Restart the world

Chapter 130 Grandpa

Chapter 130 Grandpa
Five minutes later, the three of them sat side by side on the floor, and Wan Li told the two directors one by one the big and small things that happened after the fake Wu Liang arrived.

Director Liao looked at Wanli approvingly, then turned to Wu Liang triumphantly, and signaled with his eyes: You three students are not as good as a sheep like us!

Wu Liang ignored him, his eyes lingered on Jin Guanghua and Li Ke for a moment, and sighed: "Jin Guanghua has a problem with his character, but he may be able to do something if he is properly guided, and Li Ke... I have always been optimistic about it." s student."

Director Liao's complacent expression was restrained, and he also showed a deep expression: "Yeah, the red organization is getting more and more rampant, and this time they actually want to take Wali sheep away. Speaking of unscrupulous bastards, you didn't know the situation right away. notice me?"

"Notify you?" Wu Liang shook his head: "You will suspect that I am playing with you, hesitate for 10 minutes before deciding to take a look, the result is the same."

Director Liao: "..."

Wan Li blinked, worried, right?It seems that Director Liao has been played by Director Wu many times.

"Psychic superpowers are hard to guard against. I don't believe that Li Ke joined the Red Organization voluntarily. Liao Gang, I want to take him back." Wu Liang said again.

Director Liao nodded: "You can take your students away, but let us keep the pig's head."


The two finished sharing Wanli's "spoils" in a few words, and then Director Liao nagged Wanli a few words about safety awareness, telling him to be careful about the possible second operation of the red organization. As for Wanli's information leakage, he will investigate it himself.

"Director Liao, I remember when you said that the Red Organization was just a lunatic organization with weird beliefs, but why are they here to arrest me now?"

"Since the emergence of super powers, they have become more and more crazy. They are not satisfied with the previous beliefs to attract a small number of people to join, but instead use spiritual powers to force outstanding talents to join."

Wan Li blinked: "Forcing someone?"

"Excellent fucking!" Director Liao gave Wan Li an angry look: "Are you going back to the city with me or staying here? You can choose to interrupt the task of supervision."

Wan Li pondered for a moment: "Let's stay."

It's easy to hide with an open gun, but it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow. He thinks it's safer to stay in this barren mountain, at least if strangers appear, he can be prepared in time. No matter how the eight inexhaustible bodies in his body can protect himself, let's protect Wen Jing along the way... …

Director Liao was not surprised: "Don't worry too much. The Red Organization is still a sneaky thief in our China. It's hard to guard against it when you take a cold shot. But if the operation fails, they will be very hurt."

"Liao Gang, your people are here." Wu Liang interrupted.In the distance, Dong Jiawei and three Martial Arts Bureau colleagues were running towards here, and they heard the sound of a helicopter coming.

"Junior Liao?"

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Liu, come here and carry that child up and down the mountain with us. Wuliang, you carry your student yourself?" Director Liao stepped forward to pick up Zhu Touliang, Wu Liangliang nodded, and went to carry Li Ke on the ground on the shoulder.

"Liao Bureau, what happened?"

"Let Wali sheep tell you. Today's mining is interrupted, go back to Xiema Village to rest for the night, and continue tomorrow morning."

Dong Jiawei immediately looked at Wan Li, but Wan Li turned his eyes and said, "Director Liao, I don't want meritorious service in this incident, can you give me more Lingshi? I need it urgently."

Director Liao was stunned for a moment, looked at the bright pig's head in his hand, and nodded: "For the sake of beating him into a pig's head, I will personally give you 30 yuan of spirit stones."

Wan Li blinked, it seemed that the number of spirit stones was strictly regulated, and Director Liao had to "donate" them, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Director Liao, why don't you give me 50 yuan?" He backed off.



There is only one hotel for tourists in the entire Xiema Village, a four-storey small building, which has been fully booked by the Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau.

On the fourth floor lived Wan Li and nine prisoners, each with a single room.After loading and transporting the more than 1000 spirit stones dug out today, Wan Li took a large woven silk bag of 30 yuan spirit stones and moved into room 406 near the stairs.

The condition of the room was mediocre, but there was finally hot water and towels. Wan Li quickly took a shower and washed his blood-soaked right leg clean.Then he fell on the bed with a piece of spirit stone in his hands, closed his eyes and meditated while inhaling the spirit energy.He was able to talk and laugh with Director Liao just now on the mountain, but it was just a life-and-death fight that excited his blood. Now that he calms down, when he closes his eyes, his mind is full of Jin Guanghua's unsatisfactory appearance.

The feeling of watching people die in front of him is completely different from watching wolves and bees die, especially when he had a life-and-death fight with the man who broke Jin Guanghua's neck by raising his hand. It was nothing at the time, but thinking about it now, it really is I'm a little scared...

Da da da!
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Wan Li looked up at the door: "Who is it?"


"Wen Jing? Come in, the door is unlocked!"

Wen Jing pushed the door open and entered.She obviously took a shower too, her hair was wet and scattered on her shoulders, she also changed her prison uniform into her own home pajamas, and she was wearing a little pink padded jacket, she didn't look like a reform-through-labor prisoner at all, but Like on vacation.

"Wan Liyang, I see that your leg is bleeding a lot. Is there something wrong?" Wen Jing walked to Wan Li and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at him and asked with concern.

Wan Li was taken aback: "Caring about me? There is nothing to be courteous to. It's either rape or robbery. If you have something to say, hurry up."

Wen Jing pouted, and really wanted to turn around and leave.

"As a classmate, can't I care about you?"

"Okay, I'm done caring, then what?"

Wen Jing hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "The spirit stone in your hand seems to be different from what I dug today, let me have a look?"

Wanli: "..."

"Stingy ghost." Wen Jing muttered in a low voice: "If you don't give it, you won't give it. Go and buy me something to eat at the head office. The lunch box sent by the Martial Arts Bureau is terrible!"

"Is there any lunch box?" Wan Li got up and sat on the edge of the bed with Wen Jing, "Why don't I have any?"

"Didn't Brother Dong tell you to eat on the first floor on the way back?"

Wan Li was startled: "...Oh."

Wen Jing frowned slightly, and bumped Wan Li with her shoulder: "Hey, Wan Li Yang, are you okay? You don't seem to be very happy since you went down the mountain? Besides being attacked, what happened?"


"It doesn't look like it's okay." Wen Jing got up, ran to him and squatted down, looked into his eyes, and suddenly smiled brightly: "Let's talk about something happy, just now my practice speed suddenly increased by 1.8 times Are you happy for me?"

"Happy, happy...huh?" Wan Li was stunned for a moment, then turned his eyes: "I'm really happy for you. Let me ask you a question. What's dad's dad's name?"

Wen Jing was startled: "Grandpa?"

"Hey! Grandpa is so happy, wait for me in the room, Grandpa will buy you something delicious!"

"...Wan Liyang, you are so childish!"

 Two chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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