Restart the world

Chapter 112 Killing the Queen Bee

Chapter 112 Killing the Queen Bee
The hole made by the cliff-jumping pig was not big, but there were ten people stuffed inside.Among the ten people, apart from Liu Miao and Wang Bo, the others would die if they were hit by the queen bee...

Although Wan Li had just met the other eight people today, facing this situation, Wan Li's heart sank and he immediately wanted to rush over.

Hei Danyan stretched out his hand to stop him without haste, and pointed to the other side of the forest.There was a small hole in the ground at some point, one person got out of it, and two people got out of it...

Everyone is covered in dust, but their mental state is excellent, and all the injuries they suffered before have disappeared... They actually have a spirit stone in their hands!
"Dig a tunnel?" Wan Li breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed softly, "There really is a Lingshi mine underground!"

The queen bee that plunged into the wild boar pit flew out, hovered over the pit for a while, and went straight into the air.This time it was really fleeing, or it wanted to flee before, but it just wanted to vent the anger of defeat before fleeing, but it lost its last chance of revenge by digging the tunnel.

It flew into the air to escape, but the remaining [-] bee swarms did not escape, rushing towards the black geese like moths to a flame.

"Deputy Chief, give them to me."

Needless to say, Heidanyan didn't intend to control the bee colony, and appeared in the sky in an instant with a flickering figure, and kicked the queen bee off with an upside-down kick!

Wan Li met the remnants of the swarm of bees, and a little gray man also rushed over quickly, glared at Wan Li, and the two of them killed the bees together.

"Wan Duzi, I seem to have slapped the class leader in the pit before, how old is he, still holding grudges?" Wan Li pursed his lips, and specifically picked out the weak bees who didn't have tail needles, and asked you to stab me just now!

Two minutes later, the huge bee colony finally died, leaving only a field of bee carcasses, plus the previous beast carcasses, this valley has become a sea of ​​carcasses.

On the other side, the queen bee continued to rise into the air and was shot down by the black geese. One person and one bee were engaged in a tug-of-war.The flying queen bee wants to escape, but only the black goose can intercept it.And every time she shoots down the queen bee, she needs to use the high-consumption space movement ability once, and her face is already soaked in sweat.

From this, Wanli confirmed that Heidanyan's beautiful face was purely natural, without using any cosmetics... No, what Wanli confirmed was that she needs her own help now.

He and Liu Miao looked at each other, and they rushed there together, Wan Li stopped at his feet, turned a corner and ran aside under Liu Miao's puzzled eyes, and picked up a 10cm bee sting!
This is the tail needle of the largest hornet except the queen bee, and there is another 7-8cm one beside it. Wan Li also picked it up and handed it to Liu Miao.

"The two of us can break through its defenses, and stab it with this thing!"

Liu Miao pondered for two seconds, took the long one from Wan Li's hand, left the short one for Wan Li, and continued to run there.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, shook his head and followed helplessly.Hei Danyan noticed the emotion of the two, and took aim when he shot down the queen bee again, kicking the queen bee down not far in front of Liu Miao!

Seeing the opportunity, Liu Miao jumped up and stabbed the queen bee's head with two hands of bee stingers.The sharp bee stinger pierced the head of the queen bee, and it sounded like gold and iron colliding. Liu Miao gritted her teeth and tried harder, but she couldn't penetrate even a tiny bit!

Then a white light flashed on the Queen Bee's body and hit Liu Miao's abdomen instantly.A trace of blood overflowed from Liu Miao's mouth, and he flew backwards towards Wanli.

Wan Li quickly retracted the bee sting, pushed Liu Miao with both hands, and the two of them slid more than ten meters together, making Wan Li's face hurt, my shoes...

"Cough cough..."

Wan Li snatched the bee sting from Liu Miao's hand, and held the heel in one hand, "Leader, let's look at me. Deputy chief, kick me!"

The queen bee flew into the air again and wanted to escape. Heidanyan, who was half kneeling on the ground and panting, took a long breath, appeared in the air again, and hit the queen bee with one foot.

