Restart the world

Chapter 116 I Killed Me

Chapter 116 I Killed Me (Please Subscribe)
"I still have to choose? Standard mode and optional mode, what do you mean? Sister Yu?"

"...Sister Yu?" Wan Li looked up, and saw Yu Qianqian beside him squinting at him, and he immediately said with an innocent face, "What's wrong? Can't you just touch you?"

Yu Qianqian shook her head helplessly: "Let's go. The fighting training machine only collects information about my ten fights, so don't take the person inside as me."

"Oh." Wanli blinked: "Then how should I choose now?"

"In the standard mode, the speed is 4, and the power is 1000. In the optional mode, you can enter your own information, and the opponent will automatically set the same power and speed as you."

Wan Li nodded, pondered for a moment, and chose the standard mode, and then a 60, 59, 58... countdown appeared on it.

"Put it on." Yu Qianqian took a sunglasses-like thing and put it on Wan Li's head, and Wan Li's eyes were instantly completely black, leaving only the red countdown number.

He could roughly guess what was going to happen next.He will half-consciously enter the virtual world through the thing he wears on his head, and fight Yu Jie in the virtual world.

And through these buttons on the body, the movements of the outside body can be reflected in the virtual world, as if you are really fighting sister Yu.

After the countdown reached 30 seconds, a picture gradually appeared in front of Wanli's eyes.

In a closed room with a cement floor, the size was about the same as the classroom he was in. Five meters away stood Yu Qianqian in red short-sleeved black shorts.

"Have you started recording information about this thing in Xia Tian?" Wan Li murmured, looking at Yu Qianqian in the virtual world, "It's quite real."

He didn't see the difference between him and the real person, his appearance and temperament were exactly the same.

He raised his hand to look at his arm again, and found that the thickness, fat, and thinness were the same as his own body, presumably it was the information collected from the buttons attached to his body.When I touched my face, it felt a little rough to the touch.

"My face isn't so rough, is it?" Wan Li tried to take two steps forward, but his body in the outside world moved, but he in the virtual world didn't move.

"You can only act when the countdown is over." Yu Qianqian's voice was a little further away from him, as if avoiding the door.


Can't walk, but can shake, Wanli keeps shaking, adapting to this strange feeling...

When the countdown reaches 3, the numbers suddenly become bright red and magnified in front of your eyes, 2, 1, 0!

In the virtual world, Yu Qianqian rushed to Wanli immediately, raised her right leg and kicked with a whip!
"Bad review, it's not a friendly gesture before the fight." Wan Li muttered, without dodging or avoiding, he took the kick with his hip bone.

The avatar rolled and flew out, and Wan Li was surprised to find that he also felt the slightest pain in his right crotch, and then the main body shook uncontrollably twice.He stepped hard and stood firm.

"So real?"

After the virtual body rolled out, Yu Qianqian was already in front of him as soon as he got up.She raised her right foot and kicked upwards, aiming at Wanli's chin.

Wan Li didn't let it go this time, raised his hands to catch it, and then rubbed his hands on the virtual Yu Qianqian's calf: "It's very rough. Sure enough, not only my face is rough, but the touch is poor."

A side kick with his left foot hit the side of the face, and Virtual Wanli flew out again.The reaction to the attack was bigger this time. In reality, he moved a few steps uncontrollably, and the profile of his face seemed to be a little swollen.

"Wow, it's amazing, it's amazing!"

When he got serious, his body rolled and jumped. Although the virtual character was a little bit stuck, it could be considered to be able to restore his movements with a high degree of similarity, and he fought with the virtual Yu Qianqian.

"Poor tactile thigh."

"Huh? This hair feels good to the touch, soft and silky..."

"Wow, elbowing the bridge of my nose, my avatar still has tears and nosebleeds? Blurred vision?"

"Technology has changed life. It would be great if the touch could be made more realistic. It always feels like hitting an old tree. It's full of wrinkled dead skin. Sister Yu's skin can't be so rough..."

"Wan Liyang, practice fighting hard! Don't talk nonsense!" Holding the tablet at the door, Yu Qianqian looked at the screen and couldn't bear it anymore. He really wanted to go into the house and kick Wan Li jumping up and down to death!

"Sister Yu, it's not that I didn't practice well. The characters here look exactly like you. How can I have the nerve to play hard?"

"...I thank you for your mercy."

"Hey, why don't you believe me? When did I brag?" Wan Li became serious.

Then Yu Qianqian was surprised to find that the fighting situation displayed on the tablet in her hand had changed. The simple description is: Yu punched his left leg ten thousand times his left leg, Yu his right leg ten thousand his right leg, Yu his left fist...

The moves of the two are exactly the same, and Wan Li's movements are more precise and steady than the virtual Yu Qianqian's by two points, forcing her to retreat for a while!

"Who taught you fighting skills?!"

"Hey, you taught me. When you taught me to dodge, I learned it in an instant. Later, you chased me for a while in order to let me master the dodge. Fighting against those two people from Yanjing, killing wolves and bees during this period of time, it can be regarded as a small achievement."

"...Don't be proud, the virtual me is only [-]% of the strength in reality." Yu Qianqian regained consciousness, and looked at the screen on the tablet again, the virtual Yu Qianqian was forced to the corner by thousands of miles, and there was a wall dong, and her elbows were pressed on the wall The wall, and the knee-raised impact will be disintegrated by Wan Li first.

"Sister Yu, does this count as my victory?"

"You only win if you kill your opponent or deal enough damage to your opponent."


Wanli looked at Yu Qianqian on the opposite side, kill?Cause enough damage?What kind of shit design is this!

"It's okay, I don't mind, let's end the battle, Wan Liyang." Yu Qianqian smiled.

Wan Li smacked his lips: "Who am I?"

Yu Qianqian:?

"The name is just a code name. If you remove the code name Wanli Yang, who am I?"

Yu Qianqian:? ?

"Who killed me, and who did I... kill again!"

Yu Qianqian:? ? ?

"I killed me, hehe." Wan Li took two steps back, folded his hands and slapped his forehead, boom!

A large negative character appeared in front of my eyes, and then the screen faded to black.He took off the 3D glasses on his head, and said with a smile: "I experienced the feeling of suicide in the virtual world. It was so fresh. In the end, it was quite painful. Why did it hurt so much!"

Wan Li sat down on the ground, rubbed his swollen forehead, his face froze: "Did I slap my forehead just now?"

Yu Qianqian nodded with a smile.

Wan Li pursed his lips: "This design is poorly rated, and it is prone to danger. Thanks to the standard mode I used just now, I didn't use my full body, otherwise... tsk, this thing is actually life-threatening? Unreasonable and unreasonable!"

"Maybe... the designer didn't consider that someone would be so stupid as to try to commit suicide inside?"

Wan Li blinked: "Hey, generally speaking, this thing is not bad. It can practice fighting skills. When I change my opponent, I am too familiar with you, sister. Why don't you recommend me an opponent? It's best to have some I don't know. Fighting skills."

"Then you choose a teacher from the Yanjing teaching team. I know the most from Bincheng Martial Arts University." Yu Qianqian smiled.

"Oh... Hey, sister Yu, can I try online battle?" Wan Li raised his eyebrows.

Yu Qianqian shook his head: "The first batch of combat training machines put into use is only 30, and they are scattered all over the country. It is difficult for you to match people."

"Try it."

"what ever."

(End of this chapter)

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