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Chapter 131 Killing Pigs

Chapter 131 Killing Pigs

"What are these..." Wen Jing looked over and over again at the meals Wanli had bought, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "I only know braised pork and potatoes among these dishes, and it looks very greasy... this dish What are you frying with leeks?"

"Tofu dregs."

"Fried what?! Bean curd residue?!" Wen Jing exclaimed: "Wan Liyang! You use this kind of thing to fool me?!"

"Try it," Wan Li smiled, "you, the little princess of the rich family, must have never eaten this food. It tastes really good. It is soy beans, and the dry food is steamed buns with sweet potato leaves, commonly known as steamed buns. They are all authentic. With the rural characteristics of Dao, urbanites can enjoy one kind of food.”

Wen Jing pursed her lips: "It's better than a box lunch, you just fooled me, and my box lunch was cold."

She took a mouthful of leeks with a bitter face, smacked her lips and said: "The taste is okay, the saltiness is okay."

"Pretty good." Wan Li picked up another pair of disposable chopsticks, sat down to eat with Wen Jing, and asked casually, "Wen Jing, are you sure you're practicing at 1.8 times the speed you just had?"

"Hmm..." Wen Jing nodded.

Wan Li took a bite of the wowotou, chewing while thinking, today is the ninth day of the aptitude manifestation, and it's not over yet?Compared with the seven days of superpower manifestation, is it because of the spirit stone?

Compared with other C-levels, Wen Jing doesn't eat much, you can tell by looking at her figure...

She was full after eating three buns, and she burped lightly because of something she had never eaten before.Her face was reddish, she glanced at Wanli, and saw that he was concentrating on eating, and she was slightly relieved, and said: "The first time I ate it, it was quite fresh, but the second time it will definitely not taste good. Don't use it to fool me tomorrow!"

"Well, I don't want to eat for two days."

The corner of Wen Jing's mouth twitched: "You promised to buy me food tomorrow, right? No, every day!"

"...What is daddy's daddy?"

Wen Jing rolled her eyes: "Grandpa Wan, eat slowly, I'll go back to the house after dark, bye!"

She got up and ran out of the room, Wanli was a little dazed, looking out the window, it was indeed getting dark, but it was dark early in winter, and it was only six o'clock now.

"Why are you in a hurry to leave? Let's chat for a while, how boring it is to be alone..."

After eating, he picked up the spirit stone on the bed again. Two seconds later, Wan Li, who watched the spirit stone turn into powder in his hand, finally knew why Wen Jing wanted to run away...

"This unlucky girl." Wan Li couldn't laugh or cry, feeling another little red dot on his right arm, "Aren't the two red dots connected together?"

He went to pick up another spirit stone, suck!
The spirit stone made him set it up very miraculously, holding it in the palm of his hand and thinking about inhaling it, there would be a steady stream of spiritual energy entering his body from the palm of his hand, and absorbing it with his 'mind'.Wan Li woke up the next morning, looking at a intact spirit stone in his hand, he had to admit that even if he had a dream of absorbing spirit stones, he couldn't absorb spirit stones while sleeping.

Before falling asleep, he sucked up a total of six spirit stones, and there were eight red spots on his left elbow, scattered and arranged irregularly.And the total amount of spiritual energy in his body has also increased a lot. If he can practice like this every day, at most one month, he can really step into the B rank!
"There's not enough spirit stones," said Wanli. There are still 24 spirit stones left, enough for at most 3 days.

He turned his eyes and squeezed his face: "What is cheek, can it be eaten?"

The life of fighting wits and courage with Dong Jiawei began.Using the red organization's attack as an excuse, Wanli would lie about patrolling the surrounding situation and stay out of everyone's sight for a period of time during his supervisor every day, and would carry a steel shovel for protection.

When he returns, the whole person tends to gain a small circle of fat.Dong Jiawei is not stupid, of course he knows what he is going to do, and he is often 'searched', but some places are inconvenient to search, and Dong Jiawei just turns a blind eye and lets it go.

