Restart the world

Chapter 113 People are not as good as roe deer

Chapter 113 People are not as good as roe deer
"It's almost there, the queen bee should be dead." Two minutes later, Liu Miao stopped Wan Li from continuing to punch.

Wan Li stopped and took a few breaths.He also felt a little tired after punching hundreds of punches at the fastest speed and with the greatest strength.The ground more than ten meters around his body has been cracked layer by layer, and the damage he caused is almost the same as the hole made by a jumping pig...

"Huh... this guy is too resistant to beating, if you don't beat him like this, I'm afraid he won't die." Wan Li said with emotion.

He raised his hands, and there was a trace of blood on the back of his hand, but it was not the queen bee's, it was his own... The queen bee was punched hundreds of times by him, and there was only a small dent on the back, and no blood flowed.

But Miles pulled it out of the mud to find that it was indeed dead, presumably weak from the tail needle injection, allowing his fists to shatter the internal organs.

"What happened over there? Who did the bee sting hit? It couldn't be Director Liao, right?" Wan Li asked, looking back at the same time.

The black geese flickered away and did not return, indicating that someone must have been stabbed.

"It's not the Liao Bureau, it's the people from the General Bureau."

Wan Li also saw that Ai Hui was crouching beside Shi Yan to treat him.Seeing Ai Hui's serious face, Shi Yan seemed to be seriously injured.

"That's right, the queen bee probably hates me the most, the second is the deputy director general, and the third is him..." Shi Yan fired three thousand arrows in total. Although the name is not worthy of the name, it is also solid Solved nearly half of the bee colony.

If it weren't for him, Wan Li would still be entangled with the bee swarm at this time, and even had to burn all the matches in his body...

He carried the queen bee's body and walked over with Liu Miao, and saw Shi Yan's wound.

The upper arm of the left arm was pierced through, which was a minor injury, and the serious one was that the queen bee tail needle penetrated along the left side of the chest, and I don't know if it touched the heart.

Heidanyan looked serious, holding the queen bee tail needle in his hand, saw Wan Li come over to check the queen bee's body, and then looked at Ai Hui who was displaying his ability again.

The surrounding atmosphere was heavy, Wan Li glanced at Chief Liao who was lying on the ground sleeping soundly, and then at the little gray men who were digging the tunnel in a dingy state. The two-hour battle finally came to an end!

The confrontation between humans and bee swarms ended in the victory of the humans, and the price paid was that one person was comatose, the life and death of the other were uncertain, and a bunch of people had major or minor injuries and their appearances were embarrassing.

He also has a hidden loss, he lost 6 matches, so far he only has 8 inexhaustible body + 2 super aptitude left in his body.

He was very distressed at the loss of super aptitude, but later found out that the super doubling strengthened the internal organs to a terrible degree, and he also got a poisoned pee that can detoxify the super power, so he didn't feel so distressed...

He now loves the body of the body, from the original 16 to the current 8... But the more bodies of the body, the stronger the effect!
"Forget it, if the old ones don't go away, the new ones won't come. If the manga apparitions are based on the capacity of the body, then I can have up to 16 abilities at the same time? No, no, I can burn two at the same time, and I can have up to 8. It's time to plan for growth. It's the right route... I have the strength to enter the B-level for the first time, and I'm already a small powerhouse, and then I will become a big powerhouse, the strongest, invincible powerhouse... kill the turtle-level powerhouse!"

He imagined the future for a while, Ai Hui stopped releasing his ability, sat on the ground with a weak buttocks, and said: "Deputy Chief, the situation is not very good. We have to go back to Yanjing as soon as possible!"

Hei Danyan frowned, his figure flickered, and after disappearing and appearing with three icicles in his hands, he said, "Liu Miao, you can arrange the rest first. Ai Hui, take the queen bee's body, let's go!"

Wan Li hurriedly handed over the queen bee's body, and then Heidanyan, Ai Hui, and the unconscious Shi Yan disappeared in place.

Liu Miao pondered for a moment: "Wan Liyang, you carry Director Liao behind your back, and together with Wang Bo, take the two siblings back to Xiema Village to rest. The others will clean up this place with me!"

