Restart the world

Chapter 111 The Light of Healing

Chapter 111 The Light of Healing
Fortunately for Wan Li, only one of the three bee-tail needles that hit him was a poisonous wasp sting, and it hit his left arm instead of his chest.

However, after being stung by a wasp before the practice era, one needs to go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. The toxicity of this evolved wasp is obviously even more terrifying.

In just five seconds, Wan Li's left arm swelled around, and then gradually became numb and lost consciousness.

The toxin even flowed into the body along the blood flow of his left arm, making Wan Li's consciousness slightly blurred, and seeing Director Liao in front of him doubled...

"Wali sheep, are you okay?!"

Wan Li shook his head, his heart beat more and more violently, like the roar of a drum bell.

"Wali sheep!" Director Liao picked up the big tree that Wanli was swinging, swung a stick, turned around and ran away, and at the same time shouted: "Little rascal, come here and use your ten arrows to shoot at it! "

"That's a thousand arrows!" More than a dozen beams of blue light shot out from around Shi Yan's body, freezing a swarm of bees.This time Shi Yan withdrew his strength, and still had the strength to stop the bee swarm after shooting.

Director Liao took the opportunity to flee thousands of miles away, shouting one after another: "Wali sheep! Wali sheep!"

A fine layer of sweat had already oozed from Wanli's forehead, his consciousness became more and more blurred, and his heart was beating extremely fast, nearly five beats per second!
"The toxicity is too strong. It won't work if it continues like this. We can only double it and try to see if it works..." He wanted to reply to Director Liao but couldn't, so he could only grit his teeth and push the two matches on his right arm together.

However, in the next second, a warm current overflowed from his waist.This warm current quickly circulated throughout his body, and then returned to his waist, taking away all the discomfort in his body!

No, just a little discomfort...

His heart rate returned to normal, and the swelling in his left arm quickly disappeared. He said, "Director Liao, please let me down. I'm fine."

Director Liao was taken aback, and took Wan Li off his shoulders. Looking at the rosy and healthy Wan Li, he was a little dazed. He looked like he was going to die just now.

"Don't be dazed, the swarm is coming, help me block it, buy me some time!"

Wan Li rushed out, away from the bee swarm at the fastest speed, while Director Liao rushed up to the bee swarm in a daze, retreating while fighting, glanced behind him from the corner of the eye, and was dumbfounded, at this fierce battle moment, Wan Li ran so far away Under the big tree, take off your pants and release the water!

The water flow was strong and powerful, and white smoke rose from the impact on the tree, corroding a large piece of the bark!
"Detoxification?" Wan Li whispered, "My internal organs may be stronger than I imagined, at least the kidneys are so..."

The previous super aptitude super doubling sucked out the aura in the valley. If he was at C level at that time, he would have reached B level or even not far from A level now.

But at that time he was a D-level, and the D-level absorbing spiritual energy was used to warm and nourish internal organs instead of storing it in the body, so the huge spiritual energy completely warmed his internal organs.He had previously guessed that his internal organs were at the level of Director Liao, but the detoxification ability just now told him that his internal organs might be far beyond the B-level level!
Run the water for 10 seconds, then 20 seconds. The water flow was strong and never stopped. Wan Li glanced behind him and shouted, "Director Liao, hold on, I don't want to pee and run at the same time!"

"Wali Yang, you fucking..." Director Liao didn't know what to say, he punched the big tree beside him and swung it.Shi Yan joined him, also hugged down a tree, and swung them together!

Wan Li breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully released the water for half a minute, 40 seconds...

"It would be nice to have this kidney function earlier. If so, the effect of the 16 non-weary bodies will be better, and there will be no need to go to the toilet halfway. Now there are only 8 non-weary bodies left." The first thing Wan Li thought of It was actually this point, and then I thought about whether I should find a girlfriend...

When the deputy director general hit him before, he unexpectedly reacted a little unspeakably for a young man. This was a life-and-death battle, and Wan Li felt that he would not be so unreasonable before...

