Restart the world

Chapter 117 Disconnected

Chapter 117 Disconnected (seeking a monthly pass)
Spring City Martial Arts University, practice building.

A man with beards stood in front of three teenagers and a girl: "I have already demonstrated to you how to use the combat training machine. I hope you can stay at school and use it to practice more during this holiday except during the Chinese New Year.

After all, the first selection for the World Martial Arts Competition will start next semester. You four city selections will definitely be fine, but the provincial selection will be difficult.Then in the selection of the three northeastern provinces and the national selection, I hope that at least one person can make it to the top [-] in the country.Every time your strength improves, this chance will increase a lot. "

He smiled, and the dense beard on his face made him feel a little happy: "This is the same as the college entrance examination, and there is a difference of thousands of people for one point. Okay, don't disturb your practice, four people take turns to try, see Whichever teacher is not pleasing to the eye, pick him up, hehe... who will come first?"

The four people in front of him hesitated for a while, and the three boys behind him cast their eyes on the girls, meaning 'ladies first'.

"That's fine, Horror Sun, you come first."

The girl smiled helplessly.Since someone posted the video of her awakening superpowers on the Internet, and used the title "Scary Girl", she has earned the name of Sun Horror, which is what the teachers call...

"Teacher Xiu, you haven't shown us the online battle yet."

"I said that I can't match anyone, so let me click... Huh?" The bearded man was taken aback, "Second row, what a coincidence? I don't know if the other party is a teacher or a student from another school. Just in time, the teacher will show you another , take your tablet and go to the door to see the strength of the teacher!"


After Wanli clicked "Online Battle", a 3-minute countdown appeared, and he wanted to give up when no one was found in 20 seconds. He didn't expect the match to be successful in the 19th second...

"Sister Yu, I have matched my opponent, please put those glasses on for me!"

Yu Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and came over to put on the glasses for Wan Li: "You really made it to the line. Online battle is the standard mode, but don't commit suicide no matter whether the opponent is a man or a woman, it's dangerous."

"No, no, no...Huh? There is a bearded man on the opposite side, who looks like he is 40 years old. Sister Yu, you step back, there are 30 seconds left to start the fight!"

Yu Qianqian walked to the door, while Wan Li devoted all his energy to the virtual world.There is no need to look at the room again, it is the same as before, but with a different opponent.

The bearded man opened and closed his mouth as if he was talking, but Wanli couldn't hear it, and he didn't see the option to adjust the volume, probably because the voice chat function was not turned on.

"Are you talking to the people around you?" Wan Li blinked, trying to tell, but the beard on his face caused a huge obstacle to his lip reading, and even a lip reading expert might be helpless.

He pondered for a moment, raised the corners of his mouth, waved his hands and shouted: "Hello!"

The bearded man froze for a moment, then showed him a gentle smile, opened and closed his mouth and introduced himself, but Wan Li didn't understand.

"I know this person." Yu Qianqian said suddenly: "The head teacher of the super class in Spring City, his name seems to be Xiu Yue, he should be asking about your identity."

"Chuncheng." Wan Li blinked, watched the countdown on the screen finish, and was immediately alert, but the opponent did not launch an attack, and looked at him calmly, as if waiting for him to strike first.

Wanli hesitated for a moment.The head teacher of the Spring City superpower class, then he may be demonstrating the fighting training machine to the students. If he wins, he will be ashamed, and he won't hold grudges, right?But releasing water is not in line with my personality...

He pondered for two seconds, then suddenly raised his head slightly, pointed his thumb at himself, and opened and closed his mouth to say a few words.


Spring City Martial Arts University.

"He said that he is Sun Kai, a student in the super class of Yanjing Martial Arts University." The bearded man pondered: "A freshman in the super class, he has only systematically practiced dodging skills. He should have just started practicing fighting. The teacher is a bit bullying. .”

He smiled: "In this case, the teacher will break down and demonstrate the fighting skills for you."

"You guys are optimistic, let me show you kicking skills... oh? The dodging skills are good, so the teacher can increase the speed a little..."

"Oh? Can you still avoid it? Not bad, not bad, this is a qualified demonstration textbook, let's keep this speed..."


Wan Li felt that the person opposite him was really a good person, and was about to learn martial arts, but he deliberately slowed down to demonstrate to himself, and his bearded face became friendly.

He hasn't dodged wholeheartedly for a long time. His dodging skills are actually different from the routines he learned from Yu Qianqian at the beginning. He has mixed a lot of his own things into it after many battles. If there is a level or something, he has already passed the entry level , proficient, and entered the realm of self-contained schools...

With the same power and speed, he can't guarantee that he will never be hit, but if the opponent wants to hit him, he may have to use his long beard...

"No way, he, this kick is worse than yours, Sister Yu." After flashing Wanli, he became a little impatient, and was about to fight back, when the other side switched to punching attack...

"that's amazing."

But the bearded man became more and more dignified, "As expected of a young genius from Yanjing, his dodging skills are probably better than yours, and he is a strong opponent. But it's good, you want to meet him and win the national election, remember this young man named Sun Kai. "

Three men and one woman looked at each other and nodded. They are among the best geniuses in Spring City, but they are really nothing in the whole country...

"Well, the demonstration is almost done, the teacher solves the battle, let you try your hand!" The bearded man felt the heavy heart of the four, and said.

His attack suddenly became fierce, and he wanted to finish off his opponent with a thunderbolt, so as to give his students some confidence, but he found that the opponent was unexpectedly difficult...

"Oh? Are you serious?" Wan Li realized that he had to find time to fight back in order to deal with the bearded man. "Then I'll be serious too!"

He took a deep breath, raised his energy to a higher level, fixed his eyes on the bearded man's eyes and shoulder movements, and went into battle with fists, elbows, legs and knees, instantly suppressing the bearded man!
The bearded man became more and more shocked, and he gradually lost the wind.The four students were watching there, and he couldn't even beat a child... His heart was tense, his movements were naturally out of shape, Wan Li caught the opening, he pressed his knee on his lower abdomen, turned his elbow in the air, and fell 360 degrees on the ground!
The four students looking at the screen on the tablet looked at each other, did the teacher make a mistake?
Wan Li took a few steps back, watched the bearded man on the opposite side slowly get up, frowned and said, "Sister Yu, what is the degree of this certain degree of damage?"

"Let him not get up for ten seconds, and the tolerance of the virtual character is an ordinary C-level."

"Is that so..." Wan Li saw the bearded man rushing towards him again, raising his eyebrows to greet him.

"This kid's fighting skills are so strong!"

"No, Yenching Martial Arts University actually made an exception to teach a freshman martial arts!"

"It's outrageous, why make an exception, the capital is amazing, I want to report!"

"Teacher, the head teacher of the superpower class of Yanjing Martial Arts University seems to be Hei Danyan, the deputy director general." A boy reminded weakly.

"...It's a goddess, forget it, don't report it." The bearded man froze for a moment, another flaw appeared in the virtual world, and was once again hit by Wan Li with a knee, elbow, whip and leg three times.

"Damn you... really think I can't beat you?! Drink! Ha!...Damn it, Horror Sun, cut off the WiFi of the tablet! Cut it off!"

Facing the prostrate bearded man, Wanli was about to rush up to make up for the last blow, but suddenly found that his figure dropped a frame, then blurred and disappeared, and a big word 'win' appeared.

"...has enough damage?"

Yu Qianqian smiled and said, "He's disconnected."

(End of this chapter)

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