Fatigue caused her feet to be a little crooked, and there was a big difference between the landing point of the queen bee and Wanli's location.Wan Li hurriedly ran to that side at full speed, guessing that the distance was about the same, jumped several meters high, and stabbed the bee stings in both hands at the same time!

Liu Miao didn't pierce through it because he was too ambitious and wanted to kill the queen bee at once.Wanli is very simple, what he wears are... wings!

Honey bees have two pairs of wings, the forewings are large and the hind wings are small, all of which are membranous wings.The queen bee has evolved to this extent and has not mutated, and the wings are still membranous!
The wings are very strong, and the black geese have kicked it so many times that its wings have not been damaged at all.But the B-grade bee-tail needle in Wan Li's hand was much sharper than a knife and fork, and pierced the two forewings of the queen bee almost instantly!
Then he stabbed the tail needle to both sides, tearing about two centimeters of the bee wing, and then threw the bee sting away with great fun, crossing his hands in front of his body.

In the next second, a surging force hit the intersection of his hands, before Wanli could make a painful expression, he flew tens of meters away and penetrated into the ground!
Wan Li, who was embedded in the ground, felt that there was no pain in his body. He was sure that the queen bee had used all her strength just now, because the transparent white light on the queen bee's body almost completely dissipated after the impact!

He reluctantly raised his head, watching the flying speed of the struggling queen bee drop sharply, and suddenly felt that it was worth it...

"Wan, Wanli, are you okay?"

"...something, I need a doctor."

"The doctor is here!" A heroic female voice sounded beside him, and then a fleshy hand with green light pressed on his stomach.

Warm currents flowed through his body, and most of the pain on Wan Li's body disappeared instantly. He asked, "Director Liao and Shi Yan are all right?"

"Well, most of the toxins have been removed by me, and the rest can't be removed. They can adjust it by themselves." Ai Hui said: "I'm more curious about you, how can you detoxify by urinating after being poisoned by needles?"

Wan Li was stunned for a moment: "Who told you?"

"When I came here, your trousers were just half lifted. You are not very old, but you are well developed!"

Wan Li's face turned red in an instant, he closed his eyes and stopped talking, he didn't develop as well as you...

Wang Bo smiled silly: "Hey, hey, hey..."

"What are you laughing at, I'm a doctor, doctor!"

Wan Li closed his eyes and let the doctor fiddle with it. After a while, the pain disappeared, and the green light on Ai Hui's hand disappeared at the same time. He said, "Okay, get up, your physical fitness is good!"

Wan Li stood up shaking, and breathed a long sigh of relief: "I don't want to thank you for your kindness. The mountains and rivers will meet again, goodbye!"

Ai Hui:? ?

Wang Bo: "Hey, hey, hey..."

Wan Li went straight back to the battlefield, where the battle was drawing to a close.The queen bee could not rely on the broken wings to fly, crawling and turning around on the ground, there was no possibility of escape!

However, Heidanyan and Liu Miao were standing ten meters away from it to pant and adjust, and did not make up for the final blow for a long time.

Seeing Wan Li returning, Liu Miao immediately said, "Wan Liyang, be careful!"

Wan Li nodded, he knew what the two of them were on guard for, and when he walked up to Hei Danyan, he smiled and made a face at the queen bee: "Come on, you can shoot me with durable needles!"

The queen bee's body, which was crawling back and forth, paused, turned around, and turned her back to Wanli.Wan Li quickly put away his smiling face, and Hei Danyan next to him put his right hand on Wan Li's shoulder...

The next second, the queen bee turned her back slightly, and the [-]-centimeter tail needle shot straight out, which was two meters away from the distance!
Wanli's pupils dilated slightly, that direction is...

The black geese disappeared in an instant, and then a few exclamations came from the direction where the queen bee's tail needle was shot, Wan Li gritted his teeth, and leaped to the struggling queen bee, who was about to try to escape for the last time, and punched it to the ground!
Two punches, three punches... ten punches... the earth sank and cracked, and the queen bee was completely embedded in the mud, and it never stopped for thousands of miles.

No matter who is stabbed by that needle, kill the queen bee first!

(End of this chapter)

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