Restart the world

Chapter 121 Miners and Overseers

Chapter 121 Miners and Overseers

Bencheng Martial Arts Bureau, Director's Office.

"Okay, I got it." Director Liao sent the fire chief away with a headache on his face, looked at the little flower-faced Wenjing in the room and shook his head helplessly, "I fucking thought that only Wali Yang was not worried, you are a steady child , it turned out that such a trick was suddenly given to me, which really caught me off guard!"

"Director Liao, you will lose me like this."

"Stop talking nonsense, Wen Jing's very troublesome..." Director Liao said to Wan Li.

"Principal, will I go to jail? The firefighter uncle just said... no one was injured or injured." Wen Jing asked in a soft voice, very well-behaved.

"Your behavior has violated Article 110 of the Criminal Law, the crime of arson. The circumstances are serious enough to file a case. If the court rules, you will probably be sentenced to about three years in prison."

"Three years?!" Wen Jing exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes again.

"Director Liao, you know a lot about the criminal law, do you even remember the specifics?"

Director Liao raised his chest: "I was an excellent people's policeman three years ago!"

Wan Li curled his lips secretly: "The excellent People's Police Chief Liao, can you help Wen Jing find a way? Really make her squat for three years?"

The tears in the circles of Wen Jing's eyes stopped immediately, and her big eyes stared at Director Liao expectantly.

"This is making me make mistakes." Director Liao pretended to be distressed: "Let me think about it."

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door, and the back door was pushed open. Wen Zheng rushed in anxiously, and when he saw Wen Jing's pretty face, his face was distressed: "Aren't you hurt?"

"Dad!" The two father and daughter hugged each other.

Wan Li looked at them, and then turned his attention to Director Liao: "We students in the super power class... don't we have any privileges? For example, the regulations specially formulated for us to lose control of super powers?"

"What are you thinking! Everyone is equal before the law, there is no room for discussion!"

Wan Li smiled: "Don't scare her, hurry up and talk about the solution."

Director Liao sighed: "I'm trying to make her remember. The stronger her strength, the more she has to control her own power. She burned down a building as soon as she was C-level, and she burned a village and a city when she was A-level and S-level? "

"I know I was wrong." Wen Jing muttered.

Wenzheng patted her to comfort her, and said: "If I can get the forgiveness of the residents of that building, my daughter's fault for setting the fire...can I be lenient?"

"That's right." Chief Liao nodded.

"Uncle Wen, you really dote on her, she even burned down her house, inside..."

"That's not my house, I just bought it for Wen Jing to make her closer to the school."

Wanli's eyes twitched, even a small apartment in a high-end community costs 300 million, right?Buy a set just for Wen Jing to go to school?Wen Jing's family is probably richer than he imagined, with assets exceeding [-] million, right?Poverty limits my imagination, money...

"Uncle Wen, if I let go of the head of Wuzhou Film and Television, it won't affect the anime adaptation, right?"

Wenzheng shook his head: "No..."

"Dad, Wan Liyang! When are you still talking about manga?" Wen Jing asked urgently.

"What are you panicking about?" Wan Li smiled: "Didn't you hear Director Liao say that he just let you have a long memory? He must have a way, at most let you stay in prison for a month or two, shave your head in a labor camp, wear a prisoner's uniform, and wear your hands. There is no oil in the dish..."

"...Wan Liyang, you hate me to death!"

"Waliyang is right. Even if you deal with it more leniently, you will inevitably be sentenced to three months in prison. This year, you will not be able to have New Year's Eve dinner at home," Director Liao said.

Wen Jing's little black face was bitter: "It doesn't matter, can I not shave my head?"

Thousands of miles speechless, but also smug?
Director Liao smiled: "Your martial arts level is C-level, which is under the jurisdiction of our Martial Arts Bureau. It happens that the special prisoners in the Martial Arts Bureau are going to undergo a labor reform, and you don't even have to stay in prison."

Wen Jingli revealed surprise: "Really?! Labor reform, where to reform?"

"Xiema Village Xiling."

Wan Li was taken aback when he heard the words.

"You heard me right. Wali sheep, we are going to mine the spirit stone mine."

"Dig it manually?" Wan Li wondered.

"Well, most of the spirit stones discovered so far are in the soil about two meters above the surface. There is no need for large machinery, let alone the need for mountain blasting. Practitioners can dig with steel shovels."

"Is that so..." Wan Li was still a little surprised, with such advanced technology, how to use manpower to dig?
"Dig Lingshi Mine... Speaking of which, I haven't seen Lingshi yet!" Wen Jing showed her small white teeth, and she finally let go of most of her heart when she raised it.

"This is a good job, Uncle Wen." Wan Li explained to Wenzheng: "Wen Jing is C-level, mining will not be tiring, and you can also secretly absorb some spiritual energy from the spirit stone to speed up your practice. Suck a little bit together, Wen Jing , it’s easy to be discovered if you smoke too much.”

Director Liao's face darkened: "You fucking!"

Wen Jing quickly said: "No, no, Director Liao, don't worry, I will definitely reform it!"

Director Liao shook his head helplessly: "Wali Yang, do you want to go? It's not mining, but a supervisor."


"Well, there is a C-level prisoner among the special prisoners, plus two Wen Jings. There must be someone with sufficient strength to watch over them. Liu Miao can't stay there forever."

Wan Li was silent for two seconds, and asked, "Can you guard yourself?"

Director Liao: "..."

"Xiao Wan." Wen Zheng suddenly called out to Wan Li softly, his gaze beckoning.

Wanli understood in seconds that Uncle Wen asked himself to help him take care of Wen Jing.He thought for a while, it doesn't matter if the outline of the third comic is set there.During the Chinese New Year, he wanted to go back to the orphanage, but he was a little apprehensive. It would be nice to spend a lively New Year in the mine. The only thing that made him hesitate was that the boss of Heidanyan hadn't been overthrown yet...

At this time Director Liao suddenly said: "The supervisor can use one spirit stone to practice every day."

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, looking at Director Liao who was smiling all over his face, Li Lu was stunned.Director Liao knows that he has a B-level physique but only a C-level aura, and his strength is slowly improving, so he takes care of himself specially...

"Okay, I'll go."

"Then Wen Jing, please take care of me. I will help you handle the animation of the manga." Wen Zheng said immediately: "You are responsible for counting the money!"

"Who will take care of him?" Wen Jing muttered in a low voice, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

"The reform-through-labour team will leave tomorrow morning. Wen Jing shouldn't go home today. It won't affect her well. She should stay at the Martial Arts Bureau for one night." Director Liao said, "Wali Yang, you can come to the Martial Arts Bureau at seven o'clock tomorrow."

Wan Li nodded, planning to buy a pair of shoes, and try to push Hei Danyan a few times after returning to school...

"Director Liao, thank you very much this time." Wen Zheng said gratefully, "Can her mother and I visit Wen Jing while she is mining?"

"No." Chief Liao shook his head.

"Even the New Year's Eve?"

"No, you can't bring communication equipment either. But Wali sheep can..."

"Don't worry, Uncle Wen, Wen Jing has always been the only one who bullies others, who dares to bully her?"

"You always bully me!"

Wan Li blinked: "Wen Jing, a reform-through-labour prisoner, how can she talk to the supervisor?!"

Wen Jing: "..."

She has a bad feeling about mining life.

(End of this chapter)

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