Chapter 120
Running 1.87 meters in [-] seconds is like a gust of wind in the eyes of passers-by.

The fire truck was not as fast as him, and he overtook it with a step, and rushed to the burning place first.

This is a high-end residential area, and the building on fire is the best building in the corner of the area.The fire should have started from the top four floors. It has spread to the third floor and is now spreading to the second floor. The blazing flames and the choking black smoke that can be smelled hundreds of meters away make the onlookers dare to stay far away. Onlookers, afraid to go forward.

Wan Li frowned slightly. The B-level body could already withstand small powerful pistol bullets, but it was not certain whether it could withstand the fire and smoke... Do you want to go up and see if anyone needs rescue?

"it is good!!"

There was a sudden shout of goodwill from the crowd, and everyone was taken aback when they heard it, what kind of hatred and resentment?
Then he realized that he had misunderstood. A petite girl with a burnt face rushed out from the thick smoke, with a middle-aged woman on her back.She ran into the crowd and put the middle-aged woman down, turned around and was about to rush back, Wan Li hurried forward and grabbed her.

At first, the girl thought that the enthusiastic crowd prevented her from continuing to take risks, so she struggled lightly, but did not move, then tried hard, but still did not move...

"Wen Jing! Are you C-level? What's going on inside!" Wan Li shouted.

Wen Jing turned her head, surprise appeared on her small dark face, and then she was ecstatic: "Wan Liyang, you came at the right time, hurry up and save someone! Cough cough!"

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Wan Li would have laughed out loud. Wen Jing's smoky little black face only had two rows of small white teeth... The situation was urgent, so he said concisely, "Which floor is there someone?"

Wen Jing coughed and pointed to the rightmost window on the third floor. The curtains inside were shaking slightly, as if someone was untying the curtains.

Wan Li patted the back of Wen Jing, who was bending over and coughing violently: "Don't go, if you go again, I have to go in and rescue you, the third floor..."

He squinted his eyes and caught sight of an air-conditioning unit on the second floor. He stepped forward and stepped heavily on the air-conditioning unit with a vertical leap, leaving two deep footprints before performing a second bounce. He reached out and hooked three. Floor window sill!
Then he exerted strength on his waist, kicked the broken window with a backflip and rolled in, facing the terrified expression of a woman in her thirties with real *smoky makeup.

"Is there anyone else at home?!"

"No, no more."

"Okay, don't be nervous, Superman will take you flying."

Wan Li stretched out his arms to hug the woman, shattered the remaining glass with a single fist, aimed at the outside unit of the air conditioner just now, and jumped!
In the face of a double attack, the air conditioner went very peacefully.Wanli landed smoothly after being buffered by the external unit of the air conditioner, and the boots walked very unsafely...

He put the woman down and turned his head: "Can I go by myself? Stay away from here."

As soon as the words fell, something exploded on the third floor behind them, sending out sparks all over their heads.Wan Li hurriedly picked up the woman again, three steps at a time, and rushed out of the range of the flames.The crowd of onlookers took a few steps back because of the explosion.

"It's too dangerous." Wan Li looked at Wen Jing and asked, "Is there anything else you haven't searched for?"

"There is no one on the fourth and third floors. The second and first floors should be able to react. It's time to run out!" Wen Jing shouted.

Wan Li nodded, and the fire engine blared and drove over. He and Wen Jing dispersed with the onlookers and handed over the venue to professionals.

The black smoke and flames in the sky gradually shrunk with the introduction of professional equipment such as high-pressure water guns and foam fire extinguishing devices. Several firefighters rushed in and searched for the wounded from house to house. Wan Li and Wen Jing were surrounded by the crowd. People are even more grateful.

Wan Li smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes, it's a trivial matter. Hey, don't be so polite... Can I come into your house again? Is there any jewelry in the house that I didn't take?"

The smile on his face was even wider: "No problem, I'll take you back again, walk around..."

He stretched out his hand to grab the woman, causing her to stagger and take a step back. At this moment, Wen Jing suddenly took Wan Li's arm and led him out of the crowd, and quickly moved away.

"People nowadays..." Wan Li shook his head helplessly, "But today I am really impressed by you, how would you rush into a fire to save someone?"

However, Wen Jing's small mouth narrowed, tears in her eyes and she said, "Wan Liyang, I got into trouble!"

"Creating trouble?" Wan Li was stunned for a moment: "Don't tell set the fire?!"

"Ugh... I didn't mean to!"

"...Why are you so overwhelmed?" Wan Li frowned deeply: "Hey, don't cry."

"Ugh... I just want to try superpowers. I can only order a piece of paper at D-level. I just reached C-level. I just want to try some other things..."

"How old are you, don't you know that playing with fire is dangerous?" Wan Li sighed, "What did you order?"



"I couldn't find anything that could burn, so I pressed my hand on the wall, and the wallpaper started to burn. It didn't go out, and the fire grew bigger and bigger. Huh..."

Wan Li rolled his eyes, looking at Wen Jing's little face blackened by the smoke and stained black and white by tears, he didn't know whether to say something to her or...laugh.

"Well, I hope there are no casualties, and your family can afford to just lose money?"

"It's affordable...but for arson, I won't be imprisoned, right? Huh..."

"Don't cry, it's okay." Wan Li raised his hand and rubbed Wen Jing's head, reassuringly.Seeing Wen Jing cry for the first time, she was really scared and needed the comfort of her 'father'.

Wen Jing froze for a moment, then plunged into Wan Li's arms, wiping snot, tears and dust all over his clothes... Wan Li let it go, pondered for a moment, took out his mobile phone and called Director Liao.

"Hey, Wali sheep, what's the matter... why are you so noisy? There are girls crying? What happened? Wali sheep? Wali sheep!"

"...Ah, I'm here. I don't know how to tell you something. Wen Jing is a C-level. When she was experimenting with her superpowers, she burned down her own house and the neighbor's house. Now... she's crying until she snot Worm, what do you think about this matter?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long while before Director Liao said, "Let me check the situation!"

"Well, hurry up."

"This unlucky girl... Alas!" Director Liao muttered with a headache and hung up the phone.

Wen Jing muttered, "Wan Liyang, I won't burn people to death, will I? I won't be sentenced?"

"Don't be afraid, I will visit you often."

"...Wan Liyang, you hate me to death!"

"It's them!" There was a shout behind the two, and two enthusiastic people led the fire chief to find Wan Li and Wen Jing.

The fire chief was a middle-aged man about 40 years old. He stood in front of the two and said, "Thank you for rescuing the trapped people, and thank you for your strong support for the firefighting work. At the scene of the fire, were you the one who called the fire department?"

She was the one who set the fire... Wen Jing buried her head in Wan Li's arms and refused to come out.

Wan Li considered his choice of words, and the phone rang suddenly.He took one look, gave the fire chief an apologetic look, and picked up the phone.

"Xiao Wan, where have you been?"

"Dad! Woohoo..."

"Xiaojing? Xiaowan, are you with Wenjing? What's going on? Why is she crying?!"

Wan Li was silent for two seconds: "Uncle Wen, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not. That... you have a heart problem, right?"

" say it!"

"Wen Jing, she... set fire to a house."

(End of this chapter)

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