Restart the world

Chapter 118 Animation

Chapter 118 Animation (seeking monthly ticket)
Wan Li was stunned for a while before he realized what it meant to be disconnected. This is the same as playing a game. If you can't beat it, just unplug the network cable, right?
"This boxing training machine seems to be a large game machine, which is interesting." He took off his glasses, and was stunned suddenly. He was less than half a meter away from the wall of the room.

He raised his hand to touch the sponge-like thing that had just been glued to the wall, it was soft, his hand sank into it and then popped out, reminding him of the battle yesterday when Hei Danyan was beaten... No, I can't think about it any further .

"That's to protect the wall." Yu Qianqian said, "I'm afraid you may accidentally break the wall."

Wan Li grins, the real version of people is not as important as the wall.But it is also true that hitting a wall with a C-level is not a big problem, even if you hit your head against a wall, you will be confused at most, and the wall is more likely to break.

"The venue is limited. If I hit the wall just now, I might be distracted and get hit by him. But no matter what, this thing is still very useful for my boxing practice. Sister Yu, give me the tablet. Me, I will match one more."

Yu Qianqian showed him the tablet, and a countdown of 29 seconds appeared in front of his eyes.

"It looks like there won't be anyone left."

Wan Li blinked, feeling a little regretful.If the water was released just now, can the bearded man let the students of Chuncheng Martial Arts University compete with him twice?

I, Yanjing Sun Kai, haven't played enough yet!
When the countdown reached 0, Wanli matched again, but there was still no one, so he had to give up.

"Then let me try the Yanjing teaching team."

Yu Qianqian clicked in for him, and a login interface appeared in front of his eyes, "Are you using my account or registering yourself? The Yanjing test party made a checkpoint game. Only when one person wins can he fight the second person. I am in the Martial Arts Bureau. Passed three levels when testing the boxing training machine."

"Then I'll register myself. It's interesting to start from the beginning. Do I need to fill in the real information?"


Wan Li nodded, and filled in name, ID number, school, class, student number in turn...

"Student number?" "You are number 1." "Oh."

After Wanli filled it out and clicked to register, the small camera on the tablet that collects facial information flickered and took a picture.

"You don't even have to take pictures? Are you afraid you will kill your opponent?" At this time, the interface of the tablet is a bit like the interface of the elimination game. At present, only the first level has been unlocked, and there are one star, two stars and three stars below the level.

"Because you are dying to listen," he just wanted to click on the first level, when Yu Qianqian stopped him and handed him a card, "See if you refuse to leave for a while today, this is the door card of this classroom , There is a tablet charger over there, after starting the battle, put the tablet into the gap in the wall, don’t step on the tablet.”

Wan Li nodded, saw that the time displayed on the tablet was almost five o'clock, and said with a smile, "Sister Yu is going to dinner? May I invite you?"


Wan Li was stunned for a moment, Yu Qianqian shook his head with a smile and said, "It scares you, don't keep talking, I'm leaving, lock the door when you leave."

"No, no, no... Sister Yu, the surprise came too fast just now, and I didn't realize it for a while. I beg you, I beg you!"

Yu Qianqian glanced at him, turned her head and walked away, "Practice hard."


Like a child who got a new toy, Wan Li was so addicted to breaking through the level that he forgot about dinner.

There are 20 levels in the breakthrough mode. Wanli found that it is 5 levels each. The first 5 levels are easy and enjoyable, and the 6th to 10th levels require a little effort. The opponent of level 11 is a female teacher who looks a bit like Yu Qianqian. She is heroic and has a fierce attack. The level of fighting skills is the same, you come and I fight for more than ten minutes before being defeated by Wanli due to lack of physical strength.

"Physical strength is also C-level?"

The opponent in the 12th level was a man who looked a bit like Liu Miao. When Wan Li fought against him, he mostly used defensive dodges, and he was no longer an opponent in attack.

But he is a fast learner, Lee Rote's athletic talent is really helpful to him, allowing him to quickly absorb every advantage of the opponent's fighting like a sponge in dealing with the opponent, and finally repay the opponent with the same way body!
Until eight o'clock, Wanli had passed 15 levels in total, and his fighting skills were at least [-]% stronger than before!
"It's time to go home. If you don't leave, you won't be able to catch the last bus." Wan Li whispered: "Before you go, check the difficulty of level 16."

Click on the next level, walked to the center of the room and put on his glasses, Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, the person in front of him was very familiar - Hei Danyan!

"She actually recorded a message? And it's only level 16?"


The next morning.

Wan Li woke up from his sleep, pursed his lips in a daze, shook his head with a wry smile, went to the toilet to take off his sticky underpants and rinse them.

Breaking through the 16th level last night, he lost for the first time against Heidanyan Wanli, and the loss was quite miserable.She has no ability, just fighting for thousands of miles, she can only parry, completely unable to fight back, barely struggled for 2 minutes, and finally was... killed by her!
Catch the last bus to go home, Wan Li thought about the content setting of the new comics before going to sleep, but it may be because he thought about it day and night and dreamed about it, in the dream he actually fought against Hei Danyan again.

The more frustrated, the more courageous, Wanli kept losing and being beaten all night, but he woke up and wanted to wash his underwear... Did this inspire some hidden attributes?This is the first time in this life.

"Huh...shame." Wanli shook his head and sighed softly as he hung the washed underwear on the air.

Go to the Martial Arts Forum to see that the appearance of spirit stones can no longer be concealed. The earliest discovery of spirit stones was in Bincheng, then the southwestern border, and then successively four or five places across the country discovered spirit stones. It's about discussing it, covering up the light of the father of qualifications...

"That's not right, the spirit stone was also made by me...there is another title of the father of the spirit stone, and those who use the spirit stone to cultivate are all my sons and daughters!"

The number of children is increasing, and Wanli feels a lot of pressure. As a father, he must be better than his children...

He feels that the 16th level of the fighting training machine will become a hurdle. He can't beat the boss Heidanyan for a while, but there are still a few levels ahead, which are very embarrassing. There are only one star and two stars. He is going to get a three-star rating. By the way, practice wrestling.

As soon as she was fully dressed, the phone rang suddenly, and Uncle Wen called.

"Uncle Wen, good morning."

"Morning, Xiao Wan." Uncle Wen's voice was turbulent, and he said with a little joy: "I have two good news for you!"

Wan Li blinked: "The manga is popular? I haven't paid attention to it these few days, how much have it sold?"

"The first chapter is more than 3000, and the second chapter is more than 5000. After the financial settlement the day after tomorrow, you can get the first draft fee, which is close to 10 yuan. This is one of the good news." Uncle Wen laughed.

"What about the other one?" Wan Li grinned, a hundred thousand, a good year!

"The other is the really good news. Just now, people from Wuzhou Film and Television Company contacted me. They want to animate your comics, and the conditions they give are very favorable!"

"……real or fake?!"

(End of this chapter)

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