Half a month later, Wanli had 63 red spots on his left elbow. He was about to suffer from trypophobia. He was even worried that his arm would be ruined if he continued like this...

The Red Organization’s second attack never came, and Zhu Touliang, who Director Liao would deal with, didn’t know. Jin Guanghua, who often appeared when he closed his eyes, gradually disappeared from his mind. Ushered in a special day - February 2th, New Year's Eve.

It was a day off, and there was no need to go up the mountain to mine. Besides, most of the people except Wan Li and the nine reform-through-labor prisoners returned to the city to celebrate the New Year.

But the hard-working Dong Ge is still there.

Early in the morning, Wen Jing woke Wan Li up, announcing that Wan Li's mobile phone was in charge of her today, and that she would celebrate the New Year with her parents via video.

"My traffic..."

"I'll ask my dad to charge you 1000 call credit!"

"not enough."


"Deal." Wanli never misses the opportunity to hit a local tyrant, and this reminded him of another thing, "Why hasn't Cong not contacted me since adding me on WeChat, and the it lost?"

He still doesn't know that the promotional video of the Super Academy is already in full swing.

The mobile phone was gone, and the spirit stones in the room had been sucked up, and Wan Li strolled out of the hotel to experience the New Year's atmosphere in the small mountain village.

Xiema Village is indeed much more lively today than in the past. The young people who went out to work and study have all returned, posting couplets and blessings.Quite a few people had never met Wan Li before, and they came to ask him who his child was, and some even tried to find a matchmaker for him...

At this time, Wan Li's body and spirit are not the same as it was more than half a year ago, and he is a high-quality son-in-law wherever he puts it!
Suddenly, a series of shrill screams attracted Wan Li's attention. He walked two steps quickly, and at the gate of a small courtyard, he saw a big fat pig weighing three to four hundred catties with its four hooves tied up. Press firmly on the table.

Not far from the table was an old man in his early 60s who was sharpening his butcher's knife. There were many spectators in the distance, big and small, but all the children were hugged by the adults around them and covered their eyes... This is the scene of the slaughter of pigs!
Wan Li stopped to watch with great interest, and saw the uncle sharpen the knife three or four times, walked to the fat pig and aimed at its neck.

The fat pig seemed to know that he was going to be slaughtered, and the screams became more and more horrific, and the struggle became more vigorous, and the four men couldn't hold it down.

"Don't shake!" The old man with the butcher's knife shouted in a low voice, but it distracted one of the youths, who loosened his hand a little, and the fat pig broke free.

On the fat pig's trotters is a buckle called the butcher's button, which gets tighter as it struggles. The fat pig didn't have the strength to break the hemp rope, and it was about to be restrained again. It bounced off the table like a desperate effort Hit the uncle with the butcher's knife at once!
"Dad!" "Uncle!" "Master Zhu!"

For a moment, there were exclamations everywhere, and the faces of the four people who were in charge of pressing the pigs changed drastically.

Wan Li strode up to the table and slapped the fat pig back to the table.That uncle's psychological quality is also very strong, he raised the knife and fell, and chopped the pig from the neck to the heart with one knife, and the fat pig was killed instantly!
The young man who let go first turned pale: "Uncle, I..."

The uncle gave him a sideways glance, and said angrily: "I have killed pigs for 40 years, and I almost got retribution today, thanks to this kid's quick hands."

Wan Li smiled: "It's a small matter. Uncle, is this pig stronger today than in previous years?"

The uncle was taken aback for a moment, looking at the four people who were in charge of pressing the pigs, they all nodded.

Wan Li frowned. Domestic animals do not exercise much, and domestic pigs do even less. Can this also evolve? "Is the threshold of practice getting lower... because of the increase in the concentration of spiritual energy?"

(End of this chapter)

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