Restart the world

Chapter 122 The Little Red Dot Inside the Lingshi

Chapter 122 The Little Red Dot Inside the Lingshi (Part [-])
At noon the next day, Wan Li stood in the valley where he fought the swarm of bees before.

There were 9 people standing in front of him, 7 men and 2 women.All the men have cropped hair, one of the women has short hair and the other has long hair, and each carries a steel shovel.They are criminals with little responsibility for the crimes of F-level and above in Bincheng, and they are about to carry out mining work here.

As the supervisor, Wan Li took the roster and rolled the names one by one. "Xiao Longtao!"



"Qi Guoqiang!"



"Wen Jing!"

"Wen Jing!" Wan Li repeated with a smile.

"Yes, yes..." Wen Jing rolled her eyes.

"Okay, everyone is here, my supervisor will draw some [-] lines for you." Wan Li picked up a shovel and drew ten lines, each line was about two meters apart, and said: "Choose a piece and excavate it." !"

"...Understood." Amidst the sparse responses, a group of nine people went to dig the spirit stone.

Watching them start working, Wan Li smiled and moved to the other side with a steel shovel in hand.

"Brother Dong, come, let me help you."

Of course, he, the supervisor, and the nine prisoners were not the only ones digging here.In addition to them, there are eight civil servants from the Martial Arts Bureau who have not reached the D-level, and 20 E-level strong men hired from nowhere, scattered all over the mountain forest.

"I don't need your help," Dong Jiawei shoveled the shovel fiercely, "Brother Dong, I was E-level when I first saw you, but now you are still E-level, and you don't have time to practice at all. Director Liao finally let me out to dig A mine, don’t make trouble, just practice!”

"Well, Brother Dong, you have worked hard." Wan Li smiled: "Hey, you dug out a spirit stone, and I took this one away. Brothers, work hard!"

Wan Li picked up the Lingshi with a smile and left, leaving only Dong Jiawei behind with a wry smile.Director Liao gave him a very difficult task: keep an eye on Wan Liyang, and let him use only one spirit stone every day.

"Just stare at his head, we can't beat him together, it's impossible to stare at him, I just hope he can realize it... it's too bad..."

Wan Li inhaled while walking with a piece of spirit stone in his hand, the spirit energy quickly overflowed into his body, and he felt extremely happy.Except that he only has two C-levels in this entire valley, they are all reform-through-labor prisoners under his supervision. The increase in strength means the rise in status. Even though he is still a student, everyone in this valley, including Dong Jiawei, agrees that he is the chief executive. people.

"Wen Jing, dig quickly, Xiao Longtao next to you is faster than you, I'm afraid you are not a fake C-rank!"

Wen Jing pursed her lips unhappily, and said, "Wan Liyang, you hate me to death... I've never used a steel shovel before, so it's not good!"

"Stupid, come, give me the steel shovel." Wan Li handed her the spirit stone, and took the steel shovel: "Look, you need to shovel the soil, don't dig the soil, look at shovel tops you just three shovels!"

"I didn't see clearly." Wen Jing blinked.

"Stupid." Wan Li grinned and continued to demonstrate, once, twice, and three times, "Hey, I dug up a spirit stone, did you see it clearly this time?"

"Not yet." Wen Jing blinked again.

Wan Li smiled and turned to take the spirit stone, picked up the piece on the ground at the same time, and shouted: "Brother Dong, Wen Jing secretly sucked my spirit stone, my piece is incomplete, I'll take another piece haha !"

Wen Jing:? ? ?
Dong Jiawei: "..."

"Play tricks with me." Wan Li glanced at Wen Jing contemptuously, and left with two spirit stones in his hands.

"Wan Liyang! I hate you to death!"

Qi Guoqiang, who was buried in the digging, looked up at Wanli, then at Wenjing, smiled, and lowered his head to dig harder.


It took Wan Li a full hour to absorb that 'incomplete spirit stone', which brought him almost double the amount of spirit energy absorbed naturally.But when the spirit stone turned into powder in his hands, he suddenly felt something strange, which came from his left arm.

He frowned slightly, concentrating on his perception, but then he was shocked, and there was a small sand-like spot in his left elbow, which was exactly the same feeling that the match in his body gave him!

"Lingshi? Lingshi!" Wanli murmured, "Lingshi is also manifested from manga. There is a red line in it? No, there is a red spot in it? Can it enter my body with absorption? What's the use? ? The left arm..."

Wanli looked at another piece of spirit stone, "The main points are connected into a line? How many pieces of spirit stone do you need? And why is the essence of the spirit stone... Oh, when I eat the essence of the spirit stone, my body is still full of red lines. So it is connected into a line... it possible to bring me a new ability? Or the recovery of the inexhaustible experience?"

He never expected that there would be such a gain from sucking a piece of spirit stone, "The spirit stone is not enough."

In fact, there was already a stack of hundreds of spirit stones in front of him at this time, which was the masterpiece of the miners in this hour.But Wan Li was keenly aware that Dong Ge was always looking at him with his eyes, which made him a little embarrassed to steal it...

He hesitated for a moment, then walked towards Wen Jing: "Can you use a steel shovel?"


"Where will it be? You are using it incorrectly. Come on, let me demonstrate it to you."

Dong Jiawei: "..."

Wen Jing picked up a shovel of soil and raised it towards Wanli, "Go away!"

"How do you talk to the supervisor?" Wan Li hurriedly dodged, and walked to another C-level prisoner beside him, "Hey, brother, you seem to be using the steel shovel incorrectly!"

The old man gave him a bitter expression: "If I steal the spirit stone, can I not be punished like that little girl?"

Dong Jiawei came over: "I don't think so."

Wan Li blinked: "I think... Cough! Brother Dong is tired? Everyone is tired too! Take a break and drink some water. Hey, Wen Jing, take a look, this spirit stone in my hand seems to be different from the others... ..."


At the same time, on the dirt road north of Xiling in Xiema Village, a Sihuan brand car came leisurely and stopped at the foot of the mountain.

Four people got out of the car, three men and one woman. The man driving the car was about 30 years old. He looked like an ordinary farmer with a simple and honest appearance, but his eyes were lively.The other three are all eighteen or nineteen years old, and they are all full of energy.

"Is this the Xiling of Xiema Village?" the simple and honest man asked.

"The end point of the navigation is marked on the mountain in front of us." One of the teenagers replied.

The simple and honest man looked around: "Come on, give me a hand, carry the car over there and park it."

The four of them worked together to easily lift the two-ton car off the dirt road and put it firmly on the open space not far away.

"Go up the mountain." The honest man said.

Among them, the girl hesitated and said, "Director Wu, is it not good for us to come here uninvited?"

"What are you afraid of? That bastard Liao Gang got lucky, and Lingshi appeared in Bincheng... I have to report to him when I bring you to see Lingshi?"

"Then you still let Jin Guanghua and this...isn't it good?"

"It's okay. After Bincheng handed in the spirit stones, the country will distribute them to us. You will get the spirit stones a month or two later than the children in Bincheng. That bastard Liao Gang is so shameless once? Go up the mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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