the battle was coming to an end.

Wan Li was still pinching the python's neck.


The fierce battle lasted for more than half an hour, and the valley was almost half covered by various beast corpses and snake corpses.Wan Li pinched the python's neck and looked around, then said with a smile, "Director Liao, there seem to be a lot of nationally protected animals here, and we are breaking the law!"

"Stop talking nonsense, we are doing this in self-defense, innocent! Besides, it is not illegal to hunt high-level evolutionary creatures that may pose a threat to the surrounding area, huh... I am exhausted from killing today! Wali sheep, are you a motherfucker? Are you being lazy? The boa constrictor must have died a long time ago!" Director Liao yelled as he lay on the snow.

Wan Li smiled, now the only ones who are not tired are him and the soy sauce quartet.He untied the body of the dead boa constrictor from his body, and looked at the hole made by the jumping pig. Is there any spirit stone essence underneath?

All the animals with a relatively high degree of evolution in the mountain forest gathered here, and it was impossible not to arouse associations. Sitting on the snow, Liu Miao panted violently, and said, "Wan Liyang, go to the pit made by the wild boar and see what's there. thing!"

"Yes, there are so many beasts gathered in this place, there must be treasures!" Director Liao continued.

Wan Li pursed his lips, and started to walk towards the huge pit, and the soy sauce quartet also moved over.

A wild boar weighing more than 500 kilograms fell from a height of 500 meters. The place where it fell was the edge of a stream where the ground was not firm, and a huge bowl-shaped pit was created. The deepest part was seven or eight meters.

Wanli took a look inside and quickly looked away, while the soy sauce group of four took a look and backed away again and again.A piece of scarlet ground and a pile of broken bones. Fortunately, the wild boar's flesh and blood had been eaten by the snakes, otherwise it would have been more bloody.

The five people looked at each other in blank dismay, how could this be done?
Director Liao sat up and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze? Looking for a baby!"

Liu Miao stood up shaking: "Don't embarrass the students, the environment there must be terrible, let me go find it."

"Hey? Liu Miao, are our roles reversed? Just sit down and recover, let them exercise! They have C-level strength, and it's hard to deal with F-level wolves. What do we use to participate in the World Martial Artists in March? The domestic primary election for the competition? Is our Bincheng Martial Arts University going to embarrass us?!..."

Director Liao kept shouting, Wan Li smiled and didn't care at all, and the soy sauce quartet next to him blushed a little.Among them, the girl gritted her teeth and jumped in first. The three boys were stunned, and jumped into the pit one by one, looking for the treasure.

Wanli looked inside and saw that it was a bit crowded, so he walked back with peace of mind.

"You are the only one who is shameless!"

"Hey, I won't embarrass you if I go out!" Wan Li walked to Director Liao and sat down.

Chief Liao turned his head and didn't bother to look at him, and found that the couple of boys and girls who had come down from the tree had already got up and walked towards them, and then turned their heads back.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, then heard the young man say: "Director Liao, thank you for coming to rescue us."

The girl smiled shyly at Wan Li and said, "So it's not Uncle Farmer..."

Wan Li's face was slightly dark, and Director Liao's face was also slightly dark. The two looked at each other with synchronized expressions.

"You know them?"

"Dignified Lin Daoming, who doesn't know him."

"...I don't know you."

"I fucking forgot that you are a scumbag. In the same class as you, we Bincheng City's top student in the college entrance examination didn't like our Bincheng Martial Arts University and went to Yanjing Martial Arts University."

Wan Li smiled: "It's normal for people to go to high places!"

Director Liao: "...Are you trying to piss me off to succeed me as Director?!"

"Uncle Liao, my brother... oh, he had a hard time!"

"Hmph, I can see it." Director Liao snorted, "Aren't you reconciled to being stuck at the physical limit of the top student in the college entrance examination? Going to Yanjing Martial Arts University, do you think they have a solution? Do you have it?"

Lin Daoming smiled wryly and shook his head: "How can you give up if you don't try?"

Wan Li looked at him with a bitter face, and suddenly wanted to ask, "Do you want to be my son?" '

Will you answer 'think' for a breakthrough?

"It would be great if I could freely decide the object of the manga ability to manifest, and I can take in a bunch of children..."

At this time, the girl suddenly exclaimed from the pit in the distance: "What is this? It's so beautiful!"

Wan Li was taken aback, and quickly got up and ran over. Director Liao curled his lips beside him: "Why are you so anxious, why don't you give me the treasure?"

Liu Miao said: "Director Liao, if it is an important treasure, it must be handed over to the deputy director general."

"...I know I know."

Wan Li ran to the edge of the pit and looked inside.The eyes of the four people in the pit were all focused on a cuboid icicle held by the girl.

The icicles are ordinary icicles, but there are many milky white spots inside the icicles, shining colorful and intoxicating rays of light under the reflection of the sun!

"The essence of Lingshi! You can't be wrong, even the flashing special effects I added in the comics are so special, frozen in icicles? 1, 2, 3... 15! There are fifteen drops!"

Wan Li pursed his lips, and racked his brains to figure out how to get one or two drops. This thing must be handed over to the Martial Arts Administration, right?

"Throw it to me, I'll show it to Director Liao for a review!"

"You fucking can finally talk once!"

The four people in the pit were stunned for a moment, the girl reluctantly threw the icicle to Wan Li, Wan Li caught it with both hands and looked at it, then turned around even more reluctantly

"Student, pull us up?"

"Oh." Wanli turned around immediately.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of two people sliding down the ice path that he and Wang Bo had slipped out of. They were the remaining two C-level students of Martial Arts University, the pretty girl Wang Bola borrowed from, and Wanli Wanli. A cool boy who loves to answer and ignore.

Both of them frowned, and were startled when they saw the situation below, and the pretty girl immediately shouted: "Everyone, be careful, we are chasing a group of hornets!"

Needless to say, everyone saw what was going on behind them. Director Liao stood up and said, "The hornets and wild bees in this mountain are fucking crazy? Liu Miao, don't move, just sit and recover your strength. Wali sheep, Wang Bo, let's go three!"

buzz... buzz buzz...

Suddenly, a buzzing sound resounded through the entire valley!In addition to the hornets in the west, wild bees appeared in the east, honey bees in the south, yellow-collared flower bees in the north, and Chinese bees in the southwest...

"What the fuck!??"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and all kinds of bees surrounded them in the middle!

Director Liao and Liu Miao seemed to think of something, and said in unison: "Super intelligent creatures!"

Director Liao's face suddenly turned ugly: "How could it appear in this kind of place, it's going to kill me..."

Wan Li pulled the pale-faced four people out of the pit, and looked around solemnly, "Why are there so many bees? Director Liao, fight or run!"

"I can run away, can they run away? Waliyang, can you still use that trick, you have to desperately!" Director Liao roared.

Wanli blinked, doubled?In this case, it is definitely not in a hurry to absorb the spirit stone, it seems to be possible...

Under the stunned expression of everyone, he picked up the icicle and took a bite. It was cold and his teeth gritted.

Look at the icicles, two drops, really fragrant!

(End of this chapter)

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