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Chapter 128 Double Insurance

Chapter 128 Double Insurance (Part [-])
'Wu Liang' is a few minutes taller than Wanli, and his arms are naturally longer than Wanli.Facing Wan Li who was pounced on him, he gave full play to this advantage. With a flick of his right arm, his strength penetrated, stabbing at Wan Li as if Fucking Yanan with an iron stick.

Wanli pounced, and used his strong waist to let himself go from extreme movement to extreme stillness. He opened his posture, moved his left arm, and blocked his right hand, and gave him a slight pull along his strength to let him The center of gravity shifted slightly, and then suddenly accelerated and jumped behind him like a dance step.

'Wu Liang' didn't panic, his left arm, which was hanging softly, suddenly tightened, as if turning into a leather whip, whizzing and whipping thousands of miles from bottom to top.

Wan Li had expected it a long time ago, he took a big step back to avoid the blow, then twisted his back, raised his right foot and whipped his leg with all his strength to lash!
After forcing Wanli away with his left arm, 'Wu Liang' turned around from the left side to face Wanli, and Wanli's right leg whip kicked behind him at this time.

Feeling the chill coming from the tailbone, 'Wu Liang' complexion changed slightly, his hands reached back to catch the kick at the same time, and his body staggered two steps forward.

Before he could stand still, Wan Li followed, with the same movements and whip legs with the same force!
'Eat my life-killing three thousand serial kicks! '

Wan Li could really kick three thousand times, but 'Wu Liang' obviously wouldn't be so stupid as to wait to be kicked.

Every time he took a kick, he would turn his body slightly sideways, facing Wanli a little bit.Although Wan Li is always fine-tuning his position, in order to shorten the response time of 'Wu Liang', he was still asked to turn most of the way after kicking eight kicks.

The ninth kick was struck, and feeling the wind whistling beside him, 'Wu Liang' showed a ferocious expression again, grasping with both hands, ready to fight back!

However, his grasping movement failed to catch the entity for a long time. Wanli's seemingly powerful kick was just a feint, and he retracted to the ground before attacking him, and then punched him hard in the face with a stride!
Boom! !Amid the dull crashing sound, Wanli felt a little pain in his hand, but felt very comfortable in his heart.

Always sparring with the virtual characters in the boxing training machine, trying to fight back and forth, but after 15 levels, it was not as refreshing as this one.In this life-and-death fight, he felt that he seemed to have comprehended that he would definitely defeat Hei Danyan when he returned!
These thoughts are fleeting. This battle is not over yet. Although the punch is solid, the loot is only two teeth flying in the air. The physical strength of B-level cannot be beaten by Wanli's punch. There is no resistance.

He dashed forward, catching up with 'Wu Liang' who hadn't landed yet. His right leg crossed half a circle in the air and hit 'Wu Liang' directly on the abdomen.

Wu Liang had nowhere to hide, so he could only forcibly wave his arms to block it. He looked embarrassed, but there was a flash of ferocity in his eyes.

Wan Li didn't notice the look in his eyes, but there was a warning sign in his heart. The falling of his right leg slowed down a bit. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a cold light flickering on his cuff. Startled, he turned his waist and turned his leg...

One kick hit 'Wu Liang' in the chest, smashing him to the ground, a small stream of blood gushed out of his mouth, and the pained look on his face was mixed with pride.

Wan Li took advantage of the situation to pursue and raised his left leg as soon as his right leg landed. However, he suddenly felt a sense of dizziness when he was halfway down, making him unstable. He retracted his legs and staggered back.

'Wu Liang' stood up unsteadily, the coldness of the cuffs slipped on the palm of his hand, and a dagger the size of a fruit knife was revealed in front of Wanli!
Wan Li pursed his lips, looked down at the cut trousers on his right leg and a bloodstain, "Is there poison on the dagger?"

'Wu Liang' shook his head, showing fanaticism: "It's an anesthetic. Go to sleep, Wan Liyang, when you wake up, you and I will be like-minded companions!"

Wan Li frowned, actually wanting to arrest him and brainwash him?Where are you taking him?Are there red organization strongholds in Bencheng?

Questions flashed by one after another, and the feeling of drowsiness struck, Wan Li sat down, closed his eyes, and lay down.

'Wu Liang' stood still and didn't move. Half a minute later, seeing that Wan Li had indeed lost consciousness, he bent forward to lift Wan Li up, but was startled again. Wan Li's eyes had disappeared at some point Open it and look straight at him!
Then he lost his balance, his left leg was hugged by Wan Li and fell to the ground.Wan Li jumped up and swung 'Wu Liang' five times a second with both hands, making him want to break free but couldn't.

He moved his position while turning, and used Wu Liang's forehead as a weapon to knock down one tree after another, making him scream after scream.It wasn't until his screams faded away that Wan Li smashed him to the ground from top to bottom, grabbing the ground with his head!

A small crater was smashed into the ground by his head, his body twitched, and he froze.Wan Li was still not at ease, and ran to a side tree to pull out the dagger that was thrown out by his swing, and turned around and directly pierced 'Wu Liang' right hand!

'Wu Liang' body twitched again, this time Wan Li was completely relieved, ran to the side of a big tree, took off his pants and drained the water, he couldn't hold it anymore!

"Nearly overturned, if it weren't for this strengthened kidney..." Wan Li watched the water flow, but this time the tree didn't corrode a hole, "Fortunately, I can also be immune to anesthesia, otherwise I won't be able to save twice as much. Doubling with super, or even king bombing?"

After running the water for 1 minute, Wan Li pulled up his trousers and ran back to check the situation of 'Wu Liang' again, then dragged him towards Cao Yanan.

Under his conscious control, the battlefield between the two was nearly a hundred meters away.

Exploring Tancao Yanan's breath, Wan Li breathed a sigh of relief, she was still angry, this kind of serious injury has not died for such a long time, she can't die.

There is no doctor in the mountain, and it would take nearly an hour to take her down the mountain. Whether she can survive depends on whether her C-level physique can withstand this serious injury. It seems that she has resisted...

"It's good if you don't die, otherwise there is really no way to get back those hundreds of pieces of spirit stones. How can you chase after they are lost in a different space? Wait for Heidanyan SSS level?"

Wan Li pondered for a moment, then turned to the two boys who rushed to the street at the beginning, knelt down in front of Jin Guanghua, shook his head and closed Jin Guanghua's eyes.

"You are miserable enough. The two sounds of your neck being snapped belonged to you." Wan Li muttered softly, and instantly slashed at the back of Li Ke's head with his right hand!
Li Ke, who was supposed to die, stiffened for a moment, then went limp, and fell sideways to lie down.

Wan Li turned Li Ke over, found a dagger that was exactly the same as 'Wu Liang' from his arms, and heaved a long sigh.

"The red organization really thinks highly of me, they actually have double insurance, the bright one and the dark one. The bright ones want to use anesthetics to knock me out and take me away, the secret ones pretend to be dead, and if the bright ones fail, they will assassinate me?
Murder your own father, you unfilial son.Superpowers are given by me. How can subtle insights fail to see through other people's disguises or disguises? "

He turned Li Ke back again, and put a heavy hand knife on his neck, facing the three times of fainting and dying.

"Go back to the valley to find some helpers first? These two guys shouldn't be able to wake up for a while."

At this moment, a familiar sound suddenly came from the sky, and a helicopter was flying fast from far to near.

"...the staff is always late."

(End of this chapter)

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