Chapter 127
The whistling of the wind behind his head made Wan Li feel alarm bells ringing in his heart.

Jin Guanghua let out a low cry of astonishment and told him that he hadn't had an illusion. He twisted his waist urgently and turned around to avoid the double fists hitting the back of his head.However, this sudden attack opened his door wide open for a moment. Facing the next kick, he could only simply raise his arms to defend, but was lifted into the air by a huge force. After flying more than ten meters, he slowed down. After a while, he stretched out his hand to hook a tree and twisted to relieve the force.

After landing in a half-squat, Wan Li stroked his stuffy chest, patted the footprints on his cuffs, stood up straight and looked at Wu Liang calmly.

Wu Liang was still smiling. Facing the surprised and puzzled eyes of the three students in front of him, he said, "You three are fucked up. After trying for a long time, you still haven't found this kid's strength. You have to do it yourself. It seems that Liang Xingwei and Zhao Tao is not his opponent either, that bastard Liao Gang is always lucky."

Wanli frowned deeply.From the very beginning, Wu Liang was testing his strength, whether it was beating around the bush and asking him about killing the queen bee, or asking him to compete with those three people, it was all testing, so this explanation was barely plausible, but he always felt that there were some things that didn't seem right. Satisfied...

Just now when he turned around urgently, from the corner of his eye he caught sight of a slightly ferocious expression on Wu Liang's face.And to make his expression ferocious, the strength he used just now might have been his full strength, but...too weak!

Although Wan Li was caught off guard by that kick and knocked him into the air for several meters, Wan Li is a B-, and now he only has a fist strength of about 2700KG, and if Director Wu is as strong as Director Liao, he should at least be close to B+, which is 4000KG...

"Don't look so heavy, the director is just joking with you, feel uncomfortable to fight with me?" Wu Liang said with a smile.

Wan Li squinted his eyes, the three of Shen Cheng had already accepted their director's explanation, and their reactions were different.Jin Guanghua looked at Wan Li triumphantly with an expression of "retribution for revenge", which made Wan Li feel that his character had no bright future.

Li Ke was expressionless, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't say much because the director was beside him, while Cao Yanan had an apologetic smile on his face...

"You don't want to fight with me?" Wu Liang said with a smile, "Yanan, go with him and return the spirit stone. We didn't get the spirit stone this time, but it's not in vain to try out this kid's strength. The director will give you targeted special training, and if you can’t beat him in the provincial election, you have to give him some trouble!”

Wan Li was taken aback, and explained to me again in a disguised form?What are you doing?Afraid I think too much?Want to let my guard down?Want to sneak up on me again?
Thoughts flashed through Wan Li's mind, and a flash of light suddenly appeared, causing Wan Li's pupils to dilate slightly, and he shouted, "Be careful!"

Be careful?Beware of what?As soon as this doubt appeared in the hearts of the three, they knew what Wanli had told them to be careful...

Wu Liang suddenly stretched out his hand, hooked the side face of a boy beside him with one hand, and twisted it.At the same time, he kicked again, this time aiming to fuck Yanan!
There were two small clicks in succession, followed by a dull bang.

After that, everything was silent.

Wan Li caught Fuck Yanan flying towards him with both hands, looked at her tightly closed eyes, the blood overflowing from the corners of her mouth, and also at the fact that a small piece of her chest, which didn't have much ups and downs, was now sunken... This is extremely Serious injury!

But she is the best-cased of the three.

Jin Guanghua lay on the ground, his neck unnaturally twisted more than 90 degrees, his eyes were wide open, and he happened to face the setting sun in the west.

And Li Ke also fell sideways on the ground in an awkward posture, with his face facing down, Wanli couldn't see his expression, and he probably wouldn't rest in peace...

"You... aren't Director Wu?" Wan Li's voice became hoarse, and he carefully let Cao Yanan lean against the tree, his mind was in a mess.The first time someone was killed in front of him, Wan Li had a hard time calming down, but he had to force himself to be calm.

Behind him is a seriously injured number who needs to be sent to the hospital, and in the distance there is a group of miners, including Wen Jing and Brother Dong.And in this mountain forest, he is the strongest and cannot escape.

What's more, he doesn't have to escape!

'Wu Liang' was still smiling, with a simple and honest face: "Do you want to fight me this time?"

He stepped forward, his steps were very slow, and he landed steadily. He stepped on the dry branches and made a sound, hitting Wanli's heart one by one.

He wanted to create depression for Wan Li, but instead he calmed Wan Li down.It wasn't the first time that life and death struggled. Which of the two from the island country and the queen bee a few days ago didn't bring him a life and death crisis?
"Sure enough, it's not Director Wu of Shencheng. What method did this guy use? Disguise?" If it was Wu Liang himself, there would be no need for psychological tactics to deal with Wan Li, but Wan Li didn't remember that he had set up the ability to disguise and transform. Even Shen Cheng's students couldn't see through this disguise!
'Ok?Can't see through? 'Wanli's heart skipped a beat.

"You have a good psychological quality, Wan Liyang. As you who have witnessed the existence of the Red-haired God with your own eyes, and you who have received the blessings of the Red-haired God many times, why do you refuse to believe in the Red-haired God?" Mi Department, make a gesture of compassion.

"So it's Guisun's believer." Wan Li sighed secretly, glanced behind him, put all the problems behind him for the time being, put his feet on the ground and shot out with a lunge, and actually took the initiative to attack!
This is an unavoidable battle, delaying the time is worse than starting the fight as soon as possible!
'Wu Liang' was a little astonished, and then his simple and honest face showed ferocity again, facing Wanli's frontal punches, he did not dodge or dodge, raised his hands and waved from the side, mixed with the roar of gongs and drums, he struck towards Wanli's temples!

Wan Li was slightly startled, raised his arms to block his fists, then raised his knees to collide with his knees, and took a few steps back under pressure.

'Wu Liang' took advantage of the situation to pursue, punching and kicking every vital point on Xiang Wanli's body like cannonballs raining down, forcing Wanli to defend for a while!
"Strength and speed are slightly stronger than mine," Wanli quickly judged in his heart, "probably 10% stronger than me, and his fighting skills are weaker than mine, so he used the method of exchanging serious injuries for his life to forcefully suppress me. With ordinary B-level physical fitness, he This attack lasts up to [-] minutes, and then I can easily suppress him, but..."

He raised his arms again to push away the arms of 'Wu Liang', facing his oncoming blow to the head, Wan Li bumped into it head-on without dodging or avoiding it!
Amidst the dull collision sound, the two backed away and separated at the same time.Wan Li raised his hand to touch his forehead. There was no blood, but there was some swelling and pain.

"But I can win if you hit me head-on!" From the corner of his eyes, he could always catch a glimpse of Jin Guanghua's eyes staring at the sunset. Those eyes still had too much nostalgia for this world.Although some looked down on this guy's character and felt that his future was bleak, it was too bleak, which made Wan Li very upset...

He gritted his teeth tightly and rushed towards the surprised 'Wu Liang' like a tiger pouncing on his prey, aggressively.

Either he dies, or I live!
 There is one more chapter, which can be finished in half an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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