Restart the world

Chapter 119 Fire

Chapter 119 Fire (seeking monthly ticket)
Wan Lilu was pleasantly surprised when he heard that a company wanted to animate his comics.However, after confirming with Uncle Wen repeatedly, his surprise mood calmed down.

It's not that the conditions offered by the other party are poor, but that the conditions are too good to be true.

"Uncle Wen, will there be pies in the sky?" Wan Li turned on the computer again and checked the information of Wuzhou Film and Television, "They have made a lot of movies, but they have never been involved in children's cartoons. Make it anime?"

"I also find it unbelievable." Uncle Wen replied: "But don't worry, what do you have that is worth being deceived?"

"...I'm heartbroken, Uncle Wen."

"Hehe, I heard from Wen Jing that you are already a D-rank? There are not many D-ranks under the age of 19. Maybe they like you and want to invest in you?"

Wan Li blinked, and what Wen Jing had mastered was old almanac information, but what Uncle Wen said was really possible.

The age of practice began in 2014, and it was most beneficial to young people aged 21 to 25 at the time.Because their bodies were mature at that time, and their plasticity was the highest, one step at a time, Liu Miao, Yu Qianqian, and Hei Danyan were both 24 and [-] years old.

Like Wan Li, who was only 15 years old when the age of practice began, and his body has not yet developed half, so he will be left behind at the beginning.At that time, Wan Li lacked nutrition and was left behind even more, until now he barely caught up with most of them.

"I like this person, I only sell comics and not my body, hehe." Wan Li smiled: "Please contact me for me, I entrust you to take full responsibility!"

"I don't own the copyright of the animation. Is it reasonable to entrust me?" Uncle Wen laughed.

"Isn't it possible to make animations drive the sales of comics? Please help me, I'm afraid I'll be cheated by accident. Please!"


"Come on, Uncle Wen!"

After hanging up the phone, Wanli was in a good mood after hearing the happy event early in the morning. The only thing that bothered him was that he still had no idea about the next apparition of the manga.

But he is not in a hurry, he already has a preliminary plan for the third comic.Different from the second battle for spirit stones, the third "War of the Magician's Union" is more troublesome. It can't be completed in ten and a half months. signed a contract...

In order not to make any mistakes, he didn't plan to draw magic stones or even magic weapons, but only pure magic.And he has already selected his own ability - Gravity Magic!
Gravity is a very strong ability. There are only two kinds of superpowers that involve gravity. One is the 10th-ranked gravity field that I personally experienced more than four months ago, and the other is the ability of my classmate Han Yiqi from the 36th Superpower Middle School. Focus on control.

Both abilities are not ranked very high, just because Wanli has restricted them.For example, in the field of gravity, there is no distinction between friend and foe. For example, it takes some time to release the nine gravity rings.

As for the ability set for yourself, of course there is no limit, you can let go of your thoughts, and it must be able to output stably, so that Wanli can cast it on yourself for practice.

And the intensity will be set very high, the maximum power must be able to pull down the stars in the sky, even if it can only be used at the SSS level, it must be set first, and the ability will not run away.

Gravity magic of this level is the strongest magic, and it has to be carefully considered when it is inferior to its magic strength. The workload is very heavy, and it is almost the same as when the 72 superpower outline was made.What's more, the practice cannot be interrupted, there are still some things to do during the Chinese New Year, and the Academy of Superpowers can't be completely ignored, and you have to go to school again after the year, so it would be nice to be able to create comics in three months...

"So busy."

Wan Li did not change his original plan, and went to Martial Arts University by car.From morning to afternoon, I honed my fighting skills until 3 o'clock, and all the first 15 levels were three-star.

He hesitated for a moment, then clicked into the 16th level and challenged Heidanyan again!

Meanwhile, Zebra Café.

Wen Zheng walked in from the door with a serious face in a suit and leather shoes, looked at the couples of young couples who were dating inside, and frowned slightly.

"Hi sir, do you have an appointment?" A waitress came up and asked.

"Well, private room 501."

The waitress was stunned for a moment, and gave Wen Zheng a strange look: "501?"

"It's 501, is there a problem?"

"...No problem, you come with me."

He followed the waitress to the private room 501 at the edge of the first floor of the cafe. The waitress backed away, and he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Please come in!" A sweet female voice came from the private room, who seemed to be young.

Wen Zheng was stunned for a moment, pushed the door open and entered, the private room was actually empty, "Where is the person?"

At this moment, a long-haired figure suddenly appeared behind the door, causing him to take a step back in shock.

"Dangdang, should you be surprised... Huh?! Uncle, did you go to the wrong room?"

Wen Zheng took a few glances at the tall young and beautiful girl in front of him, and sighed in his heart, "other people's daughter", and suddenly understood why the waitress looked at him strangely just now... He turned his head slightly apologetically and said, "I'm the one to go." Wrong. Waiter, do you have two 501 private rooms in your cafe?"

"No, uncle," the girl in front of him replied to him first, "You have an appointment with someone in 501? What time? This cafe won't make an appointment for the same private room twice, will it?"

"No, beauty. Is it possible that you misremembered the private room, sir? The 501 private room was indeed reserved by this beauty."

Wenzheng frowned, and took out his mobile phone to look at it: "It is indeed the 501 private room, and the person who invited me was the person from Bincheng Wuzhou Film and Television Company."

"Ah?" The girl in front of her exclaimed, "But I'm dating the cartoonist Wan Liyang?"

Wen Zheng was stunned: "He entrusted me with full responsibility for the animation of the Super Academy."

The girl blinked: "Then uncle, please come in, what is your relationship with Wan Liyang?"

Wen Zheng was stunned: "Do you know him?"


In Bincheng Martial Arts University, Wan Li died tragically at Hei Danyan's hands again, but he could already feel his progress, and he was even sure that if he tried his best, he could 'delay' Hei Danyan to death!

But he didn't do that, he felt ashamed... The next time he sees Hei Danyan, is he going to say: "Deputy Chief, I exhausted you to death in the virtual world?" '

"Practice again and I can win." Wan Li was about to try again when the phone rang again, and it was Uncle Wen again.

"Hey, Uncle Wen, what's the matter?"

"Come to the Zebra Cafe, people from Wuzhou Film and Television want to have an interview with you."

"I'm not entrusting you with carte blanche... Oh, it's impolite for me not to show up for this matter, isn't it? Well, well, I'll be there in half an hour!"

He had no choice but to say goodbye to Hei Danyan at level 16, change his clothes and shoes, lock the door, walk out of the campus, and transfer to the station.Just at this time, there was a sudden sharp ringing of bells from far to near, and a fire truck drove past the road at high speed.

Only then did he realize that the passers-by on the side of the road were pointing at the west. He turned his head and saw that thick black smoke covered half of the sky!

"Is it on fire? It doesn't seem too small." Wan Li frowned slightly, and pondered for a moment: "Go and see?"

(End of this chapter)

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