Restart the world

Chapter 126 Sneak Attack

Chapter 126 Sneak Attack
Snake-like, Li Ke lowered his center of gravity very low to improve the stability of his body when he attacked Wanli again.

Wan Li used all his strength with his kick before, but he used thrust when he kicked Li Ke. Although he was sent out to break a small tree, it didn't cause him too much damage, and he only lay down for more than ten seconds. Take it easy.

Facing what Wu Liang said was the same as the three, he asked to try again alone.The previous fights let him know that his strength is not as good as Wanli, but he feels that he is a man who has passed 11 levels on the boxing training machine, and he might be able to win with skill!
He walked up to Wan Li in small steps, leaned forward quickly and aggressively, trying to draw the distance between the two of them as close as possible, fighting close to each other, so as not to give Wan Li another chance to whip his legs.

Wan Li smiled and dodged two steps to the right, twisted his waist and swung his left fist, punching Li Ke in the side!

Before the punch arrived, Li Ke felt the sound of howling wind enter his left ear, which made him look a little heavy. He put his hands up with all his strength, barely parrying Wan Li's punch, and then clasped his hands backwards, trying to lock Wan Li's left arm with a grasping gesture. .

Wan Li didn't close his arms, he suddenly took a step forward with his right leg, and kicked with his left leg sideways, aiming at the weak spot of Li Ke's leg!
Li Ke quickly bent his knees to dodge, the shift of his center of gravity caused the movement of his hands to deform, Wan Li's unretracted left fist instantly turned into a palm, and hit his left shoulder and left arm heavily at the junction.

Li Keben shifted his weight to his right leg because he dodged Wanli's foot. At this time, his left shoulder was hit hard, and his body immediately fell to the left uncontrollably.

He gritted his teeth, held back the numbness in his shoulders and continued to reach out to hold Wan Li's arm, and slammed into Wan Li's arms, but at this time Wan Li stuck his left foot out for the second time, hitting the crook of his right leg.

Li Ke fell to his knees in an instant, his eyes narrowed again due to the pain, but he calmly wrapped his left hand around Wanli before retracting his left leg, leaned back and pulled, and at the same time, his right arm slanted upwards, hitting Wanli's vitals!

Wan Li pressed down with all his strength on his left leg. First, he stepped on his chest, hitting his upper body heavily on the ground, and then stepped on firmly!
The short 10-second fight ended.

Wan Li's clothes were not messed up, he crushed his opponent's chest with one foot, his expression was calm and handsome.

On the other hand, Li Ke's legs were kneeling, his upper back was blushing, his hands were hugging Wan Li's left leg, trying to break free - the two had a strength gap of nearly 1000KG!
"If I admit defeat, I'll just use my leg... huh?" Wan Li raised his eyebrows, and leaned sideways to catch the sudden punch from the boy named Jin Guanghua, his left leg relaxed slightly.

Li Ke seized the opportunity, vigorously raised Wanli's left leg and rolled out.But he didn't take advantage of the situation to run away, instead rolled inwards to Wanli's crotch!

Then he put his head on the ground with his chest straightened out, and raised his right leg high, aiming at Wanli's crotch. At the same time, Jin Guanghua whipped his left leg and hit Wanli's lower back directly. Unavoidable!

"It's kind of interesting." The corner of Wanli's mouth curled up slightly, and his feet clamped inward, firmly clamping Li Ke's double straddle under his crotch, and then he twisted his waist and hooked his legs and jumped up vertically.

"Li Ke!" Jin Guanghua exclaimed.

The heavy kick he couldn't take back hit Li Ke on the back of the head. Li Ke's body froze, his eyes turned black, and he fell into a temporary coma.

Then Wanli landed with him again, knocked him awake, raised his right leg and hooked his left heel, and placed him under Jin Guanghua's just-falling foot...

Li Ke: "..."

Jin Guanghua showed a little embarrassment, and hurriedly raised his foot, and suddenly Wan Li's right foot landed on the waist, twisted his left leg sideways, and kicked him hard with a roundabout kick.