"...Teacher, you are so generous." Wan Li praised silently in his heart.It seems that he didn't hold any grudges about pushing the class teacher into the pit. Cleaning up the bee corpses in this place is a hard job. Didn't you see the bitterness on the faces of the six C-levels in the ordinary class?
He carried Chief Liao and Wang Bo on his back, followed by the two siblings, and set foot on the road back to the village.

"Brother farmer, your name is Wan Liyang?"


"We still have two classmates in the mountains, and Teacher Jianlai, what should we do?"

Wan Li paused in his footsteps: "I sent Cong Cistan down the mountain last night. The second uncle and that man named Zheng Wei... Let's go back to the village to have a look. All the beasts with some strength in this mountain are dead. They Maybe it has come out of the mountain." Now put that silly roe deer back into the mountain, and it can be a king. "I don't know if it tried to escape."

"Huh? Farmer brother, your name is Teacher Jianlai's second uncle?... May I ask you, farmer brother?"

"Shi Yu, don't be naughty." Lin Daoming gave Wan Li an apologetic smile.


Wan Li shook his head and smiled, ignoring her.

"Old Wang, I think your fighting skills are mediocre. I will practice with you when I have time later."

"Okay, okay."

"Then we..."

The two walked and chatted, and Lin Daoming behind him looked blank, he didn't know what he was thinking, he clenched his fists slightly, and murmured softly: "E-level bottleneck..."


Back in Xiema Village, Wan Li immediately saw a skinny man standing at the entrance of the village, shouting, "Second Uncle, you're going down the mountain!"

"Well," Jian Lai squeezed out a smile, "What happened in the mountains? I saw a helicopter... Is that Director Liao on your back?!"

"He's fine, little injury."

The second uncle breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, Xiaowan, Daoming, Shiyu, as long as you are safe."

"It made you worry, Mr. Jianlai. Have you found Zheng Wei?" Lin Daoming said.

The second uncle nodded: "He is resting at the house of an uncle surnamed Bai, and Cong Cistan is also there."

"Let's go too, Director Liao needs a place to lie down." Wan Li said.

The old man Bai went to Wanli's house the night before, and the place was either big or small, with a yard of fifty or sixty square meters plus three small tile-roofed houses.After three turns and two turns, he found the old man's house. After entering the yard, Wan Li couldn't believe what he saw.

Cong Cistan lay on a chair, closed his eyes and fell asleep soundly.The key is at her feet, that silly roe deer is sleeping on her feet like a dog!

A sleeping beautiful girl and a cute pet, a sense of comfort and peace arises spontaneously, making people reluctant to break the silence for a moment...

"Cong Cistan!" Lin Shiyu broke the silence.

Cong Cistan opened his eyes, confused for a moment, and surprised: "Shi Yu, Lin Daoming! Wan Liyang, you saved them!"

She got up and hugged Lin Shiyu, and then noticed the person on Wanli's back.

"Director Liao? Is he injured?"

"Small injury." Wan Li said, walking over to look at the silly roe deer on the ground, it lazily opened its eyes and glanced at Wan Li, then closed them again...

"Huh? Cong Cistan, did you give it a bath?" Wan Li found that the silly roe deer was much cleaner.

"Yeah, I thought it was dirty, and I was dirty too, so I took it to take a bath." Cong Chen laughed.

"Bring it?" Wanli's mouth twitched, "Did you take a bath with it?"

"...It's just a roe deer," Cong Cun didn't care, "and it has no horns, so it should be a female."

"The horns of male roe deer will fall off in winter. You have bathed it. I don't know if it is male or female?" Lin Daoming sighed, with four words written on his face: Humans are not as good as roe deer.

"Oh? Is that so?" Cong Cistan blinked his eyes wide, "I didn't pay attention, it doesn't matter if it's male?"

Wanli looked at the relaxed look of the silly roe deer, and there was no need to confirm whether it was a male or a female.

He looked back at the beautiful and bright Cong Cistan again, tiptoed the silly roe deer, and walked to the back room with Chief Liao on his back.

"Oh?" The roe deer was innocent.


PS: (The last two free chapters will be updated together. It will be released at 12 am tonight, and VIP chapters will be released. Finally, I will ask for a wave of recommendation tickets!

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(End of this chapter)

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