Restart the world

Chapter 115 Fighting Training Machine

Chapter 115 Fighting Training Machine (for Subscription)
Reiki flowed into the body from every pore like a trickle, and Wan Li, who was sitting on the thigh flexor, could clearly feel that the aura flowing into his arms and legs was two points more than his torso.

The last time he broke his physical limit, it took more than ten minutes each for strength and speed, but this time, he practiced from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon.

It is not caused by the reduction of the body that does not get tired, but that the upper limit of the training equipment is not enough.The training equipment with the highest strength of 2000KG can only break his body five times in one hour.This time the limit was barely broken, and Wan Li was very worried about how to break the next limit.

"You don't have to practice for a day and a night, do you? Can the strengthened kidneys withstand it?" Wan Li murmured softly, "Then... think about it in your next ability?"

He did a few more leg flexions and stretches, feeling that the spiritual energy overflowing into his body was only a little faster, and after he stopped, he picked up a few mouthfuls of mineral water: "The effect of the training equipment on my improvement is getting smaller and smaller. Improving rapidly, I am not used to walking on the road of accumulating. I need new abilities, or enough spirit stones..."

The sudden sound of something heavy falling to the ground made Wan Li frown slightly.The voice started to come out one after another at one o'clock in the afternoon, but he was breaking the limit of his body at that time, so he ignored it.Why is this not over yet?
He got up and walked out the door.

The seventh and eighth floors of the practice building are places for special cultivation equipment. The seventh floor is mostly equipment with a maximum weight of 1000KG, while the eighth floor is for equipment with a maximum weight of 2000KG.

Perhaps it is because there are not many students who can use training equipment with a maximum weight of 2000KG. Of the four large rooms on the eighth floor, only the room he is in is filled with training equipment.

The room next door was empty, Wan Li thought the noise was someone who had nothing to do and ran to the eighth floor to practice hard Qigong, but he realized it was not when he got closer.

The room next door has changed drastically.

The walls were covered with a sponge-like white substance, and the floor was covered with black bricks with white patterns.Two people in gray clothes were filling the last gap with black bricks. The black bricks seemed to be heavy, and they made a bang bang sound when they hit the ground.

On his left stood an acquaintance. "Sister Yu, long time no see, I miss you so much!"

Yu Qianqian was startled, slightly curled the corners of her lips, turned her head and said, "During the big battle yesterday, Director Liao asked for leave, and you actually came to the school to practice?"

"Director Liao was injured, I'm fine, I'm in good health." Wan Li smiled: "Sister Yu, what are you doing?"

"This is the latest scientific research achievement, a combat training machine, for students above grade C." Yu Qianqian walked over on the black bricks and said, "I heard from Director Liao that you have strength and speed of grade B?"

She clasped Wanli's right arm and pulled it back vigorously, while Wanli retracted his arm, fighting her vigorously, a little surprised after a while.

"Sister Yu, you...?"

"It's really B-level, surpassing me, and I have about a month left." Yu Qianqian said.

Wan Li grinned: "Congratulations, Sister Yu, the magic power is boundless, and the magical skills are great!"

"Stop talking nonsense. Don't be proud of having B-level strength and speed. You still have very little aura in your body. According to your grades, you are still at C-level, and your fighting skills and martial arts are still far behind. What's more, you took a semester off from school..." Yu Qianqian was eloquent.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, as the head teacher of the super class for one semester, sister Yu is so familiar with teaching, occupational disease?

"Sister Yu, you still haven't said what it is?" He interrupted: "Fighting training device? Who do you practice with? How do you practice?"

"This is a set of VR equipment, virtual reality, universal treadmill, you know?"

Wan Li was taken aback: "I know a little bit, but... technology is advancing so fast?"

"It's just a semi-finished product. We got a set in Bincheng and use it first. Since you are in school, you can try it later."

Wan Li nodded again and again: "What does it look like? What should I do?"


Yanjing, General Bureau of Martial Arts, Director's Office.

Hei Danyan was standing opposite a middle-aged man with a firm temperament, reporting the whole process of the trip to Xiling in Xiema Village.

"...I delivered the remaining eight drops of spiritual liquid to the Spiritual Qi Research Institute this morning."

"Liao just ate two-fifths of the spiritual liquid?"


"...Just eat it." The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head: "How is Shi Yan?"

"It's out of danger, but I'm afraid I won't be able to regain consciousness for a while. This is my dereliction of duty." Heidanyan said softly.

"No, killing super-intelligent creatures, it's pretty good if you don't lose your staff. Did that kid put in a lot of effort during the battle?"

"Yes. He has advanced to C-level, but because he has broken his physical limit before, he has B-level strength."

"18-year-old Class B, is he the only one?"

Hei Danyan nodded.

"That's right." The middle-aged man turned around and said, "Heidanyan, you will have to work harder in the next period of time. Deputy Director General Yue went to the southwest border and won't be able to return for a while, so you and Deputy Director General Chi will have to do three Personal work. I will give you half a day off today, and I have asked someone to book a plane ticket for you tomorrow morning. Go to Wudu, and there is a Lingshi in Mingyue Mountain."

"The situation on the southwest border is troublesome?"

"The Lingshi mine appeared on the Shan State Plateau, part of it is in China, and the other part is outside the border."

Hei Danyan understood: "Then I..."

She paused, turned her head, and an old man with gray and curly hair pushed the door open and entered.He said happily: "Director General, the experiment was successful!"

"Successful?" The middle-aged man who had been calm stood up instantly, "Really?"

"It was successful, thanks to the spiritual liquid brought back by the deputy director general." The old man laughed.

"Spiritual liquid? Did you use it? How many potions were made from one drop of spiritual liquid? The Black Deputy Directorate only brought back eight drops, right?"

"I made one copy, but it's still effective after being diluted five times. Don't worry, the director general. The spiritual liquid is just a highly concentrated product of spiritual stones. The spiritual energy content of a drop of spiritual liquid is about 100 yuan of spiritual stones. It can be used The spirit stone is transformed, but there may be loss in the middle..."

"So hundreds of spirit stones can be used to make five potions? It seems... the importance of spirit stones has to be raised by one level..."


The training building of Bincheng Martial Arts University.

Wan Li changed into a black suit, with a bunch of white button-type sensors attached to his body, so that his real-life movements could be perfectly reproduced in the virtual world.

Yu Qianqian brought over a tablet-like display screen, on which there were two options: online battle and teaching battle.

"Try the teaching battle, I'm afraid you won't be able to match the opponent in the online battle for a while."

Wan Li clicked into the teaching battle according to his words, and there were two options: Yanjing teaching team and Bincheng teaching team.

"For the time being, only the Yanjing test party and our class teachers have entered the information."

Wan Li nodded, and immediately clicked on 'Bencheng Teaching Team', and then six names appeared, and he chose Yu Qianqian without hesitation.

"I'll order you, sister Yu!"

(End of this chapter)

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