Chapter 129

It was more than four hours' drive from Bincheng to Xiling, Xiema Village. Wan Li thought that he had to deal with the dead, injured, and injured four people, but just as he felt he couldn't do anything, the cleaning staff came.

He looked up at the sky, and the color composition of the helicopter above his head was very similar to that of a police car. It was a police helicopter, and he immediately guessed the identity of the person coming.

However, two seconds later, the person who jumped out of the helicopter was indeed an acquaintance, but not the acquaintance Wan Li guessed.It was a simple-looking man, and Wan Li had just beaten his 'twin brother' into a pig's head...

"Director Liao's reaction is really slow..." Wan Li shook his head speechlessly, feeling the gap between the directors, "Should it be the real Director Wu this time?"

After Zhen Wu Liang landed, he nodded slightly to Wan Li, Jin Guanghua's expression froze when he saw the death at his feet, and then he frowned again when he looked at Cao Yanan, who was seriously injured and unconscious not far away.

He quickly stepped forward to check Cao Yanan's injury, Wan Li's body shook, but he didn't step forward to intercept him.If the Red Organization can use police helicopters, and then come up with a second fake Wu Liang, then they can only be regarded as powerful, and the girl is unlucky...

Fortunately, this time it was really Wu Liang.

He stretched out his hand and lightly pressed Cao Yanan's sunken chest, frowned, lifted her up and shouted, "Luo Zheng, put down the ladder!"

As soon as the words fell, a folded ladder hung down from the helicopter. Wu Liang jumped up with Cao Yanan in three steps and two steps, placed her on the helicopter and jumped back.

"Take Yanan to the hospital, I'll stay and take care of some things, don't pick me up!"

Wan Li's lips moved slightly, and he hesitated to speak. Seeing that the helicopter quickly took off and moved away, he took back the words on his lips.

Wu Liang seemed to see through his thoughts, and said, "Is there a spirit stone in Yanan's different space?"

Wan Li nodded: "Saving people is the most important thing. You must ask her to send the spirit stone back after she recovers."

Wu Liang was stunned, and said in a bad mood: "You really didn't learn well with that bastard Liao Gang... Tell me about the situation here, and tell me the ins and outs of today's incident. Jin Guanghua was killed by my fake of? Li Ke... is the internal response?"

Wan Li's face was slightly condensed, he shook his head and pointed at the fake Wu Liang, and said, "Your expression and tone just now are exactly the same as this guy's, you startled me."

Wu Liang followed his gestures and sized up the fake Wu Liang for a few moments, seeing that face exactly like his own was beaten into a pig's head and then turned his head back...

"The attack was heavy. Judging from the traces of the nearby battle and Yanan's injury, this guy is a B-level, which means you actually have a B-level strength? That bastard Liao Gang is always lucky!"

"This sentence is also in the same tone as his." Wan Li smacked his lips, and was startled suddenly: "You don't understand my strength?" Seeing Wu Liang cast a strange look, Wan Li hurriedly asked again: "Four days ago, in this mountain forest Do you know what happened?"

"I've heard about it, but I don't have the authority to know the specifics." Wu Liang frowned: "Did you show your B-level strength in that battle? And... the counterfeit knew about it?"

Wan Li nodded: "That's right, he is a member of the Red Organization, and so is Li Ke."

"Sure enough, it's those lunatics. Li Ke... may not have joined voluntarily." Wu Liang murmured softly, squatting forward and kneading the counterfeit's face.

Wan Li looked thoughtful. Liu Miao told everyone present not to reveal the details of the battle against the queen bee. Who accidentally leaked it?Or are there members of the red organization among them?

"It's impossible for Hei Danyan, Director Liao, Deputy Director Liu, and Lao Wang, then those two brothers and sisters or the six C-level students? But it's also possible that someone with higher authority than Director Wu has a problem..."

"It's a real face, madman!" Wu Liang scolded in a low voice, and said in a deep voice, "Using plastic surgery technology to make a person who is similar in size and appearance to me have the exact same face as me."

Wan Li was stunned, it wasn't bone shrinking technique or something, but a facelift? "How can it be possible to have plastic surgery to look exactly like you?"

"After spiritual energy enters the body, the recovery ability of human beings is far superior to that of ordinary people. It is true that two people who are similar in appearance can be made exactly the same after dozens of times of fine-tuning with a knife, but except for lunatics, no one would do such a thing! "

Surprised, the knife was used on the face dozens or hundreds of times?He showed a little heaviness. It would be difficult for this perfect Wu Liang fake red organization to find a second one. He actually used him to arrest himself and kill two potential Shencheng students by the way. His excellence really couldn't be concealed. yes...

"Director Wu, what should we do now? There are people from the Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau in the valley more than ten kilometers away from here, tell them to come over?"

Wu Liang shook his head: "It takes about one hour and 10 minutes to get here by helicopter from Shencheng, and it only takes 55 minutes to get here from Bincheng, and Liao Gang's brain is 10 minutes slower than mine. It took us 5 minutes to talk just now, so Now he's almost... time to arrive!"

As soon as the words fell, Wan Li glimpsed another police helicopter flying in the distant sky, and didn't know what to say...

The helicopter went from far to near, and this time it was Director Liao who jumped out of it. Like Wu Liang, he was the first to look at Wanli after landing.

Wan Li was actually quite embarrassed at this time.The fight with the fake Wu Liang made his body covered in dust, his forehead was swollen a little due to the impact, his right trouser leg was cut to pieces by a dagger, and his calf was scratched. ...

Director Liao immediately rushed towards Wu Liang with rounded eyes: "You said you were in Shencheng Martial Arts Bureau, and I believed your evil!"

Wu Liang seemed to have been prepared for a long time, raised his hand to receive Director Liao's punch, his face changed slightly, and he staggered back two steps, only then did he show a little surprise.

Director Liao was triumphant, and glanced at the pig's head next to Wu Liang. It looked familiar but he didn't think much about it. He thought it was the Shencheng student who was put down by Wan Ligan...

"Unexpectedly, I chewed a popsicle a few days ago, and now I am definitely better than you. If you dare to bully my student, I will beat you up today!"

Wan Li blinked, should he watch the show or stop him at this time?
Wu Liang obviously had a way of dealing with Director Liao. He pointed at Jin Guanghua with a downcast expression.This is not a pretense, but a depression from the heart. The real acting skills immediately made Director Liao slightly startled and tilted his head.

Seeing the dead Jin Guanghua, he was startled, his eyes stared like light bulbs, and he roared loudly: "Wali sheep! Damn... you want to get the death penalty and go to the southwest border to mine?!"

Wan Li was taken aback, shouldn't the death penalty be directly shot?Mining?No, no, why did you get the death penalty?
He silently raised his hand and pointed at the fake Wu Liang over there.Director Liao followed his gesture and turned his head again, finally realizing that something was wrong, "Didn't you say that there was a girl surnamed Fuck who followed Wuliang here? Why are there three men...Huh?"

The more he looked at the fake Wu Liang, the more familiar it became: "Damn it, another unscrupulous one! No, this... pig head bright?!"

Wu Liang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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