After thinking wildly for a while, the release of water finally ended. It lasted for nearly a minute, and the big tree in front of him was corroded by the water he released into a small pit.

After the toxins were discharged, Wan Li was refreshed. The buzzing sound was getting closer and closer. He pulled up his pants and turned to face the fight, his face suddenly changed.

"Wali Yang, your motherfucker is finally healed. Carry me for a while, and I'll have to pee later!" Director Liao fell on his head.

"And me." Shi Yan said shaking.

Wan Li hurriedly picked up one with each hand, carried it on his shoulder and ran wildly.The number of bee colonies is now very scarce, only a hundred or so left, and most of them have no tail needles, and the power of flapping their wings is obviously not as strong as before.But Wanli, who carried the two on his shoulders, did not have a third hand to fight back, so he could only run away. After a few seconds, he asked, "Who wants to release the water?"

After a pause of two seconds, Wan Li's expression became serious. The two of them are too old and have already lost consciousness!
"I don't know how many of them have been stabbed. That kind of poison may be life-threatening, so what to do..."

At this moment, a figure flashed beside Wanli, and the figure of Heidanyan who had hit the valley with the queen bee appeared.The swarm of bees that had been chasing thousands of miles stopped immediately and hovered in the air.

Wanli was overjoyed: "You solved it over there?"

Heidanyan panted rapidly, shook his head and stared at the sky, and a ball of white light was flying towards him at high speed.Compared to before, the ball of white light was much more transparent, allowing Wan Li to clearly see the queen bee inside.

"Both will suffer. Deputy Director General, if we continue to fight Director Liao and Shi Yan, I'm afraid... huh?"

Hei Danyan's breathing slowly recovered, and he looked back at the forest behind him: "Here we are."

"Sister Hei, I'm coming!" A heroic female voice came, and a fat, short-haired woman was striding forward, her chest was turbulent.

She was plump, very plump.

The mind is wider than recommended super.

"Ai Hui, Shi Yan and Liao Gang will be handed over to you. Wan Liyang, kill the bee colony!" Hei Danyan's voice was sonorous and powerful.It's not easy to fight until now. If you don't take the opportunity to get rid of the queen bee, it will gather another bee colony in a few months, which is too harmful!
"Leave it to her?" Wan Li guessed that this plump woman was the pilot of the helicopter just now, and she is also a part-time doctor?A soft green light emerged from the hands of the plump woman, and he was immediately surprised.

Superpower No. 33, Healing Light!

This is nothing surprising, what surprised Wanli was that the light of healing was the original ability of the heroine in his super power academy, she was a little girl with green hair and silver eyes, but the one in front of her...

"It seems that the subject of ability awakening has nothing to do with the character design in my comics."

The green light was attached to Director Liao and Shi Yan, their rapid breathing gradually stabilized, and they were out of danger, but the bee swarm was always watching and circling in the air.

"Are you going to escape?" As soon as the thought came to Wan Li, the white light shot towards him, or at the two people behind him who were receiving treatment!

Hei Danyan frowned slightly, and stopped in front of Wan Li with a flickering figure, the white light paused, and suddenly refracted to the sky.The black geese flickered again and appeared high in the sky, a whip leg collided with the white light!

A white light shot out backwards, and Heidanyan turned backwards for three and a half weeks, adjusted its body shape and landed in a semi-squat.

"Oops! Deputy Chief, Gail!" Wan Li was startled, and quickly reminded him, but it was too late.With the help of Heidanyan's strength, the white light hit the boulder that Heidanyan was pressing on the wild boar pit.

boom! !

The boulder exploded with a bang!

 Thank you Enhai Youlan for the 5000 starting coins, thank you for my TM handsome tip of 5000 starting coins, and thank you Zhong Lilong for your many rewards.It will be on the shelves the day after tomorrow, give a reward and stay, stay for a while, haha...

(End of this chapter)

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