Restart the world

Chapter 123 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 123 The Uninvited Guest (Fourth Change)
Zebra Cafe, Room 501.

"Uncle, why is it you again?"

Today Wenzheng's hairstyle is a little messy, and Wenjing's troubles have left him devastated, and he has to work hard just to compensate the residents of that building without asking too much.But Wan Li went to a remote mountainous area to work as a supervisor for Wen Jing, and he had to deal with the animation of the Academy of Superpowers no matter how busy he was.

"Cong Cistan, right? I didn't ask specifically yesterday, but who are you and Wan Liyang?"

"is a friend."

"Friend...then why did you contact him through Zhiyin Comic Club?"

"You want to surprise him!" Cong said with a smile, "Uncle, you haven't already told him..."

Wenzheng shook his head: "No. You know he is a student of the Martial Arts University, right? He just accepted a mission from the Martial Arts Bureau and went to a far away place to do some work. I'm afraid he won't come back until school starts."

"So long?" Cong Qi was taken aback: "A place far away, Xiema Village?"

"You know all this?" Wen Zheng was also taken aback.

"Well, that's where I met him. I'm not too familiar with him. Uncle, do you have a good relationship with him? What does Wan Liyang usually like to do?"

Wenzheng frowned and stretched his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Let's talk about comics? If we reach a cooperation soon, when Wan Liyang returns from Xiema Village, maybe we can catch up with the release of the first chapter of his comics..."

"Okay, I can definitely catch up!"


Xiema Village, Xiling, Valley.

On the edge of nine two-meter-wide deep trenches, nine prisoners sat on the floor, each holding a bottle of mineral water and taking a sip at a time.

One hour of work and 10 minutes of rest, the supervisor of Wanda was very considerate, not only that, he also passed a towel to the prisoner surnamed Wen.

"Wipe your sweat, are you tired?"

Wen Jing rolled her eyes and took the towel.

"I really don't want to look at the spirit stone in my arms? Why does the boat of friendship capsize?"

"Wan Liyang, it's almost done." Dong Jiawei smiled wryly behind him.

Wan Li blinked and sighed: "Brother Dong, one spirit stone is not enough."

"Aren't you two yuan? Be content, [-]% of the spirit stones we dug out will be transported to Yanjing, and some of the rest will be stored. Sister Yu's quota is one yuan a day, except for you , it would be nice if the other C-level students can be allocated one piece in two or three days..."

"There are other C-level students too?" Wen Jing was stunned: "Then I..."

Dong Jiawei shook his head: "You didn't, you won't get the Lingshi until the sentence expires."

"Oh." Wen Jing pouted, unhappy.

Wan Li pursed his lips: "So, Wen Jing, don't you really want to see my spirit stone again?"

Wen Jing hesitated for a moment: "I want to take a closer look, half an hour!"

"10 minutes."

"25 minutes!"

"15 minutes."

Dong Jiawei:? ? ?How about splitting the spoils, you two?

"Forget it." Wan Li shook his head, took out the spirit stone and began to inhale, "Don't make things difficult for Brother Dong, I'll think of other ways."

Dong Jiawei's face turned black, what the hell are you going to do?He turned around with a headache, and went to seek comfort from a few colleagues, but the responses he got were all gloating...

"Hey, Wanli Yang." Not far away, Qi Guoqiang suddenly said, "How is Xiaoqi doing? Is Lin Yuling dating that honest man?"

Wan Li smiled, and replied: "Lin Xiaoqi is already a C-level, which is pretty good. Lin Yuling and Lao Wang... it's a little bit of a sign."

"Very good... just fine."

Wan Li and Wen Jing looked at each other and curled their lips tacitly at the same time. Is this guy still thinking about Lin Xiaoqi?

At this moment, Wan Li suddenly found that the sound of mining in the distance disappeared.He thought that other people would also start to rest, but when he turned his head, he saw four people came from the distant forest.