He was startled, and immediately dropped his left foot and stepped on Li Ke again, with his arms crossed to protect his chest, but he was still sent flying by the surging force, hitting a big tree and knocking off a dead branch all over his face.

He leaned against the tree and felt tightness in his chest, unable to move for a while.But Li Ke was stepped on by Wan Li, kicked by Jin Guanghua and then stepped on two feet. He was no longer able to fight, and his eyes were lost as he lay on the ground...

So far, two of the three in Shen Cheng have lost their ability to move, and the remaining girl, Fuck Yanan, finally hesitates to attack Wan Li.

"Didn't the old ancestors say that refueling tactics are a taboo in military strategists, if you go up with them, you still have a chance." Wan Li teased, but his expression was a little more serious than before.

Jin Guanghua's perception disturbance is one of the next 36 superpowers, and his superpower will be abolished after Wan Li takes precautions.Li Ke's subtle insight is also one of the next 36 superpowers, which can give him an advantage when facing ordinary people in physical combat, but in front of Wanli, he is no different from a powerless person...

But the girl in front of me is different. Her super power is 36 super powers, and it is still a relatively high-ranking ability.

She rushed forward in a straight line, the distance between Wanli and Wanli was reduced to two meters, she raised her hands high, one front and the other seemed to be holding something and slashing towards Wanli!
Wan Li's eyes twitched, and he dodged sideways. A two-meter-long round stick disappeared in a flash when it hit the place where Wan Li was originally standing.

"... I thought you were chopping like a watermelon knife when you saw it! Who are you scaring?"

Cao Yanan gave him an apologetic smile, and turned to get closer.This time, her movement was changed to stabbing forward with both hands, Wan Li dodged sideways again, and an iron stick disappeared in a flash...

"What's all this? Stolen by eating skewers?"

Super power No. 17: Portable space!

Wan Li didn't confront her head-on because he didn't know what she would store in the space and what she would suddenly take out.Among other things, the use of the more than a hundred spirit stones she put into the space as bricks is quite annoying.

But I didn't expect this girl to be so thoughtful...

After avoiding poking or smashing attacks with baseball bats, badminton rackets, tennis rackets, skewer sticks, iron tickles, etc., Wan Li was all smiles, while Cao Yanan leaned on his knees and panted opposite him.

"The multi-style attack is well developed, but it is not concealed enough, and the action is done too early." Wan Li said: "It's like an iron stick. If you punch your fist sideways like me..." Wan Li made a sideways movement: " Suddenly an iron stick appeared in the palm of the hand, and it was difficult for the opponent to react."

"That's right." Wu Liang, who had been watching silently, applauded lightly.

Cao Yanan smiled shyly: "Director Wu has also instructed me in this way, but I still can't take things in and out instantly, I have to prepare in advance."

Wan Li blinked and looked at Wu Liang. He was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "You kid has the same vision as me. There are talents in Bincheng."

He looked at the other two: "Have you two had enough lying down? Lie down enough, you lose."

Jin Guanghua, who was leaning on the tree, struggled to get up, but Li Ke was a little dizzy, and he was helped by Jin Guanghua who walked over. Walk behind Wu Liang.

"Don't make that gesture. If you lose, you lose. I knew you couldn't beat him!" Wu Liang said, "Yanan, follow him and return the spirit stone to them. We'll wait for you here."

Wan Li cheerfully took two steps forward: "Director Wu, I'm really sorry this time, Director Liao asked me to supervise the work here, and I can't explain why you took away more than 100 spirit stones. Don't blame me, blame Director Liao !"

Wu Liang was taken aback, and shook his head with a smile: "You really can't learn anything good after staying with that bastard Liao Gang for a long time! Go, Yanan."


Wan Li bowed again to apologize to Wu Liang, turned around and walked back to the valley with Cao Yanan.At this moment, Wu Liang suddenly showed a ferocious expression behind him, clenched his fists, and hit Wan Li directly on the back of the head!

(End of this chapter)

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