Restart the world

Chapter 125 The Pretender

Chapter 125 The Pretender

It should have been an embarrassing thing to be found stealing the spirit stone, but Wu Liang didn't care. His thick skin seemed to be no worse than Chief Liao's.

He smiled and said, "Wan Liyang, I heard that you fought super intelligent creatures together with the deputy director general in this mountain forest?"

Wan Li was taken aback, this matter shouldn't be spread, right?However, it is normal for the director of the Shencheng Martial Arts Bureau to know some inside information. He pondered for a moment and said: "I am just a support, mainly the super intelligent creatures killed by the deputy director general."

"That's amazing." Wu Liang smiled even more when he heard that, "You are all seed players in the World Martial Arts Competition, and our Liao Province will select ten students to participate in the selection of the three eastern provinces. Although most of them are individual competitions, there are also points for groups. How about giving more than 100 spirit stones to the three children behind me? You don’t want your teammates to be weak, do you?”

Wan Li was stunned, how could this... grow my ambition and destroy my prestige?

They are all at a vigorous age, how can the three behind him bear this.The girl named Yanan was alright, but the two boys immediately expressed dissatisfaction, and the squinting boy even stared at him, making Wan Li very uncomfortable.

"Hey, brother, you are not a clairvoyant, are you?" Wan Li turned sideways quickly, feeling that he was not well.

He recalled what Wen Jing had said before, and frowned deeply.Although Wen Jing is flat and has nothing to see, but she uses clairvoyant eyes on the girl she meets for the first time...should I dig out his eyes!

"It's not clairvoyance. Li Ke is a power user with subtle insights. As long as you look carefully, you can even see the pores on your face." Wu Liang actually explained to Wan Li, "Super eyesight allows him to practice fighting skills. Shi has an extraordinary talent, and he has passed 11 levels in the boxing training machine. His martial arts level is also close to C+, and he can rank among the top three in our Shencheng Martial Arts University in one-on-one situations. Wan Liyang, interested Fight him?"

Wanli was taken aback.The strength of this man named Li Ke sounds good. He can pass 11 levels, and his fighting level is just like that before using the fighting training machine.But the Director Shen Chengwu that Director Liao said is an old thief who is too cunning, how can this be called an "enemy"?
"Could it be that Director Liao is too stupid?"

Wan Li was stunned, and the boy named Li Ke was even more dazed.Although he is confident that he is stronger than Wanli, what does it mean that the details of his own strength are leaked to his opponent?
'Yes, Director Wu must believe that I can win no matter what! "Li Ke is full of fighting spirit, leaving Wan Li speechless. What kind of attribute is this?"
He was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and opened his mouth wide: "Student Li Ke, look at my teeth!"

Li Ke's eyes shifted unconsciously, and he staggered back a few steps.His eyes are full of leftovers from his lunch, super disgusting!

The smile on Wan Li's face became wider, and he raised his head, "Student Li Ke, look at my nostrils!"

Li Ke quickly returned to the state of squinting his eyes, turning his head and not daring to look at him, while Wan Li smiled and spread his hands to Wu Liang: "We win without fighting."

Wu Liang: "...Li Ke, you have to overcome this weakness."

Li Ke's body trembled, his face was quickly congested and red, he gritted his teeth and activated his ability again, enduring the discomfort and rushing towards thousands of miles.

He raised his left arm and didn't hit it. The real attack was the impact of his right knee, which hit the vital point!The impact was moderately severe, and it didn't seek to kill anyone. It seemed that it only wanted to make Wan Li lose his ability to resist.

Wan Li saw it through at a glance, raised his knee to block it, pushed Li Ke back a few steps, and said with a smile, "You still want me to fight again?"

Li Ke frowned, took a deep breath, and actually calmed down. When he rushed to Wanli again, his fists and kicks became more organized, causing the wind to howl, and the weeds and dead branches on the ground were swept away!
Wan Li received a few punches and sighed secretly: "The strength is really good. This guy is only ranked in the top three in Shencheng Martial Arts University? I am afraid that only Lao Wang and I can beat him in Bincheng. Lin Xiaoqi... maybe not."

With his right arm, he raised the incoming fist, and suddenly raised his leg to lash out, using all his strength!The instantaneously accelerated attack allowed Li Ke to subconsciously reach out to block it. After a muffled bang, Li Ke was sent flying more than ten meters by Wan Li's leg, knocking a small tree into pieces!
"Li Ke!" Two of his classmates exclaimed, and hurried to check on his situation.

Wu Liang still had a smile on his face: "It really has B-level strength? It's amazing. Li Ke, Yanan, Jin Guanghua, you three go together. If we win, we will take away the spirit stone. If we can't win, we will return the spirit stone." To others. Wan Liyang, do you agree?"

Wan Li raised his eyebrows and gave Wu Liang a strange look: "Yes."


Bincheng Budo Bureau.

"I know!" Director Liao broke the landline on the table, raised his hand and slapped it hard, landed on the desk and hurriedly retracted, and then looked at the shallow handprints on the table with distressed expression.

"My mahogany table! Unscrupulous bastard!"

He gritted his teeth and took out his cell phone, searching for the number and dialing.

After a while, a joking voice came from the other end of the phone: "Liao Gang? The sun is coming out from the west, and you're calling me?"

Director Liao was stunned for a moment, and shouted: "Unscrupulous bastard, you are going down the mountain, right? You fucking don't want to be shameless!"

"Going down the mountain? What mountain are you going down? Liao Gang, are you out of your mind again?"

"Dare to do it but dare not admit it? Didn't you bring that little girl named Cao Yanan to Xiling, Xiema Village, Bincheng, to steal the spirit stones? Take the more than 100 spirit stones away, I will reward you! "

"Fuck Yanan, Cao Cao's fuck, just say it."

"In Lao Tzu's dictionary, that word only has four sounds, fuck!"

The other side was silent for a moment, and said: "You said I took Yanan to your city to steal spirit stones? I still can't do such a shameless thing, did your people misread it?"

"Hey, you really dare to renege on your debt! My driver, Xiao Dong, knows you, how could he admit his mistake? Your bottom line in my heart has been lowered by one point. Wan Liyang found out that you stole the spirit stone. You are not shameless enough to shoot him Bar?"

"Wan Liyang? Shoot him? Liao Gang, I've been at the Martial Arts Bureau in Shencheng. It's not like you have Liu Miao to help. I don't have so much free time. I ran all the way to Bincheng to steal spirit stones!"

"Damn you... hang up?!"

"This bastard." Director Liao frowned deeply, feeling a little strange, "As for denying it to death?"


Shencheng Martial Arts Bureau, Director's Office.

After hanging up the phone, the simple-looking man sitting on the director's seat thought for a moment, rummaged through the list on the table, and dialed the number with the landline.

"Hi, is this Fuck Yanan's father? I'm her class teacher, is she... home?"

"No, she was called to school this morning and hasn't come back, right? Well, I get it. It's all right. She may have stayed at school to practice. I'm just asking, don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, he took a deep breath and slowly uttered a word: "Fuck!"

 Two more days, rationalize your thinking, and stabilize your mentality.

(End of this chapter)

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