After the discovery of the Lingshi Mine, the Martial Arts Bureau blocked Xiling in Xiema Village.However, the West Ridge of Xiema Village is too big to completely blockade it, so we only set up blockades on the mountain roads that villagers in the surrounding villages often take.And in addition to the eight members of the Martial Arts Bureau who are mining, there is also a group of Martial Arts Bureau personnel who are responsible for patrolling the mountain.

Being able to come here means that these four people did not follow the normal mountain road and avoided all the mountain patrollers.This is actually nothing, there are always a few fish that slip through the net in such a big mountain, but it is strange for these fish that slipped through the net to see so many of them gather and go straight here to throw themselves into the net...

Two Martial Arts Bureau members immediately went up to them and asked about the identities of the four.The man with a simple and honest face in the lead did not reply. He looked around and his eyes lit up when he saw the pile of spirit stones. "Is that the spirit stone? It looks spiritual, so beautiful!"

Wan Li, who had just greeted him, immediately smiled: "Uncle, you really have vision!"

The simple and honest man was stunned for a moment, smiled slightly, looked Wan Li up and down, his eyes stayed on the spirit stone in his hand for a moment, "Wan Liyang?"

Wan Li was taken aback, while Dong Jiawei stood next to Wan Li with some hesitation, and said, "I remember you seem to be Director Wu Liang Wu?"

"Don't be like Liao Gang's uneducated bastard, I'm Wu Liang. Are you Liao Gang's driver?"

"Is it really Chief Shencheng Wu? Why did you appear here? Does our chief know?"

"I have to report to the bastard Liao Gang when I come to Bincheng?" Wu Liang shook his head and smiled: "Don't be nervous, I just take the three children behind me to go out to see the world, and take a look at Lingshi by the way."

He walked towards the pile of spirit stones with the three people behind him. Several members of the Martial Arts Bureau hesitated for a while, but did not stop them. They made eye contact and asked each other what to do.

Wan Li blinked, Director Wu of Shencheng, one bastard Liao Gang at a time, the identity of this person is obvious - the director of Wu Dao Bureau of Shencheng.

He looked at the three people behind Wu Liang. They were all about the same age as him. They were probably students of Shencheng Martial Arts University with a grade of C.

The three of them were also looking at him. Wu Liang probably introduced Wan Li to them, the opponent Wan Li would face in the provincial election of the World Martial Arts Competition, but Wan Li didn't know any information about them.

"Director Liao is really unreliable, or do you think I'm too strong to understand them?"

When the four of them passed by him, one of the teenagers collided with Wan Li sideways, and he staggered.His complexion changed slightly, his brows furrowed, and he continued to walk towards the Lingshi.

Wan Li patted the bumped shoulder, murmured, "Weak chicken beyond self-control", and then looked at Dong Jiawei: "Brother Dong, what are you doing?"

Dong Jiawei had a headache on his face: "You decide, Director Wu's strength is about the same as Director Liao's."

"It doesn't matter how bad he is, I can still do something to him? Looking for trouble?" Wan Li shook his head helplessly.

"Squint your eyes, what are you looking at!" Wen Jing yelled suddenly, and she didn't know which of the two teenagers looked at the prisoner with eyes that offended her.

Wu Liang looked at her, frowned suddenly, and laughed dumbfoundedly: "Wen Jing? Are you going to let the students of Martial Arts University infiltrate criminals and serve as undercover agents?"

Wen Jing stared: "Uncle, you..."

"Wen Jing!" Wan Li hurriedly interrupted: "Have you had enough rest yet? Keep working!

Director Wu, ignore the prisoner named Wen, you are here to see Lingshi, right?I heard you say that the spirit stone is beautiful, but I don't know where it is beautiful... Could you explain it carefully? "


PS: Everyone prefers the update time at [-]:[-] noon and [-]:[-] pm, so it is tentatively scheduled for noon. (There will be no extra charge for this section)
 Monthly ticket 500 plus one change, one plus one change for Grandmaster NealYu.

  Before it was put on the shelves, there was still a leader. I wanted to add updates but never added them. I will make up two updates. Now the number of updates owed is 2.

(End of this chapter)

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