Restart the world

Chapter 124 An Apologetic Smile

Chapter 124 An Apologetic Smile

Wu Liang squatted in front of the pile of spirit stones, picked up one and looked it over carefully, put it down after a while, picked up another one, and said: "It's amazing, the size and weight of each spirit stone are exactly the same, how did they form? of?"

Wan Li said deeply beside him: "I also think it's amazing. Faced with this situation, I probably can only sigh with emotion at the greatness of the Creator..."

"Yes." Wu Liang agreed.

Dong Jiawei had a strange expression on his face, and suddenly felt that Wan Li and Wu Liang were very similar, both of them were simple and honest people with a bad heart in their hearts, and he, a truly honest person, couldn't see where they were bad...

"It's the first time I've seen a spirit stone, so you don't mind if you inhale a little of the spirit energy inside?" Wu Liang said with a smile.

"It's all right. You ran all the way to the mountainous area of ​​Bincheng, and you didn't have any good things to entertain you, and you didn't bring some specialties? There are plenty of spirit stones. You can take two yuan with you." Wan Li replied.

Wu Liang smiled, and really picked up another spirit stone, put it into his pocket together with the one in his hand, then got up, and said to the three people behind him: "You guys also come to see the spirit stone."

Wanli blinked, took two steps back, and made room.He had an average impression of the three people behind Wu Liang. One of them was a cool boy who was rude and self-reliant and bumped into him. He felt a bit like Sun Kai, but Sun Kai had the capital of pride at that time. Pretty crazy.

The other boy always squinted his eyes, and his scrutinizing eyes made people feel uncomfortable. Wen Jing should be talking about him just now, and Wan Li didn't like this guy too much.

As for the girl at the end, she was quite non-existent, she kept smiling shyly, and had two dimples on her face, she was a bit like Ni Qinyu, but she wasn't pretty...

The three of them squatted there, each holding a piece of spirit stone and looking at it, Wan Li pondered for a moment: "Why don't you each take a piece of spirit stone and leave? Brother Dong, is it okay to send out five pieces of spirit stone?"

Dong Jiawei said without hesitation, "No problem."

"Brother Dong, why are you not so generous to me?" Wan Li was heartbroken.

Dong Jiawei didn't want to answer, and turned his head away, ignoring Wanli.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the two boys immediately put the Lingshi in their hands into their pockets, but the girl hesitated for a moment, put down the Lingshi, and picked up another one.Seemingly still dissatisfied, he picked up many spirit stones and put them down, then raised his head and gave Wanli an apologetic smile.

Wan Li was stunned, the spirit stones are all the same, is there any difference?But the two boys stood beside her and watched her pick and choose, without even Wu Liang urging her.

"Choose phobia, advanced stage?" Wan Li muttered amusedly, "Choose whatever you want, but don't inhale a bit of spiritual energy for every piece."

"No." The girl gave him an apologetic smile for the second time, her movements quickened, and the spirit stone she put down soon exceeded a hundred yuan.

She seemed to be very anxious and tangled, and there was a trace of sweat on her forehead in this cold weather.

Wan Li frowned slightly, lowered his head and reached out to pick up a spirit stone to see what the difference was, and it happened to touch the girl's hand, and suddenly a strange feeling came to his heart.Her hands seemed to have magical powers, as if they could suck Wan Li's mind into it, making Wan Li's heart beat a little faster, and he quickly took a deep breath to calm down.

"What's the situation? A girl with a heartbeat?"

The girl reacted even more, jumping up almost instantly, with more sweat on her forehead, her cheeks were quickly congested and red, as if she was extremely shy.

The corner of Wanli's eyes twitched: "Just touch hands, what about it? How conservative is that?"

Wu Liang smiled and said: "Yanan, don't be so shy, don't choose, just take a piece, don't affect their work."


Wu Liang's words were very useful, the girl immediately stopped being entangled, picked up a piece of Lingshi at random, and gave Wan Li an apologetic smile for the third time.

Wan Li also smiled at her, frowning secretly, feeling slightly wrong.There was a lot of sweat on the girl's forehead, and looking at her slightly shortness of breath, trying to suppress her chest that rose and fell violently, it seemed that she was not anxious, but tired...

"Tired? Super powers? Suck...Could it be that one?" He looked down thoughtfully at the spirit stone on the ground, then looked at the two boys, and found that the face of the boy who bumped into him was also slightly pale.

"Originally, I only planned to see the spirit stones, but I didn't expect to bring back a few pieces." Wu Liang was very satisfied, and said, "My regards to you, Deputy Director Liu, I took the three of them back."

Dong Jiawei nodded immediately: "Go slowly."

But Wan Li blinked and said: "Director Wu, I'll see you off. There are many brothers and sisters from the Martial Arts Bureau patrolling on this mountain. It will be bad for you if you bump into Director Wu."

Wu Liang glanced at him, smiled and nodded.

"Brother Dong, I'll be back soon, please watch over them for me, don't let Wen Jing be lazy. If something strange happens, don't make a fuss."

Dong Jiawei frowned, something strange?
Wan Li took Wu Liang and the others out of the valley, walking quickly, and gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.He was still at a loss, until someone behind him patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Dong, the Lingshi is missing!"

Dong Jiawei was startled when he heard this, and looked down.Almost half of the hundreds of spirit stones that were originally piled high disappeared without him noticing!
He immediately raised his feet and chased in the direction Wu Liang left, but he gritted his teeth and returned, "Keep working! Xiao Zhang, go down the mountain and find a place with a signal to call Director Liao to report the situation."

"Brother Dong, what about the spirit stone?"

"Wan Liyang found out, I hope he can chase him back. If the unscrupulous bureau chief is shameless, it's useless whether we chase him or not."


In the forest, Wu Liang asked Xiang Wanli with a simple and honest smile: "How did you find out? That bastard Liao Gang shamelessly revealed Yanan's super power to you?"

"Ju Wu, he found out?" the squint-eyed boy asked in surprise.

Wan Li smiled: "This female classmate's name is Yanan? I'm just guessing, it's really a convenient ability. And this classmate's perceptual disturbance is also very powerful. At the beginning, I didn't expect that there would be boys awakened besides my classmate." Psychic ability, if you don't pay attention, you will be recruited."

"Hehe, it's really rare for boys to awaken their spiritual abilities." Wu Liang was still smiling.

Wan Li also smiled, and suddenly took a few steps forward, bumping straight into the girl in front of him.As if hitting a bubble, the girl twisted and disappeared, appearing more than ten meters away in front of him, and running far away!
"Director Wu, don't let her go. After taking precautions against perceptual disturbance, it is impossible for me to be recruited as a C-level. It is not good to use a dummy to fool me."

The boy who had run into Wanli turned even paler, took a few breaths, and shook his head at Wu Liang.

Wu Liang raised his eyebrows: "Yanan, come back!"

The girl walked back quickly and gave Wan Li an apologetic smile for the fourth time.

Wu Liang shook his head: "Damn it, let's just take a few pieces of spirit stones. As for always apologizing to him? I guess it's your smile that gave it away."

The girl was startled, and turned her head to give Wu Liang an apologetic smile, "Sorry, Director Wu."

(End of this chapter)

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